The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Jul 04 MO
The Schiff Radio web site has not been update since Friday morning. The podcast uploaded for today's broadcast is from Thursday, June 30th. The torrent for that day's show is still adequately seeded, and the file host download links should still be valid, so I am not uploading it again today.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 July 04 MO
On this July 4th Independence Day encore rebroadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with syndicated radio talk show host Lionel, who introduced Alex's keynote speech at the New Media Seminar in New York last month. Additional guests include the former Minnesota governor and host of TruTV's popular Conspiracy Theory show, Jesse Ventura, and former presidential candidate Lyndon Larouche.
NOTE: I don't know who was responsible for writing the description of this show for the web site, but in this broadcast and not in that description: Nomi Prins and Alfred Adask (hour 1); Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney and Bob Chapman (hour 3). And I apparently missed the Lyndon Larouche segment.
Since this repeat show is not a re-airing of a single day's broadcast, but rather Alex's usual copy-and-paste approach, I will be uploading today's broadcast. As is my usual approach to one of these, though, I will be separating the show on hour breaks rather than on the half-hour.
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File host links:
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Jul 04 MO
I dislike being in the dark, but at the moment I do not know what happened on Mike's show this evening. I got back to the apartment from spending the afternoon tackling the monumental amount of unpacking before us just as the. I've been checking zapoper's uploads directory periodically for the last couple of hours or so and there are no new files for today. Most likely, Rivero re-aired a recent show. If you know the specifics, please leave a comment.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 July 04 MO
Evidently even Alan in Canada is celebrating Independence Day. Today's broadcast was a repeat of his show from June 15th (audio quality was much better on the original than on the rebroadcast for whatever reason). If you're interested, you should still be able to download the original here:
File host links:--
Alex Stayed Busy Today
1 comment:
Peter said on Friday's show that he would take the day off on July 4th.
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