Tom Woods is guest hosting today's show.
Today's first guest is Sheila Bair, former chairman of the FDIC and senior adviser at Pew Charitable Trusts, on how the Fed is fueling a bond bubble, whether Dodd-Frank fixes anything at all, and her modest proposal to save America's economy.
Our second guest is Ying Ma, policy adviser at the Heartland Institute and author of Chinese Girl in the Ghetto, on the latest from the Chen Guangcheng saga, whether China's actually manipulating its currency, and why China's economy may not be the capitalist tiger the West thinks it is.
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Thanks a lot. This is really an amazing recording, Tom's rants are super informative. I wish more 'truthers' would study this stuff and move away from the disinformers like Webster Tarpley.
Tom Woods definitely should have a show of his own, and from what I read on his blog a while back he is seriously considering giving it a try.
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