Sunday, July 29, 2012

James Holmes The one Gun Man Official Narrative Known... so far

The One Gun Man Official Narrative Known
by: Hippie

I have been following this closely, trying to work out the said tale of what happened, , and this is what I have found!

The one Gun Man Official Narrative Known so far

A single person entered the theatre #9 entrance. At some point a person exits, and keeps the door from locking.  The car closest to that Exit is the accused shooters' vehicle.

The movie trailers rolled and 10-20 minutes into the movie a shooter enters a theatre #9 back exit,  This event follows 2 dispersals of canisters of a gas of some sorts.  This was taken by most in the theatre as a movie prop for opening night.  Less than a minute later, terror insues.  The full events of the massacre itself, even from people closest to the tragedy in the theatre, are confusing, and seeing as it officially was an event claiming to take 60-90 seconds, according to some (lets not break that narrative).  The person then exited that theatre though a back exit, possibly the same entered.

There is a Victim and her female friend attending to a face shot near the corner of the theatre and the corner of theatre #8.  Officially, Not sure if the shooter is checking theatre #8 doors or heading to off the females, but a person at the far end of theatre 8, curious about gunshots and a few people shot looks for an exit and opens the far to the right back exit (facing the back) and sees the 2 victims, he ushers them in doors, but while doing so, sees the shooter approaching and closes the exit door, the shooter bangs on it a few times, then stops.

Blood, assuming from the female face shot victim was found outside the theatre 8 exit,  The gas mask that has been wondered about was also found in the direct area, again assumingly the shooter knew he couldn't get in, tossed the gas mask, thinking it's over and headed back to his vehicle.

Reports after that seem to cement into, he was found in SWAT like gear some minutes later around his vehicle, apparently talking like the Joker. None of that really has independant confirmation though. There is confirmation of a back exit camera that was placed to show the whole back exit of #9 and 75% or so of #8 (as it appears, the exit the gas mask was thrown away at, might not be covered by any footage though.)

Suspected killer goes to jail and reportedly acts like the Joker, 2 days later appears in court obviously
"dazed and confused" for whatever reason....  maybe a long sleep later, the accused claims he doesn't know why he is in jail, claiming amnesia...

End story for now...


Dosmosis said...

...and by "following this closely", you mean parroting mainstream medias official report? There's so much more to this story which you have left out. So many valid errors in the official narrative which are confirmed yet not examined further. This simple run and gun scenario is surely CNN approved but far less comprehensive then the events which unfolded. Hate to be contentious with those I'm aware are attentive to such matters, but feel it's necessary to spotlight the discrepancies which exist in your assumption that the story is so transparent.

colin rogers said...

here's a link with some clips (from the police scanner) that clarify some things (conflicting descriptions,Coordinated attack,Open door at mall...etc)

Hippie said...

Dosmosis: Yes, to an extent I parroted some media, but mostly tried to stick to testimony of people within the theatres... 1st hand knowledge (or the lie that it was), which is why some of this is vague as there is opposing accounts in areas.

One of such I should have left out is the arrest, so much more media says he was in the car.... I would revise that for now and edit it out.

The Purpose was to put an official type narrative out there, people sprouting theories before "knowledge" is collected and made into at least a report is not really doing alternative media a good thing... I've seen a hell of a lot of questions posed, and I simply tried to answer some of it predominately through 1st hand "official" narrative. Everything I posted still fits in with many theories, from mind control to patsy and beyond, I'm not trying to attack theories, just iron out what is in the media, and I didn't see anyone doing it.. so I took that liberty.

Sorry I tried to piece this together from media reports dude... But I heard most things from many opposing sides.

Dosmosis said...

I agree with you that far too often alternative media has a habit of presenting unconfirmed stories as fact. Additionally I understand what you are saying in regards to only presenting the side of the story which has been verified. Obviously I feel there exists many more elements to this story. But at this point, its sad to say we live in a world where such a heinous attack like this is actually hogging up the limelight, overshadowing the rest of the tyrannical machinations taking place.

Anonymous said...

roonster thanks for the 911 calls, as help, can you refer me to the clips I should look at for abuse? all info possible would be nice to develop an official narrative... i feel ok adding this to the most the product can do`

colin rogers said...

To be honest I've not been following it as much as I could, I'm under the the impression it's a diversion for something else we are missing'(enterprise?). That said the only thing that kept me interested was the amount of reports of multiple shooters, I realize this happens in the confusion of an event...but just seems to be to many of them with the "Coordinated attack" audio on the link and this on Coast to Coast : among many more reports...just seemed a bit too much...I'm working on other things to be honest.

Hippie said...

Dosmosis, I wouldn't even say everything I put up is necessarily confirmed, just largely uncontested, When you only have 1 eyewitness speak about letting the 2 girls into the other theatre at the apparent end, that's not confirmed, but given the placement of the gas mask, it fits, and stuff like that is documented in pics, just like the unmentioned AR-15 with a regular clip and not a 100 round one. So I guess I was constructing a plausible story that fit together based upon what the MSM has put out, but has yet to construct into a full narrative.

I agree this maybe a fog of an event to keep people distracted, but it's not like I am not getting the other information posted on various theorist sites, so I'm not sure that applies to me.

Dosmosis said...

Hippie, I wasn't referring to your mention of the event in regards to it being a distraction. Just in general. Additionally I made this statement due to the fact that I'd like to get more into details regarding the case, but like Roonster and yourself I'm working on various things at the moment. I understand your take on the situation, and obviously you need not explain yourself. Thanks for the clarification though.Godspeed to both of you gentleman. Much luck in your abilities to continue spreading knowledge.