The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Jul 21 TH
The Schiff Radio web site today states: "Sorry - Today's show has been cancelled due to technical difficulties."
The lineup for the show was scheduled to be:
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski -- biochemist, physician & president/CEO of Burzynski Research Institute -- on his claims to have discovered cancer cures the FDA is preventing from coming to market; Eric Merola, documentary filmmaker, on his new movie Burzynski: Cancer Is A Serious Business which chronicles Dr. Burzynski's efforts to gain FDA approval for his treatment. Enjoy Merola's movie on Vimeo.
There's no indication yet as to when Dr. Burzynski will be rescheduled. Friday shows in recent weeks have been all calls, but we'll see.
I listened to the podcast file GCN uploaded for hour 1 of today's broadcast. The first 18 minutes were music, with commercials played at the usual break. Then it switched (in mid-sentence) to a replay of the July 6 show, with Peter interviewing Marc Stevens of The No State Project radio show.
The Keiser Report No. 166, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- July 21 TH
This time Max and Stacy look at the Cindy Sherman of monkeys sparking a revolution, the problem with #occupywallstreet and the truth about $500 silver if you want it. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly about Austrian economics, Dr. Bernanke's view on gold and whether or not the dollar or the euro will kick the bucket first.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 July 21 TH
On this, the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with actor, comedian, musician, television personality, activist and 9/11 truth supporter Hal Sparks. Alex also talks with radio talk show host, ex-Killbilly band member and one-time Forth Worth, Texas, mayoral candidate Richard Hunter. Both Sparks and Hunter will be in-studio.
Alex also covers the latest news, including the DHS claim white terrorists will attack America.
Today's broadcast was extended 20 minutes into a 4th hour overDrive.
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The Schiff Report -- 2011 Jul 21 TH
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
No Agenda -- episode 323, "CIA vs MI6" -- July 21 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Distraction of the Week (Murdock), United States of EUROpe, Gitmo Nation, Shut Up Slave!, EQ Machine, Drone Nation, Haiti, Poppy$tan, Arab Spring, Food, Bank$ters, Monsanto... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Jul 21 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 48 kbps, 44.1 kHz Torrent cache links:--
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 July 21 TH
Lord of the World, Lord of the Sky,
Lord of War Wants You to Die:
"The United Nations, The Dirty Scoundrel,
Wants Control of Food via the Security Council,
It's Been Their Goal Since League of Nations,
Set Up by Monopolists of Counting Persuasions,
Fees, Green Panels, Licensing, All to Madden
Then Watch NATO Jets Bombing Your Garden,
Years Ago I Jested about Soviet Buffoonery,
Now the Individual is Submerged into a Community,
The Time Will Come when Some Must Dare,
For Food, Catch Rabbits in a Snare,
Some May Hear Whirring, Chilled to the Bone,
Then Blown to Pieces by a Killer Drone"
© Alan Watt July 21, 2011
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i hate how schiff thinks benerke is screwing up because hes dumb or crazy.. give me a break, he knows exactly what hes doing and its working like a charm. Schiff completely misses the point sometimes.
I have noticed many times that Peter will attribute to stupidity things that should probably be attributed to malice. It is as if he has a fear of being labeled a Conspiracy Theorist.
thats my problem with schiff. He is a funny man, on one hand he shreds the system, on the other he give the elite a free pass, chalking their "mistakes" up to stupidness. He is also very biased, being a rich man defending the rich. Makes me wonder if he would have the same point of view if he wasn't so rich.
That's now my problem with Jones, ever since VERY recently discovering who a man named Bill Cooper was...completely opened my eyes to what Jones was/is actually doing.
Just replace the "rich people" in that sentence with "Israel or Zionism" and you have the same thing...the only person I've seen him have on that ever gets anywhere near mentioning the Zionist topic is Icke...and Alex interrupts him something chronic whenever it gets to that point.
be careful with cooper as well, at one time is was bang on. Later on he fell off the track. Up until around 1980 he was on mark. after that only half of what he thought he knew was bang on.
What is your opinion, generally about the Hour of the Time work that Cooper did? I have collected most of the audio and have what purports to be a complete transcript, but I have not yet made the time to delve into any of it. Is this good stuff, or something that should be taken with some grains of salt??
@roonster: I despised AJ's interview technique. He jumps in and talks over a guest, typically right when the guest is just hitting their rhythm. It drives me crazy. The other day Tarpley asked the dude from Oslo about some previous "Drills" before the false flag happened, and AJ kept jumping in and answering the question, bragging that he has videos and had documented it already. Tarpley just said he wanted an opinion from someone on the ground, but AJ didn't seem to care. He is very self possessed.
I've dl'd much of william coopers decade old stuff, even had a will cooper recent get gunned down in much the same light in my state, He isn't a prophet... As a people, we must press on...
@anonymous, oh yes I hear you there my friend, I will be careful..but his 9/11 Bin Laden prediction (in june 2001 I believe?) is worth a large note, as are a lot of the circumstances surrounding his the deputies statements that he "ran to his house firing"...without any court/session mention of the fact he had a wooden leg.
@sebaygo1 from what I've so far listened to (which isn't much by any means) as I say I've only VERY recently discovered him, I think he was right on the money, I probably have the same audio's you have..I listened last night to an entry entitled : 02Nov98_Deception_War Of The Worlds - Hour Of The Time
during it he said that a false large scale ET encounter would be the tie to bind the "one world government"...I personally think that's coming real we are currently running very short of Human bogeymen(Gaddafi really hasn't got the X-factor). I'm looking forward to listening to and doing a bit more research on Cooper, but personally yes(generally) I'm liking what I hear.
@Log@N Yup I just can't listen anymore, the only person I've not heard him do it to is Jessie Ventura, oh no scrub that he did do it when Jessie mentioned Dr. Judy Wood's book recently I could hear him near ready to explode.
What concerns me a little more though is the massive expansion in his company,TV,and Studios? the money suddenly came from where? DVD sales? Site Membership?...fee for appearing on "The View" or his new friend Geraldo "Jerry Rivers" Rivera's show? Oh I dunno. Also I'm not sure his site is anything near as busy as is made out, having personally had a Youtube video or 2 featured on Prison Planet I can honestly say it was either a very quiet week or youtube decided to shaft my video view counter...again.
As you can see I suddenly feel duped in many ways...Mike Rivero got out at the right time.
@Hippie oh agreed, I've not seen him as a prophet since knowing of him...
that's always an easy mistake to make when the person ain't here to put you right should you misquote them, he just seems to have had a lot of info that I'd not heard before...anywhere.
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