The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Jun 29 WE
Today's guest is John Ransom, finance editor, on why President Obama HAS to raise taxes, whether the Euro can survive, and the future of the IMF.
Here's his piece on tax hikes
(note that he doesn't actually believe tax hikes are a good idea).
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Jun 29 WE
Alex talks with Becky Aker, a freelance writer from New York who writes for The New American. On Tuesday, Becky wrote about the TSA accosting a 95 year old woman who suffers from leukemia, forcing her to remove an adult diaper at a Florida airport.
Today's broadcast went about 30 minutes into a 4th hour overDrive.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Jun 29 WE
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Guns and Butter -- 2011 Jun 29 WE
"Report from Tripoli," with Webster Tarpley (live).
As you listen, you might want to keep in mind this comment left on the show's page at the KPFA web site.
Tarpley's attempted explanation for why Gaddafi cooperated with the IMF boggles the imagination, especially given that the chief enforcer for this cooperation in the Gaddafi regime is now head of the Transition Council in Bengazi. He totally ducked a question about Gaddafi's son being honored at the State Department by Hillary Clinton, in 2009. Bonnie Faulkner got this wrong, it wasn't at the beginning of the current upsurge this past February. Another of his sons was in the US at the time, but he was touring US military bases, not the state department, One wonders what Tarpley would say about this if he were asked.
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 June 29 WE
We're All at Harm from Owners of Farm:
"Free-Love, Gender, Cultural, Scientific Revolutions,
Worked Out in Detail by Ancient Resolutions,
Laid Down by "Wise Men" Who Already Owned
Most of the World because of Money They Loaned,
To Change Social Norms They Noted and Marked It,
Seeing People as Cattle They Trained Them for Market,
Some for Wars, Some to Labour, Some for Experimentation,
All to Be Implemented without Hesitation,
Multitudes of Think-Tanks Each Assigned its Duty,
Radically Altering Society to Bring in More Booty,
Each Generation Indoctrinated, No Mercy to Pleas,
Until Nature's Been Turned 180 Degrees"
© Alan Watt June 29, 2011
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1 comment:
I haven't listened to the full Alex Show, but I caught a part on his over the phone listen line. He was speaking of how Lindsay Lohan was agreeing with Ron Paul monetary inflation views. I personally am wondering why can't any competent to the MSM and Gen Pop celebrities come out for sanity. People like Rosie, Lohan, Sheen, and Heidi Montag / Spencer Pratt are a few names I can remember that possibly cause more harm than good. More power to them and all, but really? Sorry, I had to drop this off here!
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