The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Jun 06 MO
Monday's guest is Christopher Matgouranis, researcher at the Center for College Affordability and Productivity (CCAP), on a new study showing that lazy professors are driving up the cost of college tuition.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Jun 06 MO
Bilderberger sleuth Jim Tucker of The American Free Press reports on this year's elite confab to be held at the swanky Swiss retreat at St. Moritz, a short distance from Davos where the banksters regularly meet. Tucker, known as "the doyen of Bilderberg hunters," has tracked the group since 1975. He is featured prominently in Alex Jones' film, Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Alex also talks with economist and columnist Paul Craig Roberts about his latest article posted on detailing the possibility of war between China and India. Dr. Roberts served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration.
Alex talks with Mike Adams of Natural News about evidence that the deadly e.coli bacterium sweeping Germany was cooked up in a lab.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Jun 06 MO
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Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 June 06 MO
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Is anyone having any trouble with (not just here) torrents in general, everywhere?....I know it's common that people accidentally mess their settings up..but I've a feeling it's not just me here.
Can anyone from the UK please confirm if they still have decent torrent speeds?...thanks ;o/
ps: direct downloads still very fast..just torrents are a problem.
torrents working ok for me although they 'stop' between 5-10/11pm due to throttling i guess, i'm using talktalk/tiscali isp. during the day time the torrents are fine.
This is the first I have heard about generalized problems with torrents in quite a while. Some months ago, however, I did get some feedback along those lines which is when I began uploading material to file hosts as a backup for the torrents.
I am always interested in hearing about these issues, even though I may not be able to do anything to fix things. I am also always interested in hearing suggestions of alternative means of disseminating the info.
Just a possible tip, if your torrent client has protocol encryption, toggle that setting and see if it resolves anything, it's supposed to help with traffic shaping/throttling when its on by cloaking it as web data and not torrent data.
Thanks for the feedback brittorrent and guys..much appreciated, think I'll have to put it down to a BT Broadband problem as it seems fine now...bloody thing, may be that I need a new router...still on the old original white one.
Anyway while I'm here, great work with the blog the new shows are great..finding time to listen to them all is my only problem now..;o)
Perhaps so, roonster.
I do not know if it has been coincidence or simple bad luck or what, but I am on my 4th router in 3 years.
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