The Peter Schiff Show -- 2011 Oct 17 MO
Today's guest is Christos Savvinidis, aka "Captain Midnight," on his efforts at turning #OccupyWallSt. into an Austrian economics-oriented uprising.
Peter has some interesting (to me) comments about the tea party and racism toward the end of the show.
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Having problems with net connection and cable tv. Comcast technician is scheduled to be here between 12 and 2:00 on Wednesday. I'll do my best to muddle through in the meanwhile.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Oct 17 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On Monday's power-packed transmission, Alex reports live from US-Mexico border as Obama tries to distract attention away from his complicity in Fast and Furious -- the Justice Department organized gun-running operation with bank-financed criminal drug gangs in Mexico.
Alex talks about Obama beating wars drums under the flimsy pretense of bogus terror accusations leveled against Iran last week.
He also divulges bombshell info on today's show and talks about the Federal Reserve takedown order filed with YouTube after Infowars posted a video revealing how the Fed is a privately run bankster cartel and not a federal agency as it fraudulently claims.
The last half of hour 3 and the 5 minute "overdrive" segment are mostly a promotion of, Alex's online health supplement store and marketing system.
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Infowars Nightly News -- 2011 Oct 17 MO
Audio recorded from the rebroadcast stream. Run time 1:06:31. There are a few skips (not sure if the problem was the stream or my network connection), but I would estimate that the show is about 98% intact.
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