Other items include the world wide increase in earthquake and seismic activity in the Ring of Fire following a powerful undersea earthquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra this week that was a once in 2000 years event.
Alex also talks about North Korea's failed rocket launch and the possibility it may now test another nuclear device.
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Did Bob Chapman bail out on the AJ show?
Haven't seen him there for a long time now
I do not know. To the best of my knowledge, Alex has not said anything about his absence, though he was such a regular on Fridays for such a long time.
Bob has not been on Corbett as a Monday guest as regularly as he was appearing.
If you go to the Bob Chapman YouTube channel, you will see that he is still making a number of appearances each week on a variety of shows, many of which I am not familiar with.
The bottom line is that I just do not know. I know he is well up in years, and do hope that his health is not declining.
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