World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- July 02 SA
Tarpley is broadcasting a new show today, originating from Tripoli, Libya!
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Tarpley on Russia Today, yesterday.
The Truth About Markets: UK with Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert -- July 02 SA
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On the Edge with Max Keiser -- July 01 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max Keiser interviews J.S Kim from He talks about how countries and banks are evolving towards gold as money, even though they publicly may say it's not but they know it's an asset that they hold which is worth something.
The .mp3 in the torrent is extracted audio from the Press TV video. You can watch the video here:
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PS - Thanks for Tarpley, been busy and not editing or listening to shows the past few, but I won't avoid Tarpley. He begs to be listened to far more than bigger hosts (begs as in content, not actions).
You are right about Tarpley. I don't agree with him on everything, but wow that most recent show should be required listening. To paraphrase an old song...Blow up your TV, Listen to Tarpley!
Thanks for this and your site in general. You've put a lot of hard work into keeping this up to date.
Personally, I like Tarpley a lot and I certainly agree with his social-democratic outlook on economics, which is an unusual view for an American (I'm an Australian). It seems to me that most of the influential US activists are right wing anarchists, or libertarians as they like to be called (Alex Jones, Adam Kokesh, Ron Paul for example). I admire their outspokenness that's for sure but their Austrian school of economics views I don't relate to at all, nor some of their other very conservative opinions. But that's just me :-)
Thanks sebaygo1. You're doing a fabulous job.
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