Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Andrew Wakefield on MMR Vaccination
National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974
England--Undercover Cops and the Drug Trade
Monsanto controls your diet
& Monsanto Profile
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 155 -- 2013 Apr 30 TU
Gary Johnson's Libertarianism, WHCD: Journalism in Decline, Classified US History
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to former US presidential Candidate and New Mexico Governor, Gary Johnson, about his brand of libertarianism and what is needed to break from the two-party paradigm. Abby then talks to Breaking the Set producer, Manuel Rapalo, about the most interesting cases of classification in US history; from the JFK assassination records to the Bay of Pigs, Operations Northwoods, leading us up to the Obama administrations lack of transparency. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the 2013 White House correspondents dinner, highlighting corporate cronyism in Washington as the catalyst for the decline of American journalism.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to former US presidential Candidate and New Mexico Governor, Gary Johnson, about his brand of libertarianism and what is needed to break from the two-party paradigm. Abby then talks to Breaking the Set producer, Manuel Rapalo, about the most interesting cases of classification in US history; from the JFK assassination records to the Bay of Pigs, Operations Northwoods, leading us up to the Obama administrations lack of transparency. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the 2013 White House correspondents dinner, highlighting corporate cronyism in Washington as the catalyst for the decline of American journalism.
The Schiff Report -- 2013 Apr 29 MO
The most recent entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
Slow "growth", GDP makeover, Keynesians demand more debt and inflation
Slow "growth", GDP makeover, Keynesians demand more debt and inflation
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 30 TU
From the Infowars web site :: Alex broadcasts live from the road on this Tuesday, April 30 edition of The Alex Jones Show. Alex runs down the latest news as the United States moves closer to invading Syria under the pretext that Assad used chemical weapons.
He also breaks down the latest developments on the Boston bombings and covers an story about a child abducted by CPS after his parents sought a second medical opinion.
On today's show, Alex talks with rock music icon and Second rights advocate Ted Nugent about the ongoing effort by Congress and Obama to force gun control on the American people.
He also talks with Mark Anderson of the American Free Press about the upcoming Bilderberg conference and the recent passing of Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker.
He also breaks down the latest developments on the Boston bombings and covers an story about a child abducted by CPS after his parents sought a second medical opinion.
On today's show, Alex talks with rock music icon and Second rights advocate Ted Nugent about the ongoing effort by Congress and Obama to force gun control on the American people.
He also talks with Mark Anderson of the American Free Press about the upcoming Bilderberg conference and the recent passing of Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker.
The Keiser Report No. 438, "No Illuminati, Just Those Who Swap, Rig & Fix" -- 2013 Apr 30 TU
This time Max and Stacy are off to see the price fixers, who rig and rig and rig and rig and rig - but only for Jamie, Lloyd and Blythe! They look at how amateur the Illuminati and Bilderbergers are compared to the modern day Fixers of Oz who control all prices from behind their golden kimono. In the second half of the show Max talks to Satyajit Das, author of Extreme Money, about Japan's extreme monetary policy and about extreme price fixing at the heart of the global economy.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 29 MO
From the web site :: On the April 29,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Sibel Edmonds of about the CIA Gladio connections to the Boston Bombing. News Covered: Multiple Polls: Americans Are More Afraid of the GOVERNMENT than TERRORISTS. Police State Euphemism: “Shelter In Place”. Misha the Radicalizer Story Hits a Speed Bump. The More Illegal Immigrants That Go On Food Stamps The More Money JP Morgan Makes. Bilderberg Sleuth Jim Tucker Dead at 78. A look back at the Day of The Boston Bombing with Dan Bidondi. [sic]
Monday, April 29, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 29 MO
Breaking the Set No. 154 -- 2013 Apr 29 MO
Dirty Wars: Terror Begets Terror | Jeremy Scahill Breaks the Set
Great interview!
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jeremy Scahill, investigative journalist and author of the new book and upcoming film Dirty Wars, an exposé on the expansion of American covert wars fought by US intelligence agencies and the Joint Special Operations Command. They talk about covert operations happening in countries like Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan, where drone strikes and targeted assassinations are creating resentment of the US, and how the decline of journalism has prevented the American public from seeing the full story. Scahill also discusses instances of extra-judicial killings of American citizens, and the importance of understanding the roots of radicalization and the motives behind the concept of blowback against the US' "Dirty Wars".
Great interview!
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jeremy Scahill, investigative journalist and author of the new book and upcoming film Dirty Wars, an exposé on the expansion of American covert wars fought by US intelligence agencies and the Joint Special Operations Command. They talk about covert operations happening in countries like Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan, where drone strikes and targeted assassinations are creating resentment of the US, and how the decline of journalism has prevented the American public from seeing the full story. Scahill also discusses instances of extra-judicial killings of American citizens, and the importance of understanding the roots of radicalization and the motives behind the concept of blowback against the US' "Dirty Wars".
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 29 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, April 29 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to piece apart the narrative concocted around the Boston Marathon bombings, highlighting the dangers of mass Stockholm syndrome which led some Americans to disturbingly, albeit cheerfully, give up their constitutional liberties for the illusion of security.
Hosting alongside Alex are Infowars reporters David Knight and Jakari Jackson, with special guest host American trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente.
On today's show, Alex welcomes senior editor of The New American, William F. Jasper to examine the so-called elite's progress in constructing their long sought New World Order, and the fact that they must continually brag about it openly to condition the public to accept it.
Hosting alongside Alex are Infowars reporters David Knight and Jakari Jackson, with special guest host American trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente.
On today's show, Alex welcomes senior editor of The New American, William F. Jasper to examine the so-called elite's progress in constructing their long sought New World Order, and the fact that they must continually brag about it openly to condition the public to accept it.
Blog Misc -- 2013 Apr 28 SU
Information Wants to be Free is three years old today. In internet years, that's a fairly decent accomplishment, if I do say so myself.
I want to take this moment to thank the donors who responded to my request a week or so ago for funds to pay for an eye exam an new eyeglasses. The donations received since I posted that plea have totaled (after PayPal fees were deducted) $43.61. For what it's worth, both donations came from outside the U.S.
I want to take this moment to thank the donors who responded to my request a week or so ago for funds to pay for an eye exam an new eyeglasses. The donations received since I posted that plea have totaled (after PayPal fees were deducted) $43.61. For what it's worth, both donations came from outside the U.S.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 28 SU
From the Infowars web site :: On this Sunday, April 28 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex broadcasts from the road. He pays tribute to Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker, who passed away last week at the age of 78.
He also covers the latest attack by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and the latest details on the Boston bombing false flag as the official narrative on the event takes on its final mythological form.
On today's broadcast, Nightly News hosts Jakari Jackson and David Knight co-host from the Austin, Texas command center.
He also covers the latest attack by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and the latest details on the Boston bombing false flag as the official narrative on the event takes on its final mythological form.
On today's broadcast, Nightly News hosts Jakari Jackson and David Knight co-host from the Austin, Texas command center.
No Agenda -- episode 508, "Lonely Crazies" -- 2013 Apr 28 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Boston, Ministry of Truth, Techno Experts, Cyber Wars, PedoBear, Terror Inc., Elite$, FBI Raids, Drone Nation, Vaccine$, Agenda 21, Syria, Shut Up Slave!, Russia, EUROLand, Gold... and much more.
Topics: Boston, Ministry of Truth, Techno Experts, Cyber Wars, PedoBear, Terror Inc., Elite$, FBI Raids, Drone Nation, Vaccine$, Agenda 21, Syria, Shut Up Slave!, Russia, EUROLand, Gold... and much more.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Keiser Report No. 437, "GDP Boosters" -- 2013 Apr 27 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss accidental hysterectomies and unexpected heart transplants as GDP boosters, the activist campaign from the Artist Taxi Driver - #wheresdaddyspig - as protest against privatization of the National Health Service in Britain and hospitals in America flying comatose patients out of the country to avoid having to treat them. In the second half of the show Max talks to Mark Melin of about the latest on the MF Global cover up and the damaged financial system it left behind.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 26 FR
From the web site :: On the April 26,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones breaks down the crumbling narrative courtesy of The FBI and their hidden knowledge of The Boston Bombing Suspects. How Matt Drudge Serves As Alex Jones' Web Traffic Pipeline. Bomb suspects' mother was in terror database. Anti-terror task force was warned of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s long trip to Russia. Boston police chief wants drones for next year’s marathon. NYPD will deploy ‘harmless’ gas into subway in terror response drill. Secret Testing in the United States. Dan Bidondi Reports on How the Tyrants Traded Our Liberties for Security at The Birthplace of The American Revolution. [sic]
Friday, April 26, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 26 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Domestic Terrorist Radicalized by Southern Poverty Law Centre Hate Propaganda into Shootings at Chic-Fil-A Which Stood for Traditional Family Values
Record Cold Across Canada
In US, 3,318 Cold Records Set this Week
Global Temps Falling
9/11 an Outside Job?
9-11 and the Five Dancing Israelis
Domestic Terrorist Radicalized by Southern Poverty Law Centre Hate Propaganda into Shootings at Chic-Fil-A Which Stood for Traditional Family Values
Record Cold Across Canada
In US, 3,318 Cold Records Set this Week
Global Temps Falling
9/11 an Outside Job?
9-11 and the Five Dancing Israelis
Breaking the Set No. 153 -- 2013 Apr 26 FR
Bangladesh: Cheap Clothes for Mass Deaths, LOL with Lee Camp, Hunger Strikes and Genocide
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Theresa Haas, Director of Communications for the Worker Rights Consortium, about Bangladesh's lack of safety standards in garment factories that have resulted in mass casualties and what consumers can do to help them improve. Abby then talks to Lee Camp, Comedian, Activist and Creator of the "Moment of Clarity" web series, about the absurdity of corporate news coverage over the last few weeks highlighting such ridiculousness as Bush's presidential library opening, the pepper spray cop, and fake North Korea threat. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the most overlooked news stories by the corporate press, including the brutal crushing of dissent in Bahrain, genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and hunger strikes at Guantanamo Bay prison.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Theresa Haas, Director of Communications for the Worker Rights Consortium, about Bangladesh's lack of safety standards in garment factories that have resulted in mass casualties and what consumers can do to help them improve. Abby then talks to Lee Camp, Comedian, Activist and Creator of the "Moment of Clarity" web series, about the absurdity of corporate news coverage over the last few weeks highlighting such ridiculousness as Bush's presidential library opening, the pepper spray cop, and fake North Korea threat. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the most overlooked news stories by the corporate press, including the brutal crushing of dissent in Bahrain, genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and hunger strikes at Guantanamo Bay prison.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 26 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, April 26 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues examination of the perplexing details surrounding the official Boston bombing narrative.
He also gives a riveting report from West, Texas, the site of the fertilizer plant explosion that killed at least 15 people, where a massive police presence is preventing reporters from investigating and asking questions.
On today's show, Alex welcomes former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to explain the US roots of "Chechen" terrorism.
We also welcome Syrian Girl to talk about a potential Syrian chemical weapon false flag attack, as well as Former Congressman and 2012 presidential contender Ron Paul to give us his take on how Congress plans to exploit our fears to take our liberties.
He also gives a riveting report from West, Texas, the site of the fertilizer plant explosion that killed at least 15 people, where a massive police presence is preventing reporters from investigating and asking questions.
On today's show, Alex welcomes former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds to explain the US roots of "Chechen" terrorism.
We also welcome Syrian Girl to talk about a potential Syrian chemical weapon false flag attack, as well as Former Congressman and 2012 presidential contender Ron Paul to give us his take on how Congress plans to exploit our fears to take our liberties.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 25 TH
Show description from :: On the April 25, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News News Covered: Rachel Maddow Froths Over Boston False Flag and Alex Jones. U.S. Army Bases Block Access to Southern Baptist Website. Video: SWAT police gunpoint raids in Boston Were Conducted “House After House”. U.S. Agencies Added Boston Bomb Suspect to Watch Lists. Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev Radicalized by The CIA? Californians sign petition for Nazi Takeover. ACLU: CISPA Is Dead.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 25 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Miranda warning, then silence from bombing suspect (Shot in Throat?)
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Unarmed at Time of Boat "Shootout"
Claims that Syria Used Sarin gas Should be Treated with Caution
Judge Drops Nine Charges (including 3 for Murder) in Kermit Gosnell Abortionist Case
Ex-Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush and Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent
Ricin Suspect Released
Miranda warning, then silence from bombing suspect (Shot in Throat?)
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Unarmed at Time of Boat "Shootout"
Claims that Syria Used Sarin gas Should be Treated with Caution
Judge Drops Nine Charges (including 3 for Murder) in Kermit Gosnell Abortionist Case
Ex-Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush and Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent
Ricin Suspect Released
Breaking the Set No. 152 -- 2013 Apr 25 TH
CISPA Spying in Effect, Islamophobia Redux, Drones Strikes are Terrorism
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin looks at recently disclosed documents that show how the federal government has been using a secret cyber security program to monitor online traffic despite existing federal anti-wiretapping laws. Abby then talks to Perianne Boring, host of RT's new financial show 'Prime Interest', about how social media has become intertwined with global financial markets. Abby then talks to Arsalan Iftikhar, Senior Editor for the Islamic Monthly about how the corporate media has perpetuated anti-Muslim rhetoric in the wake of the Boston bombings, and how we can combat this emerging culture of fear. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the Senate Judiciary Committee's recent hearing on drones, and how one Yemeni man's heartfelt testimony is falling on the deaf ears of elected officials.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin looks at recently disclosed documents that show how the federal government has been using a secret cyber security program to monitor online traffic despite existing federal anti-wiretapping laws. Abby then talks to Perianne Boring, host of RT's new financial show 'Prime Interest', about how social media has become intertwined with global financial markets. Abby then talks to Arsalan Iftikhar, Senior Editor for the Islamic Monthly about how the corporate media has perpetuated anti-Muslim rhetoric in the wake of the Boston bombings, and how we can combat this emerging culture of fear. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the Senate Judiciary Committee's recent hearing on drones, and how one Yemeni man's heartfelt testimony is falling on the deaf ears of elected officials.
No Agenda -- episode 507, "Airplane Apocalypse" -- 2013 Apr 25 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Boston, False Flag, Ricin, Vaccine$ Magic Numbers, Elite$, EUROLand, Gold, War on Crazy, Shut Up Slave!, Terror Inc., Cyber Wars, Syria, Diesel, Drone Nation, Trains-Good-Planes-Bad, Ministry of Truth, Monsanto... and much more.
Topics: Boston, False Flag, Ricin, Vaccine$ Magic Numbers, Elite$, EUROLand, Gold, War on Crazy, Shut Up Slave!, Terror Inc., Cyber Wars, Syria, Diesel, Drone Nation, Trains-Good-Planes-Bad, Ministry of Truth, Monsanto... and much more.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 25 TH
From the Infowars web site :: Alex continues his coverage of the Boston false flag event on this Thursday, April 25 edition of The Alex Jones Show. He runs down the CIA connections to the terror bombing and the mounting corporate media lies designed to divert attention and cover-up the truth as the establishment pushes its Muslim terror narrative.
On today's show, Alex welcomes back trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente who weighs in on the Boston false flag.
On today's show, Alex welcomes back trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente who weighs in on the Boston false flag.
The Keiser Report No. 436, "Stalinism of NYSE" -- 2013 Apr 25 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss the season for CRASH as algos reading Twitter cause a hack crash in New York; ghost traders in the shadow banking system cause gold 'slaughters' in the precious metals markets and Joe Weisenthal seeks smoke signals from the Pope of Fraud, Ben Bernanke. In the second half of the show Max talks to Andrew Maguire about precious metals markets, manipulation and failures to deliver
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 24 WE
Show description from :: On the April 24, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson speaks with Infowars Northeast Correspondent Dan Bidondi about the blatant evidence of contractors that were involved in the Boston Bombings. News Covered: Executive action obama to ban importation of ammo magazines and gun accessories without congressional approval. Secret service tried to block press from bombing questions. Women mistakenly shot at in christopher dorner manhunt to get 4-2 million. American free press uk bilderberg 2013 meeting confirmed. Police state measures at kentucky derby. Rand paul no i didnt flip flop on domestic drone use. Jordan opens airspace for israeli drones. Dupont abbott investors vote on gmo resolutions. [sic]
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 24 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Was Boston Bomber Radicalized at U.S. Sponsored Workshop?
& More on Above
Georgia Trained a Terrorist for the CIA
& Part 2
Caucasus Foundation
Was Boston Bomber Radicalized at U.S. Sponsored Workshop?
& More on Above
Georgia Trained a Terrorist for the CIA
& Part 2
Caucasus Foundation
Breaking the Set No. 151 -- 2013 Apr 24 WE
Secret Agent Turned Whistleblower, Whitewashing War Crimes, and Murder Capital of the World
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to former MI5 agent and whistleblower, Amie Machon, about the her experience from the inside, the roll of intelligence in global affairs, and the impunity for government crimes. Abby then talks to Breaking the Set producer, Manuel Rapalo, about allegations of the US State Department funding death squads within the Honduran police force. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the George W. Bush presidential library, and how it serves as nothing more than a place to cement historical revisionism of Bush's true legacy.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to former MI5 agent and whistleblower, Amie Machon, about the her experience from the inside, the roll of intelligence in global affairs, and the impunity for government crimes. Abby then talks to Breaking the Set producer, Manuel Rapalo, about allegations of the US State Department funding death squads within the Honduran police force. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the George W. Bush presidential library, and how it serves as nothing more than a place to cement historical revisionism of Bush's true legacy.
Guns and Butter -- 2013 Apr 24 WE
"Boston Truth: The Suspects - Who Is Behind al Qaeda?" with Michel Chossudovsky.
The Boston Marathon bombings; the Chechen connection; media disinformation; US support of al Qaeda and the Chechen jihad; the consolidation of the American police state; the geopolitical implications of the bombings; home grown terrorism; two brothers accused of being the perpetrators.
The Boston Marathon bombings; the Chechen connection; media disinformation; US support of al Qaeda and the Chechen jihad; the consolidation of the American police state; the geopolitical implications of the bombings; home grown terrorism; two brothers accused of being the perpetrators.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 24 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, April 24 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, Alex thwarts predictable corporate media smear attempts suggesting Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who the FBI has admitted "knowing" since at least 2011, was a fan of Infowars. Alex also continues analysis of the holes in the bombing narrative, and gives further insight into the FBI's role in creating and foiling its own terror plots.
On today's show, Alex welcomes Pastor Lindsey Williams to discuss key intel on North Korea's nuclear armament, or lack thereof.
On today's show, Alex welcomes Pastor Lindsey Williams to discuss key intel on North Korea's nuclear armament, or lack thereof.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 23 TU
Show description from :: On the April 23,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew and David Knight discuss the ongoing Paul Revere Film Contest. News Covered: Shocking Footage: Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWAT teams. Police Say The Naked Man Arrested In Boston Was Not Tamerlan Tsarnaev. With No Ricin Found in Suspect’s Home, Defense Pushes for His Release. Tax-free Internet shopping jeopardized by bill. Ron Paul Blasts Online Sales Tax Scheme. America: #1 In Fear, Stress, Anger, Divorce, Obesity, Anti-Depressants, Etc.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 23 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Victim of Family Court, Katerina Jeleva, Seeks to Uncover Utah Gov't Child Kidnapping
Katerina Jeleva's email:
Why Western democracy is mind control and invisible government
The Orwellian Paradigm
Drone Industry Invokes Boston Bombings in PR Pitch
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution will Have to Change after Boston Bombing
Victim of Family Court, Katerina Jeleva, Seeks to Uncover Utah Gov't Child Kidnapping
Katerina Jeleva's email:
Why Western democracy is mind control and invisible government
The Orwellian Paradigm
Drone Industry Invokes Boston Bombings in PR Pitch
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution will Have to Change after Boston Bombing
Breaking the Set No. 150 -- 2013 Apr 23 TU
Boston: More Questions than Answers, Immigration Reform, CISPA: Activists and Opportunists
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, about media coverage in the wake of the Boston bombings and how it feeds into the larger narrative of the 'war on terror'. Abby then speaks to Megan Carpentier, Editor of 'the Raw Story' about Obama's new immigration reform, and the chance of passing Congress in Washington's politically divisive climate. BTS wraps up the show by highlighting the hacker collective, Anonymous, as the day's heroes, for brining attention to the dangers of CISPA through online activism, and calls out Michigan Congressman, Mike Rogers, for his blatant conflict of interest in pushing CISPA through Congress, all the while standing to benefit financially from the legislation.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, about media coverage in the wake of the Boston bombings and how it feeds into the larger narrative of the 'war on terror'. Abby then speaks to Megan Carpentier, Editor of 'the Raw Story' about Obama's new immigration reform, and the chance of passing Congress in Washington's politically divisive climate. BTS wraps up the show by highlighting the hacker collective, Anonymous, as the day's heroes, for brining attention to the dangers of CISPA through online activism, and calls out Michigan Congressman, Mike Rogers, for his blatant conflict of interest in pushing CISPA through Congress, all the while standing to benefit financially from the legislation.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 23 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, April 23 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his break down of the false flag event in Boston as the official narrative dissolves and the establishment scrambles to blame Muslims for the terror attack that killed three people and wounded dozens of others last week. He also runs down the martial law beta test in Watertown and what it portends for America.
The Keiser Report No. 435, "Psyops and Debt Diets" -- 2013 Apr 23 TU
This time Max and Stacy follow the ounces not the prices in the precious metals market and discuss the psyops of the gold war where sales of 1100 tons (45% of annual new supply) is sold into the market at once in order to alter behavior. They observe crowds stampeding in the East for more physical gold while in the West, people are put on a restricted debt diet controlled by their governments based on needs not wants. Finally, they discuss the conflicts of interest at the heart of CISPA and Max starts his own hashtag - #AmericaFatigue. In the second half of the show, they talk to Wolf Richter of about gold smashes, wealth grabs and government and Wall Street corruption.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 22 MO
Show description from :: On the April 22, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: S.T.O.C.K. Act. Internet Sales Tax Rush. CISPA: Shutting down the national chatter. Footage of house to house inspections. Canadian Government Exploits Boston Bombing to Pass Bill to Limit Civil Liberties. 2 linked to al-Qaeda arrested in Canada terror plot. A special report on False Flags. Infowars interviews the Aunt of the Boston bombing suspects.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 22 MO
Breaking the Set No. 149 -- 2013 Apr 22 MO
New Kind of Gitmo Torture, Losing Miranda Rights, Boston: Prep for Police State?
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Gitmo Hunger Strikers, Losing Miranda Rights, Boston Bombings, and US/NATO Chechen Ties.
Abby talks to retired Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, about the growing number of Gitmo prisoners joining a hunger strike aimed at drawing attention to the illegalities of the facility. Abby then looks into the calls to suspend the Boston bombing suspect's Miranda rights, and exposes how these rights have been eroding in recent years. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with former FBI translator and whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, about Boston being a preparation for a police state in America, and outlines the complex history of US/NATO Chechen relations.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Gitmo Hunger Strikers, Losing Miranda Rights, Boston Bombings, and US/NATO Chechen Ties.
Abby talks to retired Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, about the growing number of Gitmo prisoners joining a hunger strike aimed at drawing attention to the illegalities of the facility. Abby then looks into the calls to suspend the Boston bombing suspect's Miranda rights, and exposes how these rights have been eroding in recent years. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with former FBI translator and whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, about Boston being a preparation for a police state in America, and outlines the complex history of US/NATO Chechen relations.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 22 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, April 22 broadcast of Infowars Live, Alex Jones crashes through the lies of the Boston bombing narrative weaved to intentionally cause confusion and drum up support for a further stripping away of civil liberties.
Alex also exposes what the other hand is doing while public attention focuses on a made-for-tv drama-like story being persistently waved in our faces.
On today's show, investigative journalist and author Wayne Madsen stops by to discuss the multiple red herrings in play in the wake of the botched Boston Marathon bombing operation.
Founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief Joel Skousen also talks to Alex about the history of manufactured terror and how governments frequently employ this tried and true technique to enslave populations.
Alex also exposes what the other hand is doing while public attention focuses on a made-for-tv drama-like story being persistently waved in our faces.
On today's show, investigative journalist and author Wayne Madsen stops by to discuss the multiple red herrings in play in the wake of the botched Boston Marathon bombing operation.
Founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief Joel Skousen also talks to Alex about the history of manufactured terror and how governments frequently employ this tried and true technique to enslave populations.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 21 SU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Sunday, April 21 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the revelation that the two suspect brothers in the Boston Marathon bombing were known by the FBI. We'll examine the FBI's attempt to coverup that knowledge by releasing photos Thursday asking for the public's help, when all along they knew full well who they were looking for. We'll also get into other possible actors that could be involved in one of the most botched plots in the FBI's long résumé of terror. Alex also analyzes the history of staged events and gives insight into what type of self inflicted wound the Boston bombing is.
Infowars reporter David Knight also covers the CISPA bill passing the House, which could put your personal information in the hands of military organizations like the NSA.
Infowars reporter David Knight also covers the CISPA bill passing the House, which could put your personal information in the hands of military organizations like the NSA.
No Agenda -- episode 506, "Happy Earth Gay" -- 2013 Apr 21 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Boston, Russia, Mil Ind Cpx, Syria, Poppie$tan, Cyber Wars, EUROLand, Cuba, War on Men, PedoBear, Waco, Agenda 21, Mongolia, Shut Up Slaves!, Drone Nation, Vaccine$ ... and much more.
Topics: Boston, Russia, Mil Ind Cpx, Syria, Poppie$tan, Cyber Wars, EUROLand, Cuba, War on Men, PedoBear, Waco, Agenda 21, Mongolia, Shut Up Slaves!, Drone Nation, Vaccine$ ... and much more.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Pavlovian Politics: Leaders Line Up To Call For Increased Surveillance
From law professor Jonathan Turley's blog:
For civil libertarians, all terrorist attacks come in two equally predictable parts.
First, there is the terrorist attack itself — a sad reality of our modern life. Second, comes the inevitable explosion of politicians calling for new security measures and surveillance. We brace ourselves for this secondary blow, which generally comes before we even fully know what occurred in an attack or how it was allowed to occur.
Politicians need to be seen as actively protecting public safety and the easiest way is to add surveillance, reduce privacy and expand the security state. What they are not willing to discuss is the impossibility of detecting and deterring all attacks. The suggestion is that more security measures translate to more public safety. The fact is that even the most repressive nations with the most abusive security services, places such as China and Iran, have not been able to stop terrorist acts.
While police were still combing through the wreckage from the Boston Marathon, politicians ran to cameras to pledge more security measures and surveillance. Indeed, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel demanded more cameras in response to the Boston attack. Chicago already is one of the most surveilled cities in the United States. Emanuel’s solution: add some more. It is a perfectly Pavlovian response of politicians eager to appear as champions of public safety.
World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 Apr 20 SA
Recorded yesterday, broadcast on GCN today.
The Keiser Report No. 434, "Correlation & Causation of Gold Price (Paul Craig Roberts)" -- 2013 Apr 20 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss Reinhart and Rogoff, Excel errors, correlation and causation and the gold selloff being a bonus for 'activist central bankers' who can now claim 'hyperinflation no longer a threat.' In the second half of the show, they talk to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts about the smack down in gold and the failure of 'laissez-faire capitalism'.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 19 FR
Show description from :: On the April 19,2013 Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: Martial law on Patriots Day in Boston. NAT Guard WMD Teams At Boston. Aunt of Bombing Suspects says ‘Show us the evidence,’ ‘I’m suspicious that this was staged’. Facebook Blocks Infowars Post on Suspicious Men Wearing Backpacks. Nucsafe Portable Guardian. Boston Marathon explosions kill at least three – in pictures. House passes CISPA cybersecurity bill despite warnings from White House. Before the Blast, West Fertilizer’s Monsanto Lawsuit.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 19 FR
Breaking the Set No. 148 -- 2013 Apr 19 FR
remember, this aired a few hours before the capture of "suspect 2"
CISPA: Worse Than Patriot Act, Texas Blast Safety, Boston Bombing & Overlooked Tragedies
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on CISPA's Return, Disregarding Safety Standards, and Overlooked Tragedies.
CISPA: Worse Than Patriot Act, Texas Blast Safety, Boston Bombing & Overlooked Tragedies
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on CISPA's Return, Disregarding Safety Standards, and Overlooked Tragedies.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 19 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On this important Friday, April 19 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the rapidly developing story emerging on the Boston Marathon terror bombing and its two shadowy suspects identified on Thursday by the FBI. One suspect was killed by police last night and the other remains on the loose as authorities in Beantown impose a lockdown on the city and respond with a heavy-handed presence that resembles martial law.
On today's show, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo talks with Alex in-studio.
On today's show, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo talks with Alex in-studio.
From the Mind of Lindsey Graham -- 2013 Apr 19 FR
'Cause if we just ignore that bothersome old Constitution, maybe it will go away!
I know he's a citizen, but that's why we passed the NDAA.
So I am certain that we have a crack team of torture technicians standing by.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 18 TH
Show description from :: On the April 18, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Infowars speaks with Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham. The War Veteran Arrested for “Rudely Displaying” Rifle False Flag Trends. Obama Covering Up Saudi Link to Boston Bombing? Meanwhile neocons fail to mention the Bush admin let members of the Bin Laden family and Saudi Arabians to flee the country after 9/11 while all flights were grounded. Jeff Duncan Questions Sec. Napolitano. Photos: Private military operatives hired to ‘work’ the Boston marathon. Chaos engulfs Boston as mainstream media can’t get its cover story straight.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 18 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Senate freezes gun bill in hopes of new compromise
FBI Celebrates Duping Another Mentally Ill Man into Fake Terror Plot
Pentagon privatizes African troop transport with up to $50 million contract
Senate freezes gun bill in hopes of new compromise
FBI Celebrates Duping Another Mentally Ill Man into Fake Terror Plot
Pentagon privatizes African troop transport with up to $50 million contract
Breaking the Set No. 147 -- 2013 Apr 18 TH
Venezuela Protests, Disingenuous Journalism, Boston's Heroes and Political Vultures
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Venezuelan Elections, Disingenuous Journalism, and Boston's Heroes.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Venezuelan Elections, Disingenuous Journalism, and Boston's Heroes.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 18 TH - [extended hours]
Jakari Jackson and David Knight do approximately two and a half hours of extended broadcast.
No Agenda -- episode 505, "Speculation Analysis" -- 2013 Apr 18 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Follow the Pipes, EQ Machines, Boston, More Booms, Waco, Cyber War$, Ricin, War on Crazy, Insider Trading Elite$, EUROLand, Sandy Hooked, Drone Nation, Poppie$tan, Agenda 21, Syria, North Korea, Vaccine$... and much more.
Topics: Follow the Pipes, EQ Machines, Boston, More Booms, Waco, Cyber War$, Ricin, War on Crazy, Insider Trading Elite$, EUROLand, Sandy Hooked, Drone Nation, Poppie$tan, Agenda 21, Syria, North Korea, Vaccine$... and much more.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 18 TH [1st 4 Hours]
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, April 18 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex lays out the huge victory Infowars had yesterday in identifying several members of the Boston Marathon crowd that looked highly suspicious, even though a supposed arrest had already been made. Quite possibly, Infowars, with help from crowd sourced sites and a treasure trove of independent photos, may have held a huge part in destroying the official narrative the government intended to run with. We'll also examine the explosion at a West Texas fertilizer plant that killed as many as 15 people and injured more than 160.
On today's show, Alex welcomes American broadcaster, filmmaker and financial analyst Max Keiser to discuss the drastic fall of gold and silver prices and what that means for the dollar and world economies in the long run. [sic]
On today's show, Alex welcomes American broadcaster, filmmaker and financial analyst Max Keiser to discuss the drastic fall of gold and silver prices and what that means for the dollar and world economies in the long run. [sic]
CISPA Passes House, Healthy Bipartisam Margin
U.S. House of Representatives Shamefully Passes CISPA; Internet Freedom Advocates Prepare for a Battle in the Senate
Today, Internet freedom advocates everywhere turned their eyes to the U.S. House of Representatives as that legislative body considered the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.
For the second year in a row, the House voted to approve CISPA, a bill that would allow companies to bypass all existing privacy law to spy on communications and pass sensitive user data to the government. EFF condemns the vote in the House and vows to continue the fight in the Senate.
The Keiser Report No. 433, "Gold Theft in America" -- 2013 Apr 18 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss innuendo and paper causing a virtual theft of paper gold in America and a stampede into physical gold in India. They also discuss the five wise guys of Angela Merkel who plan on 'bailing in' some property owners in Spain should Spain require a sovereign bailout. In the second half of the show, they talk to Ed Harrison of about confiscation and German opinion on Europe.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 17 WE
Show description from :: On the April 17,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew speaks with Anthony Gucciardi of News Covered: "Pieczenik: Reason For Boston False Flag" Navy SEALs Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks? Salon Hopes Boston Bomber Turns Out to be a White American Boston Marathon Conspiracy Theory Website Is Not What You Think; It's Actually Pretty Awesome "Navy Seals With Detonators Spotted At Boston Marathon?" "John McAfee Predicts Ricin Attacks" "Gun Rally Cancelled and "Rude" Rifles" Town of Lexington Pulls Permit for Pro-second Amendment Rally Using Boston Bombing as Pretext War Veteran Arrested for “Rudely Displaying” Rifle Peace Gardens "Proof of Drills At Marathon: Eyewitness Speaks Out"
American Terror: Manufactured by the FBI
James Corbett - The Corbett Report -- 2013 Apr 17 WE
The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.
The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.
Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM -- 2013 Apr 16 TU (3 hours)
Description from the Coast to Coast AM web site --
Documentary filmmaker and alternative media activist Alex Jones spoke about the forces controlling world events, and the dark path laid out by the 'Globalists' including transhumanism, drones, surveillance, GMOs, and vaccines. He also discussed the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon. There were over 2,000 different types of security people including National Guard and law enforcement from various jurisdictions searching bags and running checkpoints at the Marathon, but it didn't stop what happened, he said. Yet, the Dept. of Defense is floating the idea of putting increased troops across America, to have checkpoints at places like malls, Jones continued. He argued that this kind of control, trading liberty for protection, is doomed to fail. "Having troops on the street is to control the general public, it's not to catch someone who's willing to die in an attack," he remarked.
While Congress is in the midst of considering a large amnesty program for immigrants, increasing powers of Homeland Security, and passing massive gun restrictions, the Boston bombing acts as a diversion, and rallies people behind the Obama administration, he contended, adding "that the whole thing is very suspicious." Jones suggested that the media is opportunistic after events like the Boston bombing, replaying disturbing footage over and over again. They only tell us to care and have empathy for the victims, "because they're selling an agenda on their backs, on their pain, to get rid of our republic and due process, and bring in tyranny," he exclaimed.
Documentary filmmaker and alternative media activist Alex Jones spoke about the forces controlling world events, and the dark path laid out by the 'Globalists' including transhumanism, drones, surveillance, GMOs, and vaccines. He also discussed the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon. There were over 2,000 different types of security people including National Guard and law enforcement from various jurisdictions searching bags and running checkpoints at the Marathon, but it didn't stop what happened, he said. Yet, the Dept. of Defense is floating the idea of putting increased troops across America, to have checkpoints at places like malls, Jones continued. He argued that this kind of control, trading liberty for protection, is doomed to fail. "Having troops on the street is to control the general public, it's not to catch someone who's willing to die in an attack," he remarked.
While Congress is in the midst of considering a large amnesty program for immigrants, increasing powers of Homeland Security, and passing massive gun restrictions, the Boston bombing acts as a diversion, and rallies people behind the Obama administration, he contended, adding "that the whole thing is very suspicious." Jones suggested that the media is opportunistic after events like the Boston bombing, replaying disturbing footage over and over again. They only tell us to care and have empathy for the victims, "because they're selling an agenda on their backs, on their pain, to get rid of our republic and due process, and bring in tyranny," he exclaimed.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 17 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Possible suspect sought in Boston bombing
Boston--Photo of Bomb Bag
More on Boston Bombing
Boston Marathon bombs packed with gunpowder, shrapnel
No Suspect Held in Boston Bombing
Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation
Possible suspect sought in Boston bombing
Boston--Photo of Bomb Bag
More on Boston Bombing
Boston Marathon bombs packed with gunpowder, shrapnel
No Suspect Held in Boston Bombing
Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation
Breaking the Set No. 146 -- 2013 Apr 17 WE
Corporate Media Disaster Porn, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Fights the System
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Corporate Media Disaster Porn and Fights the System with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Corporate Media Disaster Porn and Fights the System with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.
Guns and Butter -- 2013 Apr 17 WE
"The Oklahoma City Bombing: Prelude to 9/11" with Charles Key and Chris Emery.
[Encore presentation. Originally aired in May of 2012.]
[Encore presentation. Originally aired in May of 2012.]
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 17 WE - [Hours 5 & 6]
Today's extended broadcast -- Alex continues his interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenik (concluded by Jakari Jackson); David Knight and Jakari take a number of calls. The audio quality of this is not that great. The work-around that I came up with to be able to record this while editing the first four hours did not work too well. I'll try to think of something else tomorrow, but this should be listenable.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 17 WE [1st 4 Hours]
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, April 17 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the tell-tale signs that point to the Boston Marathon explosions in all likelihood being a false flag attack perpetrated by our own government to take our freedoms, from denials of a drill by appointed officials, to eyewitness accounts of people told prior to the race to stay calm because bomb-sniffing dogs and beefed-up security were part of a "training exercise."
Alex also analyzes attempts by the liberal press and certain politicians to predictably blame the bombing on "domestic terrorists," specifically "right-wing extremists."
On today's show, Alex welcomes former Ron Paul Staffer and Founder of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes to discuss suspicions that a member of the "liberty movement" will be blamed for the attack.
We'll also speak with editor Paul Joseph Watson about the Family Guy episode that depicted scenes eerily similar to those that unfolded during the Boston Marathon attack.
Alex also analyzes attempts by the liberal press and certain politicians to predictably blame the bombing on "domestic terrorists," specifically "right-wing extremists."
On today's show, Alex welcomes former Ron Paul Staffer and Founder of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes to discuss suspicions that a member of the "liberty movement" will be blamed for the attack.
We'll also speak with editor Paul Joseph Watson about the Family Guy episode that depicted scenes eerily similar to those that unfolded during the Boston Marathon attack.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 16 TU
Show description from Ron Gibson channel on YouTube :: Co-Hosting David Knight and Jakari Jackson
- Breaking down the events and media coverage of the Boston Marathon Bombing
- More on the Gun Grabbers
- Illegal Immigrant Ecuadorean Nicolas Guaman DUI Killer Ruled Incompetent Because Of His 'Unique Cultural Background'
- Hacked account reveals photos of Colin Powell at Bohemian Grove
- Monsanto's GMO Corn has NO nutritional value and HIGHLY TOXIC
Rob Dew interviews Christina Tobin with on the failed two-party political system (machine) offering the beginning of the end of the two-party system with The United We Stand Festival.
- Breaking down the events and media coverage of the Boston Marathon Bombing
- More on the Gun Grabbers
- Illegal Immigrant Ecuadorean Nicolas Guaman DUI Killer Ruled Incompetent Because Of His 'Unique Cultural Background'
- Hacked account reveals photos of Colin Powell at Bohemian Grove
- Monsanto's GMO Corn has NO nutritional value and HIGHLY TOXIC
Rob Dew interviews Christina Tobin with on the failed two-party political system (machine) offering the beginning of the end of the two-party system with The United We Stand Festival.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 16 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
American Airways Grounds Flights on Tuesday
Family Guy Prediction Hoax (Re. Boston Bombings)
& More on Above
Boston Bombings: Who Do They Plan to Blame?
Boston Bombings
& More on Above
Boston Marathon--Dry Run Disaster April 21 2008
Boston Marathon Explosion, Waco Raid, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine and Virginia Tech Shootings All Happened in April
American Airways Grounds Flights on Tuesday
Family Guy Prediction Hoax (Re. Boston Bombings)
& More on Above
Boston Bombings: Who Do They Plan to Blame?
Boston Bombings
& More on Above
Boston Marathon--Dry Run Disaster April 21 2008
Boston Marathon Explosion, Waco Raid, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine and Virginia Tech Shootings All Happened in April
The Keiser Report No. 432, "Magic of Bitcoin Gathering" -- 2013 Apr 16 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss the role of market making in the orderly functioning of markets which explains the disorderly functioning of Mt.Gox, an exchange missing the vital market making function. They also discuss the virtual specialist technology, payments systems and DDoS attacks. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Tony Gallippi of about money in the cloud and bitcoin in transactions.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 16 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On this Tuesday, April 16 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the Boston Marathon terror attack and its aftermath as the official story begins to unravel and the establishment media prepares to blame so-called "rightwing" patriots for the deadly incident.
On this important edition of the show, Alex talks Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers about the attack, and also Mike Adams of and Douglas J. Hagmann, the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network.
NOTE: Not mentioned in the official show description, Joel Skousen is a guest in the second hour.
NOTE: The extended broadcast today ended at 5:00 p.m. and consisted largely of Jarkari Jackson and David Knight taking calls -- some interesting and some less so. I'm including with this upload a roughly half-hour segment from hour five that contains the Stewart Rhodes interview. The first minute or so is missing. Sorry.
On this important edition of the show, Alex talks Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers about the attack, and also Mike Adams of and Douglas J. Hagmann, the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network.
NOTE: Not mentioned in the official show description, Joel Skousen is a guest in the second hour.
NOTE: The extended broadcast today ended at 5:00 p.m. and consisted largely of Jarkari Jackson and David Knight taking calls -- some interesting and some less so. I'm including with this upload a roughly half-hour segment from hour five that contains the Stewart Rhodes interview. The first minute or so is missing. Sorry.
Blog Misc -- 2013 Apr 16 TU
I am currently listening to the third hour of The Alex Jones Show. Alex has announced that he is going to be doing at least a partial, perhaps a full fourth hour with Stewart Rhodes of Oathkeepers. He also said that after some period of rebroadcast, Jakari Jackson and David Knight will be back on live. As with yesterday's extended broadcast hours, they will apparently be taking a lot of calls as well as covering any relevant news as it breaks.
I will continue to listen to the stream and probably will just leave a recorder running so that I can share whatever seems interesting. I'll post updates here as things happen.
update 3:50 p.m.
I now no longer have a netbook on which I can record the Infowars stream while doing editing on my desktop computer. There's no way to edit and record at the same time on the desktop. I'm trying not to curse.
update 7:20 p.m.
The extended broadcast today ended at 5:00 p.m. and consisted largely of Jarkari Jackson and David Knight taking calls -- some interesting and some less so. I'm including with the regular radio show upload a roughly half-hour segment from hour five that contains the Stewart Rhodes interview. The first minute or so is missing. Sorry.
Links will be posted in just a few minutes.
I will continue to listen to the stream and probably will just leave a recorder running so that I can share whatever seems interesting. I'll post updates here as things happen.
update 3:50 p.m.
I now no longer have a netbook on which I can record the Infowars stream while doing editing on my desktop computer. There's no way to edit and record at the same time on the desktop. I'm trying not to curse.
update 7:20 p.m.
The extended broadcast today ended at 5:00 p.m. and consisted largely of Jarkari Jackson and David Knight taking calls -- some interesting and some less so. I'm including with the regular radio show upload a roughly half-hour segment from hour five that contains the Stewart Rhodes interview. The first minute or so is missing. Sorry.
Links will be posted in just a few minutes.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 15 MO
As of 1:30 p.m. CDT today there is no video or audio posted on of last night's Infowars Nightly News. My standard practice is to download the .MP4 video from there and then extract the audio that I upload here from that video file. Fortunately, I recorded the audio of last night's show while watching it. Unfortunately the audio recorded at a rather low volume. I have processed it to compensate, so even if not the best quality it should be listenable.
Ron Gibson has the video.
Audio file links:
Ron Gibson has the video.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 15 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Gold Sell-Off Biggest In 30 Years
Daughter of Russian billionaire buys idyllic Greek island where Aristotle Onassis married Jackie Kennedy
Boston Marathon Bombs
Suspect in Bombings---Saudi National under Guard at Boston Hospital?
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Were at Start, Finish Lines for "Drill"
Gold Sell-Off Biggest In 30 Years
Daughter of Russian billionaire buys idyllic Greek island where Aristotle Onassis married Jackie Kennedy
Boston Marathon Bombs
Suspect in Bombings---Saudi National under Guard at Boston Hospital?
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Were at Start, Finish Lines for "Drill"
Breaking the Set No. 145 -- 2013 Apr 15 MO
Talk About Sex, Money out of Politics, Uproar over Drones
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Sex Ed and Gay Porn, Overturning Citizens United, and Action against Drones.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Sex Ed and Gay Porn, Overturning Citizens United, and Action against Drones.
Monday, April 15, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 15 MO [extended hours]
Full hours 5, 6, 7 and 8 plus partial hour 9!
Mostly hosted by Jakari Jackson and David Knight with contributions by Alex Jones and Mike Adams as they follow the breaking story of the Boston Marathon bombing and discuss its potential repercussions.
This internet broadcast ran from the end of the fourth hour of the radio show until the live start of The Infowars Nightly News.
There were no commercial breaks during this broadcast, so I had to make somewhat arbitrary cuts to get it down to manageable-sized files. Each .MP3 is about an hour long... plus or minus a minute or two.
Mostly hosted by Jakari Jackson and David Knight with contributions by Alex Jones and Mike Adams as they follow the breaking story of the Boston Marathon bombing and discuss its potential repercussions.
This internet broadcast ran from the end of the fourth hour of the radio show until the live start of The Infowars Nightly News.
There were no commercial breaks during this broadcast, so I had to make somewhat arbitrary cuts to get it down to manageable-sized files. Each .MP3 is about an hour long... plus or minus a minute or two.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 15 MO [1st 4 Hours]
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, April 15 transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex takes on the lie that "sensible gun laws," in the form of background checks, will not lead to a gun registry and confiscation, which is already underway in states like New York and California.
Alex also examines leaked photos of former Secretary of State Colin Powell attending the private and secretive San Francisco-based retreat known as Bohemian Grove.
We'll also cover the Venezuelan elections, the price of gold being artificially manipulated, and new grisly images of US-backed Free Syrian Army Rebels up to no good.
On today's show, Alex welcomes comedian, actor and author of Dead Wrong, Richard Belzer to talk about his new book Hit List, an in-depth investigation into the mysterious deaths of witnesses to the JFK Assassination.
NOTE :: Approximately eight minutes into a 4th hour overdrive, news broke of the Boston Marathon bombing. Originally intending to end the broadcast at 3:20 p.m. CDT, Alex instead completed a full fourth hour and then announced his intention to stay live for at least two more hours to cover this story and its implications. I will be uploading those hours of extended broadcast separately.
Alex also examines leaked photos of former Secretary of State Colin Powell attending the private and secretive San Francisco-based retreat known as Bohemian Grove.
We'll also cover the Venezuelan elections, the price of gold being artificially manipulated, and new grisly images of US-backed Free Syrian Army Rebels up to no good.
On today's show, Alex welcomes comedian, actor and author of Dead Wrong, Richard Belzer to talk about his new book Hit List, an in-depth investigation into the mysterious deaths of witnesses to the JFK Assassination.
NOTE :: Approximately eight minutes into a 4th hour overdrive, news broke of the Boston Marathon bombing. Originally intending to end the broadcast at 3:20 p.m. CDT, Alex instead completed a full fourth hour and then announced his intention to stay live for at least two more hours to cover this story and its implications. I will be uploading those hours of extended broadcast separately.
Blog Misc -- 2013 Apr 15 MO
Today The Alex Jones Show broadcast is going to have a run time ofapproximately six more than seven hours. I am fairly certain that GCN will only provide podcast audio of the first four hours. I was able to start a record at the beginning of hour five so I will be able to edit and upload the entire show. Hours five, six and seven had no commercial breaks, so the uploaded files will be longer than in my usual uploads.
Watching the intense TV coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing while also listening to Infowars is obviously going to affect the rest of the uploads I typically do on Monday. Bear with me and understand that I'll have as much uploaded as I can, when I can.
Today The Alex Jones Show broadcast is going to have a run time of
Watching the intense TV coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing while also listening to Infowars is obviously going to affect the rest of the uploads I typically do on Monday. Bear with me and understand that I'll have as much uploaded as I can, when I can.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 15 MO [special circumstances]
Alex is currently in the second half of a 4th hour "overdrive," but is going to be broadcasting on the internet for much longer today. He just announced that he's going to continue live for probably two more hours as new breaks regarding the explosions at the Boston Marathon this afternoon.
Terror Explosion at Boston Marathon
Two explosions have been reported near the Boston Marathon finish line on Boylston Street as thousands of people gathered for the race, and there are reports of injuries.
The blasts happened at about 2:50 p.m. near the intersection of Boylston and Exeter streets. Store fronts have been blown out, and there have been reports of dozens of injuries.
Witnesses said several victims lost limbs, the race was stopped and the area is being evacuated.
The first explosion happened across from the Lenox Hotel and the second blast was about 15 seconds later, witnesses said.
Many of the injured appeared to be spectators who gathered for the 117th running of the race.
NewsCenter 5's Sean Kelly said the impact of the explosions could be felt blocks away.
At least two explosions rocked the finish line at the Boston Marathon on Monday afternoon, injuring at least a half-dozen people, a CNN producer at the scene said.
The blasts occurred a few seconds apart on opposite sides of the street, CNN Producer Matt Frucci reported. The first left "a big plume of smoke" hovering over the area, around Boston's Copley Square; the second occurred perhaps 10 seconds later, he said.
The explosions occurred about 2:45 p.m., about an hour after the first of the race's nearly 27,000 runners had crossed the finish line, Frucci said. The race was halted after the explosions as was subway service into the area.
Paramedics were treating several victims at the scene, and police ordered onlookers to back away from the area. Troops from the Massachusetts National Guard were assisting police as well.
Onlooker Josh Matthews said he heard the blast, then saw police running toward the scene.
"We just heard a lot of sirens, and people were kind of frantic, and it was a bad situation, so we got out of there," he said.
A spokeswoman for Massachusetts General Hospital said four patients were being treated there.
Terror Explosion at Boston Marathon
IRS : We Don't Need No Stinkin' Warrants
Happy Tax Day!
Even if you are sufficiently aware of what's happening around us that this comes as no surprise to you, there is no more perfect day than today to share this info with others who are still blissfully asleep.
The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tells its agents that they do not need warrants to read people’s emails, text messages and other private electronic communications, according to internal agency documents.Read the ACLU's full report here.
In a 2009 handbook for agents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union through a Freedom of Information Act request, the IRS said the Fourth Amendment does not protect emails because Internet users "do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in such communications." A 2010 presentation by the IRS Office of General Counsel reiterated the policy.
Even if you are sufficiently aware of what's happening around us that this comes as no surprise to you, there is no more perfect day than today to share this info with others who are still blissfully asleep.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 14 SU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Sunday, April 14 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the plan to disarm America by passing incremental feel-good laws that will further erode the foundation of the Second Amendment.
On today's show, Alex talks with Douglas J. Hagmann of the Hagmann Report and the Northeast Intelligence Network. Mr. Hagmann reveals inside information about the case of David Lewis who had his legal firearms wrongly confiscated under New York's recently passed NY SAFE Act.
Alex also gets into the latest on the failed state of North Korea and the threat of a new Asian war.
He also covers a threat issued by the Austin Police stating they will arrest citizens for drinking and walking.
On today's show, Alex talks with Douglas J. Hagmann of the Hagmann Report and the Northeast Intelligence Network. Mr. Hagmann reveals inside information about the case of David Lewis who had his legal firearms wrongly confiscated under New York's recently passed NY SAFE Act.
Alex also gets into the latest on the failed state of North Korea and the threat of a new Asian war.
He also covers a threat issued by the Austin Police stating they will arrest citizens for drinking and walking.
No Agenda -- episode 504, "Twelve Fourteen" -- 2013 Apr 14 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: War on Crazy, Syria, Shut Up Slave!... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
Audio run time is 2:50:25.
Topics: War on Crazy, Syria, Shut Up Slave!... and much more.
For links to the various stories discussed in this podcast, go to
Audio run time is 2:50:25.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Truth About Markets: UK with Max and Stacy -- 2013 Apr 13 SA
Stacy Summary: This week they discuss the Mt.Gox crash and bitcoin; the massive gold and silver sell-offs and Margaret Thatcher’s death.
The Schiff Report -- 2013 Apr 13 SA
The Gold Bull Market is Dead -- Long Live the Bull Market
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
Why the recent sell-off in gold and silver defies the fundamentals, ignores the facts, is predicated on a myth, and has succeeded in creating the necessary level of scepticism and fear to finally propel precious metals to new record highs.
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
Why the recent sell-off in gold and silver defies the fundamentals, ignores the facts, is predicated on a myth, and has succeeded in creating the necessary level of scepticism and fear to finally propel precious metals to new record highs.
The Keiser Report No. 431, "BitCoin Bubble Buzz" -- 2013 Apr 13 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss the Old Lady's gold habit, the gold that may be leaving Cyprus' central bank (or not) and Confucius' famous saying: "IMF STUPID SELL TO GOLD, I'M BUYING." They also look at the Federal Reserve data accidentally sent to Wall Street bank lobbyists and the venture capitalists entering the new Land Grab. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to James Turk about money, gold, bitcoin, currency wars and the nature of bank failures: to look good until the bank fails overnight. They also discuss Austrian school theories on money and how they relate to gold and to bitcoin.
World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 Apr 13 SA
Recorded Friday the 12th; broadcast on GCN today.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 12 FR
Show description as published on :: On the April 12,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Infowars reporters Jon Bowne and Marcos Morales about the hypocrisy of the National Association of Broadcasters. News Covered: Treason Alert: Dems Try to Move Gun Bill Forward Without Allowing Senators to Read It. Five Gun Amendments to Watch. U.N. report covers up Obama role in arming terrorists. Who Gave North Korea Nukes In The First Place? Hacking airplanes & your mind. Hacker uses an Android to remotely attack and hijack an airplane. A Harvard Neuroscience Scheme To Change Decisions In Your Brain. MEDIA BIAS IN PHIL ABORTION TRIAL. Philadelphia abortion clinic horror. PHOTO: EMPTY 'RESERVED MEDIA SEATING' AT ABORTION DOC GOSNELL'S MURDER TRIAL. [sic]
Friday, April 12, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 144 -- 2013 Apr 12 FR
Sleeping Through a Revolution, US Undermines Mid-East Peace, A Truth-Telling Politician
Guest Host Manuel Rapalo Breaks the Set on Sleeping Through a Revolution, US Undermining Mid-East Peace, and One Truth-Telling Politician.
Guest Host Manuel Rapalo Breaks the Set on Sleeping Through a Revolution, US Undermining Mid-East Peace, and One Truth-Telling Politician.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 12 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, April 12 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down how the U.S. helped North Korea attain the means to develop a nuclear arsenal. He also explains how the nuke strike threat may be a clever distraction keeping us from focusing on the accelerating disintegration of liberties at home, and how it can ultimately be used to usher in World War 3.
Alex will also analyze how senators weren't allowed to read SB 49 prior to cloture, and how DARPA is helping develop robots that ‘think’ like a human brain.
On the show today, Alex welcomes primetime anchor at WXIX Fox 19 in Cincinnati and investigative journalist Ben Swann to discuss his courageous work in questioning and exposing controversial news items.
Alex will also analyze how senators weren't allowed to read SB 49 prior to cloture, and how DARPA is helping develop robots that ‘think’ like a human brain.
On the show today, Alex welcomes primetime anchor at WXIX Fox 19 in Cincinnati and investigative journalist Ben Swann to discuss his courageous work in questioning and exposing controversial news items.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 11 TH
Show description from :: On the April 11, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, former Nacogdoches Sheriffs Deputy Eddie Craig presents a MUST SEE 2 hour presentation about how to protect your rights as an American Citizen. News Covered: Gun control bill clears first hurdle in Senate. New York State Police Admit Wrongly Confiscating Guns Under New Laws. Highway patrol gave feds Missouri weapon permits data. Judge orders prosecution to prove that Bradley Manning intended to ‘aid the enemy’. Bitcoin crashes over 50% just one day after bold public prediction by Mike Adams of Natural News. Texas Bill Criminalizing Airport Pat-Downs Is Back.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 11 TH
Breaking the Set No. 143 -- 2013 Apr 11 TH
Anarchism, Socialism and Libertarianism: Alternatives for Peace
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Anarchism, Socialism, and Libertarianism, in the first ever Breaking the Set Alternative Voices Debate.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Anarchism, Socialism, and Libertarianism, in the first ever Breaking the Set Alternative Voices Debate.
No Agenda -- episode 503, "Ninjas in Mongolia" -- 2013 Apr 11 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary on what Adam and John love to call: The Best Podcast in the Universe!.
Topics: Words Matter, War on Crazy, War on State$, Elite$, Cyber Wars, EUROLand, Industrial Terror, Shut Up Slave!, Giant Voice Systems, North Korea, BitCoin, Mongolia, Ministry of Truth, The Fix is In, Agenda 21, The Mac and Cheese Life, War on Nukes, EQ Machine, Drone Nation, Poppie$tan... and much more.
I am a bit under the weather this evening. The usual Thursday material should all get uploaded, but as is indicated by the timing of this upload, things are going kind of slowly. Sorry for the delays.
Topics: Words Matter, War on Crazy, War on State$, Elite$, Cyber Wars, EUROLand, Industrial Terror, Shut Up Slave!, Giant Voice Systems, North Korea, BitCoin, Mongolia, Ministry of Truth, The Fix is In, Agenda 21, The Mac and Cheese Life, War on Nukes, EQ Machine, Drone Nation, Poppie$tan... and much more.
I am a bit under the weather this evening. The usual Thursday material should all get uploaded, but as is indicated by the timing of this upload, things are going kind of slowly. Sorry for the delays.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 11 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, April 11 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest on the stand-off with North Korea as a Chinese professor predicts all-out war and the U.S. and North Korea engage in a dangerous game of military brinkmanship.
Alex also breaks down the latest on the Democrat orchestrated march in Congress to destroy the Second Amendment and impose gun registration and ultimately confiscation on the American people.
On today's broadcast, Alex talks with country and Southern-rock singer-songwriter Shooter Jennings. His latest album is The Other Life.
Not mentioned in the official show description, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America is a guest in hour two. Also, Mike Adams is on late in hour two and early in hour three talking about the latest BitCoin news.
Alex also breaks down the latest on the Democrat orchestrated march in Congress to destroy the Second Amendment and impose gun registration and ultimately confiscation on the American people.
On today's broadcast, Alex talks with country and Southern-rock singer-songwriter Shooter Jennings. His latest album is The Other Life.
Not mentioned in the official show description, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America is a guest in hour two. Also, Mike Adams is on late in hour two and early in hour three talking about the latest BitCoin news.
The Keiser Report No. 430, "Myths of Margaret Thatcher" -- 2013 Apr 11 TH
This time Max and Stacy explore the myth of whether Margaret Thatcher "saved Britain," or gave them a British dream of "striving to mature before your debts do." They look at North Sea oil production, and wonder how big a UK sovereign wealth fund would be today if Thatcher had saved any of the country's oil wealth. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Jan Skoyles of The Real Asset Company about Bitcoin: Is she bit-curious or bit-con? They also discuss her report released today which asks, who is buying gold? Brazil, Paraguay, China are stacking bail-ins with the people's money in the bank.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 10 WE
Show description from the Ron Gibson channel on YouTube :: On the April 9,2013 broadcast of The INFOWARS Nightly News: More on gun control, Joe Biden calls 2nd amendment activist "The Black Helicopter Crowd". DHS training course ask Cops if they will confiscate guns from Christians. Environmentalist in Austin sign a petition to ban water. Rob dew, David Knight, and Jakari Jackson cover more of the "Operation Paul Revere Contest" entries. Then a Special segment from Alex Jones.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 10 WE
Breaking the Set No. 142 -- 2013 Apr 10 WE
Cornel West in Depth, 99 Problems but Cuba Ain't One
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Beyoncé and Jay-Z's Cuba Trip, and a One-on-One with Dr. Cornel West.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Beyoncé and Jay-Z's Cuba Trip, and a One-on-One with Dr. Cornel West.
Guns and Butter -- 2013 Apr 10 WE
"Public Banking 2013" with Marc Armstrong, Executive Director of the Public Banking Institute.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 10 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, April 10 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex reviews the shock footage Infowars reporters shot of Austin City Councilman Mike Martinez that proves Obama's ultimate plan is banning firearms altogether, indicating the movement to disarm citizens is gaining momentum in the heart of Texas.
Alex also takes on Biden's mocking of the "black helicopter crowd," and the North Korean nuclear hoax.
On today's show, Alex welcomes Infowars reporters David Knight and Jakari Jackson to discuss the controversial video of Austin's potential next mayor talking gun ban at a pro-gun control rally.
Alex also invites the founder of Project Veritas James O'Keefe to discuss CNN host Piers Morgan's home being protected by armed guards, while he hypocritically calls for Second Amendment restrictions for everyone else.
Alex also takes on Biden's mocking of the "black helicopter crowd," and the North Korean nuclear hoax.
On today's show, Alex welcomes Infowars reporters David Knight and Jakari Jackson to discuss the controversial video of Austin's potential next mayor talking gun ban at a pro-gun control rally.
Alex also invites the founder of Project Veritas James O'Keefe to discuss CNN host Piers Morgan's home being protected by armed guards, while he hypocritically calls for Second Amendment restrictions for everyone else.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 09 TU
Show description from the Ron Gibson channel on YouTube :: On the April 9,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Democrats admit plans to register and then confiscate fire arms, The Hakken family escapes to Cuba with their children, and BIG SIS testing drones that can detect guns. Darrin McBreen interviews Larry Pinkney about the Governments arms build up.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 141 -- 2013 Apr 09 TU
Margaret Thatcher's Dark Legacy, Limiting Abortion, Palestine's Third Intifada?
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Margaret Thatcher's Legacy, Women's Rights, and Violence in Gaza.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Margaret Thatcher's Legacy, Women's Rights, and Violence in Gaza.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 09 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, April 9 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex tears apart the steadfast push to tamp down so-called "gun violence" as Obama once again parades the dead children of the Newtown tragedy for maximum emotional manipulation of the masses.
Alex also breaks down the DHS audaciously testing surveillance drone technology that can detect whether or not a person is armed.
On today's show Alex welcomes American musician Dan Spitz and his wife Candi Spitz to speak about their fight against autism and their ongoing crusade to alert as many people as possible to the dangers of vaccines.
Alex also breaks down the DHS audaciously testing surveillance drone technology that can detect whether or not a person is armed.
On today's show Alex welcomes American musician Dan Spitz and his wife Candi Spitz to speak about their fight against autism and their ongoing crusade to alert as many people as possible to the dangers of vaccines.
The Keiser Report No. 429, "Yobbish Lifestyles of Financial Arsonists" -- 2013 Apr 09 TU
This time Max and Stacy ask whether taxpayers have been subsidizing the yobbish lifestyles of bankers and financial arsonists. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Reggie Middleton about fraud and collapse at the heart of what remains of the Irish banking system.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 08 MO
Show description from :: On the April 8,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson speaks with activist Antonio Buehler about the recent charges he faces for simply filming police in America. News Covered: Biden Calls for a New World Order. MSNBC Host: Your Kids Belong to the Collective. Kissinger: ‘Illegal we do immediately; unconstitutional takes a little longer’. Margaret Thatcher Dies After Stroke. Trust in Gold Not Bernanke as U.S. States Promote Bullion. ObamaCare takes friendly fire.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 08 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
US Army Reserve Training Material Lumps Christians into same Category as KKK and Hamas
British White Working Class Alienated from Society---Advised to Take Citizenship Classes with Immigrants
Possible Next UK Labour Leader Ed Miliband Proclaims, "I am a Zionist"
Dirty Dancing--Rt Hon Ed Miliband & his X checker Rt Hon Ed Balls (Chuckle Video)
Royal Bank of Canada Lays-off Staff---Replacing With Workers from India
US Army Reserve Training Material Lumps Christians into same Category as KKK and Hamas
British White Working Class Alienated from Society---Advised to Take Citizenship Classes with Immigrants
Possible Next UK Labour Leader Ed Miliband Proclaims, "I am a Zionist"
Dirty Dancing--Rt Hon Ed Miliband & his X checker Rt Hon Ed Balls (Chuckle Video)
Royal Bank of Canada Lays-off Staff---Replacing With Workers from India
Breaking the Set No. 140 -- 2013 Apr 08 MO
Media Revolution, Monsanto Lovefest, Collateral Murder: Eyewitness Account
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Media Reform vs. Revolution, Government Lackeys for Monsanto, and a Collateral Murder Eye Witness Speaks out.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Media Reform vs. Revolution, Government Lackeys for Monsanto, and a Collateral Murder Eye Witness Speaks out.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 08 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, April 8 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the intensifying effort by the feds to stigmatize and label patriot groups and Christians as dangerous extremists. He also takes a look at the latest moves by the gun-grabbers as the ATF builds a massive database to spy on law-abiding Americans practicing their right to own firearms.
On today's broadcast, Alex talks with renowned author and former Department of State official Steve Pieczenik.
He also welcomes former Secret Service agent and New York police officer Daniel Bongion, who is running for the Maryland Senate.
Austin political activist Antonio Buehler appears in-studio today. Antonio was arrested in early 2012 for protesting against police abuse and again later in the year for "cop watching" in Austin, Texas.
On today's broadcast, Alex talks with renowned author and former Department of State official Steve Pieczenik.
He also welcomes former Secret Service agent and New York police officer Daniel Bongion, who is running for the Maryland Senate.
Austin political activist Antonio Buehler appears in-studio today. Antonio was arrested in early 2012 for protesting against police abuse and again later in the year for "cop watching" in Austin, Texas.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 07 SU
From the Infowars web site :: This live Sunday, April 7 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show is another incredibly important edition with the intensifying crisis in North Korea reaching epic proportions. Alex welcomes world-renowned crisis negotiator Dr. Steve Pieczenik to give a special report from the edge of the Korean DMZ. Alex will also break down the collectivist authoritarians openly admitting their agenda is state takeover of the role of parenting from parents, as well as Vice President Biden once again calling for a New World Order. The founder of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe, also joins Alex to discuss the hypocrite Piers Morgan and the confirmation that he has armed guards guarding his home in California. All this and more today, spread the word of revolution against tyranny now.
No Agenda -- episode 502, "Nuevo Orden Mundial" -- 2013 Apr 07 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: EUROLand, Bozo Filter, Obama Nation, North Korea, Cyber Wars, Cyprus, LNG Pipes, Drone Nation, AFRICOMM, Entertainment Industrial Complex, Giant Voice System redux, Mac and Cheese Life, Cultural Marxism, Common Sense, War on Ammo, PedoBear, Gold, VaccineS... and much more.
Topics: EUROLand, Bozo Filter, Obama Nation, North Korea, Cyber Wars, Cyprus, LNG Pipes, Drone Nation, AFRICOMM, Entertainment Industrial Complex, Giant Voice System redux, Mac and Cheese Life, Cultural Marxism, Common Sense, War on Ammo, PedoBear, Gold, VaccineS... and much more.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
The Truth About Markets: UK with Max and Stacy -- 2013 Apr 06 SA
Stacy Summary: We talk about market making, evolution and price discovery as demonstrated in the bitcoin market. Keiser compares NYSE to the Nasdaq. We discuss Jim Rogers’ call that pension funds could be the next to be seized following the Cyprus 'deposit levy.'. And we discuss George Osborne’s claim that collecting government benefits turns a person into a mass murderer.
The Keiser Report No. 428, "Financial Narcissism" -- 2013 Apr 06 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss concern-trolling the gold market and George Osborne threatening the working class with a cut in the minimum wage. They wonder aloud whether or not it was too much debt or too much working class income that caused the UK and global economies to collapse. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Simon Rose of about the 'Nicosian beheading' of UK savings that has been confiscated through quantitative easing by the Bank of England.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 05 FR
Show description from :: On the April 5,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: Obama: “I Am Constrained by the System Our Founders Put in Place”. 1984′s Room 101: ‘VIDEO from US prison shows inmate held down, pepper sprayed at close range’. Confirmed: ‘Batman’ Shooter James Holmes Was On Psychotropic Drugs. The problems with the Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre. The Assault On Gold. Jeremy Irons Slams Bloomberg "Nanny State".
Friday, April 5, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 05 FR
Breaking the Set No. 139 -- 2013 Apr 05 FR
Rohingya Genocide, Wikileaks Investigation, and Cellphone Surveillance
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Myanmar Genocide, Wikileaks Investigation, and Cell Phone Surveillance.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Myanmar Genocide, Wikileaks Investigation, and Cell Phone Surveillance.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Apr 04 TH - 3rd Hour!
RBN finally came up with it today -- the hour that was missing yesterday.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Apr 05 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, April 5 transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks through the wall of lies overthrowing reality as Americans face the fight of their lives, confronting a purge of gun owners and a persecution of returning veterans being disarmed and having their children stolen. He also breaks down the accelerating global economic meltdown, and the escalating North Korean nuclear threat's chillingly close April 10 deadline. On today's show, Alex speaks with former presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, co-author of Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission and the founder and former pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Florida, Chuck Baldwin. Also, Alex welcomes Dr. Greg Dixon, a Baptist pastor who staged a peaceful protest against the IRS's para-military order.
Though not mentioned in the official show description, Alex also talks with Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who is in South Korea, near the DMZ.
Though not mentioned in the official show description, Alex also talks with Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who is in South Korea, near the DMZ.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Apr 04 TH
Show description from :: On the April 4,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: Obama Senior Adviser Complains That The Drudge Report 'Hurts What We're Trying To Do'. Bitcoin Hacked: Price Stumbles After Buying Frenzy. Eric Stevenson, Bronx Democratic Assemblyman, arrested for taking $20,000 in bribes. New York is the Nanny State with the least freedoms: national study. Skyscraper Engulfed By Fire, Does Not Collapse. Delaware Mayor and Gun-grabber Enjoys Concealed Carry. 15 year old girl leaves anti-gun politicians speechless. Infowars blamed for kidnapping.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 138 -- 2013 Apr 04 TH
Nuclear War With North Korea, Cyprus Bailout Model, MLK Assassination Cover-up
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the Cyprus Bailout Model, Nuclear North Korea, and the Assassination of MLK Jr.
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the Cyprus Bailout Model, Nuclear North Korea, and the Assassination of MLK Jr.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Apr 03 WE [finally]
I believe this was finally posted sometime this afternoon.
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Forest are Not for Carbon Stocks
The UN, Carbon Stocks and REDD
Global forest-protection plan depends on carbon credits
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Forest are Not for Carbon Stocks
The UN, Carbon Stocks and REDD
Global forest-protection plan depends on carbon credits
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Apr 04 TH
Republic Broadcasting Network has once again failed to publish a podcast file for one of the hours of today's What Really Happened broadcast. Today it's hour 3.
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