World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- Apr 30 SA
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Usually, makes available online for members an all-in-one-file, commercial-free.mp3 of each show 30-45 minutes. Having recently learned that at least a few users here prefer the show in that kind of format, I have begun making it available as a direct-download. Today's broadcast ended at 2:05 p.m. But now -- well over two and a half hours later -- that audio has not yet been made available on the PrisonPlanet web site. If it shows up later this evening, I will try to catch it and make it available here.8 hours after the end of the broadcast and still no file.
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NO RADIO OR TV SHOW TODAY! I am volunteering for "Career Day" at a local school to try to convince the students they actually have jobs to look forward to when they grow up if they study hard now. RBN will play a repeat broadcast and there will be no Justin TV feed.
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