More stormy weather here today ...supposed to get worse as the day progresses... and Mrs. Sebaygo is flying to Houston [for some training at corporate HQ and for more intense looking for a place for us to live]. I don't know if any of this will affect the uploading of Monday's usual materials, but I do know that I'm never quite myself when she is gone. [She is scheduled to return Friday night.]
It still appears that we will be moving sometime during the week of May 9th. I suspect that week will bring a significant interruption in my ability to do my work -- hopefully not, but please be aware.
2:45 p.m. Update
I have just turned my computer on after having it shut down since about 11:30 this morning. There is plenty more storm activity to come, but the thunder/lightning has eased up for the moment. Interesting development -- I learned about 15 minutes ago that all roads leading to XNA airport [where Mrs. S's flight was to depart at 6:30 this afternoon] are CLOSED. The airport is open, but if you arrive there now you cannot leave... all airport employees are stuck there, etc. Lots and lots of other highway and street closings. Water level at nearby Beaver Lake has risen over 10 feet in four days. Rainfall totals for the area during the past 72 hours: 11 to 16 inches officially, higher reports from individuals in some places. Our county has been declared a Disaster Area.
It is still raining hard and probably that will continue until around midnight, but so long as the lightning risk is lowered I will try to be getting some work done.
The Peter Schiff Show -- Apr 25 MO
Monday's guest is Lew Rockwell, chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and publisher of, on a new poll showing 70 percent of Tea Party supporters oppose cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and why the EU's set to collapse.
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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 Apr 25 MO
As of 4:15 p.m., the commercial-free edit in the members' area at is not a proper representation of today's broadcast. It appears to be a combination of the first hour of today's show and portions [Tarpley, Celente] from yesterday's copy-and-paste rerun show. My intention now is to download the individual hourly podcast files from GCN and edit those commercials out. I will have something posted as soon as I can, though the weather situation here continues to change minute-to-minute.
On this important Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, top economist and columnist Paul Craig Roberts joins the show to discuss the latest revelations out of the IMF including a report indicating that China's economy will surpass the U.S. by 2016. Wayne Madsen will join Alex in-studio to discuss his decision to leave the country. Alex will discuss the latest on the TSA, the collapse of the U.S. dollar, ongoing fighting in Libya, and more.
Wayne Madsen visits in-studio in the later part of today's show. Today's broadcast extends about 30 minutes into a 4th hour "overdrive." Madsen will be in-studio with Alex again tomorrow.
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2011 Apr 25 MO
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The Schiff Report -- 2011 Apr 25 MO
The most recent edition of Peter Schiff's video blog.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2011 Apr 25 MO
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good luck with the move sebaygo hope it all goes smoothly !
Thank you, BT. I must admit that I am more than a little anxious. In about two weeks all my worldly possessions will be on a truck headed toward a virtual unknown. I do not know how it is all going to work out, but I do believe that it is the right thing to do.
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