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show notes via RBN
Roman Catholic cardinals have been urged to overcome divisions at a special mass ahead of the papal conclave, just hours after anti-mafia investigators carried out a string of raids in the diocese of the leading candidate.
In a homily before thousands of pilgrims and the most senior figures in the church, Angelo Sodano, the dean of the college of cardinals, made a last-ditch attempt to banish infighting, as he extolled the virtues of unity amid diversity.
But even as preparations for the mass were being made, Cardinal Angelo Scola, the archbishop of Milan - and reportedly the hot favourite to be the next pope - suffered a blow.
Anti-mafia detectives swooped on homes, offices, clinics and hospitals in Lombardy, the region around Milan, and elsewhere. A statement said the dawn raids were part of an investigation into "corruption linked to tenders by, and supplies to, hospitals".
Why do I get the feeling here that the Vatican may well soon be embroiled in a financial scandal far worse than it has experienced in its entire history?!? Our favourite allied pair have gone public and declared their love for one another. A recent US Bill has been introduced which would take Israel's and US's relationship to the next level. This unholy matrimony comes in the midst of a possible war with Iran.
The 'major strategic ally' Bill would strengthen ties between the two nations on a range of issues, including annual defence assistance, cooperation on missile defence, energy research and cyber security. No doubt such a move will further aid the occupation of Palestine, providing Israel with more assistance in increasing its dominance over the Palestinians in much more creatively vile ways. The same woman, Pamela Geller, who is behind the NYC ground zero mosque controversy (which has mainly died down and yet no Islamic jihadist terrorism out of the mosque) and the Washington D.C. metro trains ads linking Islam as evil and terrroristic, now is hitting San Francisco.
This is free speech but when Muslims try to buy ads in the NYT, Wall Street Journal, or Wash Post, or put ads up on buses etc. debunking such hate, they are refused due to "incitement" potential.
What if Muslims do the same with real attributable quotes from Rabbis or Israeli leaders.
Ex. From Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Head of the Shas Party
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable. [...] The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate them and vanish them from this world."
"Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs". (BBC News). 10 April 2001.
"There was a tsunami and there are terrible natural disasters, all of this because of too little Torah study. Where there is Torah it sustains the world. There are negros there [in New Orleans]. Negros will study Torah? Let's bring them a tsunami, drown them. Hundreds of thousands were left without a shelter. Tens of thousands died. All of this is because they have no God." --Alush, Zvi (7 September 2005). "Rabbi: Hurricane punishment for pullout". Retrieved on 2007-09-23.
and so much more, will this be free speech too? I don't think so, no govt agency will accept such quotes because they "incite hatred against Jews"
And besides, we have seen ads similar to Pamela Geller's before, haven't we, back in the 1940s in Nazi Germany?
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