Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A "Heads-Up"

I started to title this post "An Announcement," but since the absolute final decision on this is not due until the very end of March, I guess I'll wait until then for a formal announcement.

Without going into details for now, there is a distinct possibility that I will be relocating in the near future. The move would be from Arkansas to Texas -- Houston, Texas, to be specific. Right now I would unscientifically estimate the probability at close to 90 percent.

We will be traveling there for a "preview visit" of 4-5 days in the latter part of this month, and if the move happens it will be in early May.

I don't know at this point, and may not know in advance at all, just how much work I will be able to accomplish during the Houston visit, but I should have net access so I will be in touch. I will post the actual dates of the trip in a few days.

I must confess to more than a little anxiety about this. I have never lived in a city of anything approaching the size of Houston. So, wish me luck. Thanks.


Log@N said...

bring some warm clothes, I hear it snows in houston :p

Unknown said...

goodluck dude! moving is the worst.. dont stress too hard if you cant post, we can get them from other places.. its just the quality will be no where as good haha

keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Hey don't worry man! Man adapts very well :) Hope you'll have a great time and it will bring you new insights to life or whatever!

David said...

I think you will get used to the big city quickly - there are some advantages to living in a city where there is more available that 'more' is generally much easier to access than in the country.

Best wishes and thanks for keeping us updated!

colin rogers said...

Hope your journey and move all goes to plan..and don't fear matey, we will just have to have low quality recordings while your at,
@ Log@n...probly need warm clothes anywhere in the US lately buddy lol snow in Southern California?..nature seems to on a mission to call out the "Globalwarmites".

mike said...

hey bro. i support anybody leaving where they live for a new spot.

i posted this to my blog before my woman and i moved to texas.

hopefully, these words will help inspire you.
texas, is by far my favorite place to live and we will be back in a little over a year. i've never been to houston but austin, is the coolest city i've ever been to, lived in, etc.
good luck.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! And thank you for bringing us the information. The work you do is HUGE!

Unknown said...

it does get cold in houston

it smells funny a lot of the time, too, if the air is blowing in from pasadena or texas city

the zoning is crazy

lots of crime was my impression

i didn't like the three months i spent there much but if i needed to move there again to get a decent job i would do it

good luck if you go