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Sequestration: Senate fails in last-chance bid to avoid sequester;US Soviet Insurgency Institutes Austerity;AIPAC To Hill: Don't Touch Israel Aid ;Israel fights to save US missile funding cuts;AIPAC to Push War With Iran and Cash From America;Proctologist shortage in DC During AIPAC Convention ;US Lawmakers Push for Internet Sales Tax;Peter Schiff: The Economy Is Actually Getting "Sicker" While Wall Street Is Rising Back Thanks To FED Policy And Taxpayers;Taxpayers Are STILL GIVING Big Banks $83 Billion A Year!;Stunning List of Economists, Financial Experts and Bankers Say We Need to Break Up the Big Banks;Holder, FBI chief spend $11 million flying in luxury jets;Bloomberg: Dollar Seen to Weaken Amid Fed QE4 in December (QE3 not yet 2 weeks old, Panic);Gold and Silver Approved as Legal Tender by Arizona Senate;Consumer Spending Drought: 16 Signs That The Middle Class Is Running Out Of Money - Incomes Are Down, Taxes Are Up, Many Large Retail Chains Are Deeply Struggling Because of The Lack of Customers;Wal-Mart Situation "Getting Worse" New Leaks Reveal;British activists being detained in UK airports under anti-terrorism legislation on return home from Palestine;Joan Rivers not apologizing for Holocaust joke;U.S. Policy Shift on Syria: Edging Closer to Direct Military Intervention;Hundreds of foreign jihadists leave Syria amid intensive clashes;French Troops to Stay in Mali Through at Least July;Civil Unrest Inevitable? Maxine Waters: `Over 170 Million Jobs Could Be Lost' Due To Sequestration...Sarah Palin: Feds Are Stockpiling Bullets For Civil Unrest;Horsemeat scandal: Four new products test positive;Flu shots during pregnancy lead to 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths;Man catches smallpox-like virus through sex with someone who had been vaccinated against the disease;Now even doctors don't trust their own hospitals: Study finds one third of health service workers would not recommend own workplace to friends or family;Are Microsoft's free Office Web Apps good enough for you?;Water discovered in Apollo lunar rocks may challenge theory of moon's origin.
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