Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Jun 01 WE
A more full set of links for Wednesday's show.
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Guns and Butter -- 2011 Jun 01 WE
"The Way Forward For US/Pakistan Relations" with General Hamid Gul.
Background on the US/Pakistan relationship; CIA contractor Raymond Davis; US raid on alleged Osama bin Laden compound; the attack on the Mehran Naval Station in Karachi, the Pakistan Taliban; the Chicago terrorist trial and informant David Headley; Mullah Omar; the way forward.
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The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Jun 02 TH
Evidently no scheduled guests today. Peter is looking forward to your calls on politics, finance, and the economy.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Jun 02 TH
Alex welcomes back to the show the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report, and the managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, Catherine Austin Fitts. Fitts, a former Wall Street insider, served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration.
Alex also talks with NWO researcher, author, and radio talk show host, Alan Watt.
Today's broadcast went five minutes into a 4th hour overDrive.
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File host link for all-in-one-mp3 version of today's show:
The Keiser Report No. 152, with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert -- Jun 02 TH
This time Max and Stacy report on the indignation, loss of national sovereignty and treason in Greece.
In the second half of the show, Max talks to Gonzalo Lira of the Strategic Planning Group about whether Greece will abandon the eurozone and whether or not it is safe for anyone to remain exposed to the region.
The .mp3 in the torrent is audio extracted from the Russia Today video.
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No Agenda -- episode 309, "Syria Be Next" -- Jun 02 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. TOPICS: Elite$, Bank$ters, Shadow Puppet Theater, EQ Machines, Gitmo Nation, Ministry of Truth, Arab Spring, Poppie$, Cyber Wars, Monsanto, Food, Vaccines... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Jun 02 TH
Hour 1 recorded from, Hour 2 from stream.
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 June 02 TH
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OK THEN, I Just found out MY reason for not being able to get the file for rense radio shows, not sure it applies to you, but it was being blocked by peerblock (even though I didnt have http block running)
So I guess disable your IP blocking progs and it should work, or at least it is worth a try!
It could be PB, but I am kind of doubting it.
I have not been able to listen to or record from a Rense stream on my 10 month old desktop, but I discovered today that I can on my 4 year old netbook.
Both are running PeerBlock.
Go figure.
Seb, it could be PB, TRY IT!? its one click and a few seconds extra to reload a file, it worked here, I will concede I might be wrong, but considering all things...
OK, Hippie, just tried to access all streams at RenseRadio, then checked the Blocked history in PeerBlock. Did not find anything that corresponded. Am I checking in the proper way?
Hey Seb, I don't know how it corresponded with peerblock, I didn't look for a blocked IP, I just had a whim to turn off its protection and try again, and I then was able to start streaming.
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