Today's guest: Chuck Blahous, one of two public trustees for Social Security & Medicare and author of Social Security: The Unfinished Work, on how we can save Social Security while growing benefits.
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The Alex Jones Show -- Feb 04 FR
Alex welcomes to the show pharmacist and GCN talk radio host Ben Fuchs. Ben's Sunday show, The Bright Side with Pharmacist Ben, features nutritional and wellness information about exercise, diet and supplementation, prescription drugs, psychological transformational tools as well as the timeless wisdom of all the great religions and philosophies.
[Note: this interview is in large part a commercial for products sold on Alex's new site.]
Alex also talks with regular Friday guest, Bob Chapman, publisher of the International Forecaster.
[Note: included with this torrent is a copy of the most recent International Forecaster newsletter in .rtf form. This file is courtesy of Sub Lumen, via an anonymous uploader at]
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- Feb 04 FR
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"Police Brutality in the USA: Americans, Too, Are Oppressed" by Paul Craig Roberts
Police in the US now rival criminals, and exceed terrorists, as the greatest threat to the American public.Read the full essay at Sebaygo Too.
Why are the police so aggressive toward the public?
In part because their ranks attract bullies, sociopaths and psychopaths. Even normal cops are proud of their authority and expect deference. Even cops who are not primed to be set off can turn nasty in a heartbeat.
In part because police are not accountable. The effort decades ago to have civilian police review boards was beat back by “law and order” conservatives.
In part because the police have been militarized by the federal government, equipped with military weapons, and trained to view the public as the enemy.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- Feb 04 FR
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The Schiff Report -- Feb 04 FR
Peter Schiff's most recent video blog.
If the embedded video does not play, go here.
Thank you so much for uploading The Peter Shiff Show on TPB!
I am happy to be able to do it.
Thank you as well for uploading Alan Watt. I appreciate it. :)
Many thanks for the Peter Schiff torrents!
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