Obama is now attempting to suppress whistleblowers of his unconstitutional, imperial presidency with "behavior profiling techniques."
For over 10 years, Infowars has reported on these government techniques such as Total Information Awareness, DHS fusion centers and the FBI's Big Brother bulletins.
ObamaCare begins its task of imploding our economy as more and more companies cut employees' hours to stay in business.
Down in the Southeast, Miami police officers are practicing riot formations in response to potential unrest over the George Zimmerman trial which is now in the hands of the jury.
Near the Continental Divide, at least 10 counties in northeast Colorado are rejecting Denver's unconstitutional state laws and are openly discussing creating a new state.
William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American, joins Alex to expose the impending destruction of American national sovereignty under the guise of Trans-Atlantic U.S./EU "trade agreements."
SSG Joe Biggs, close friend of Michael Hastings, delivers more bombshell revelations regarding the obvious assassination of the Rolling Stone journalist.
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