Republicans successfully filibuster Citizens United DISCLOSE Act;
Convicted bank robber gets 1,256 years in prison;
Breaking: Syria Suicide Bomber Kills Defense Minister and Assad Brother in Law;
Breaking: Assassination Attempt of Hillary Clinton in Israel;
Convicted bank robber gets 1,256 years in prison;
New poll: Most Americans want Congress to cut obscene military budget;
Russia Submits `Enhanced' Draft Resolution on Syria;
Israel Divided: Coalition splits amid Occupy anger & Mideast crisis;
Court demands secret files on US 'black jails';
Minnesota Town Bans Signs in Yards Unless They're Pro-War;
Brian Joseph Hedglin, SkyWest Pilot And Murder Suspect, Tries To Steal Plane, Kills Self;
NSA has "a dossier on almost every American";
Corn Prices Headed for Record Highs as Crop Shrinks;
Tepco requests media not film Fukushima Unit 4 operation -- Checking if fuel was affected by UNIT 3 explosion -- 2nd assembly to be removed Thursday (PHOTOS);
Computer Virus named after Islamic Messiah found in Iranian and Israeli systems;
HIV Vaccine: Experiment to Re-engineer the Human Immune System;
Why a Decline in Mammography Rates is Really GOOD News;
Pat Robertson: It's `Christ-like' to dump Muslim girlfriends;
Megaupload judge quits case after US 'is enemy' comment;
Little-Known U.S. Document Signed by President Adams Proclaims America's Government Is Secular
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