No Agenda -- episode 302, "Web Savvy Wolf" -- May 08 SU
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 May 08 SU
The 2 hour Sunday show is typically a review of the past week's news and a look forward to the coming week's events. The Infowars web site describes today's broadcast as follows:
Alex talks with critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers Steve Pieczenik about the ongoing Osama bin Laden hoax. Additional guests include columnist, economist, and the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts, and Hamid Gul, the retired Pakistani Army three star general known for heading the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the premier Pakistani intelligence agency, after the Soviet-Afghan War. Prison editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson hosts.
**NOTE: All of this is a re-airing of previously (recently) broadcast material. Apparently Alex is still on vacation.**
Direct-download, all-in-one mp3, commercial-free [only 32K bitrate version available at so far]
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