The Alex Jones Show -- July 05 MO link: link:
Magnet link: HERE
If you have looked for this torrent at and not found it, it's because I have not been able [after about 45 minutes of trying at this point] to get the upload to go through. Support forum moderators continue to say that everything is fine, but there are plenty of other users having the same kinds of problems there that I am. Thank goodness for redundancy. I will continue to try at TPB, but I'm not going to spend my whole evening at it. If you want the torrent go to ExtraTorrent or or I've uploaded it at BTJunkie as well, but the link is not active yet. Eventually it should be here.
Or use one of the magnet/torrage links above!
Update :: After approximately an hour and ten minutes of attempts, I was finally able to upload this torrent to TPB. Now, the question on my mind is this: is having this torrent available on The Pirate Bay worth an extra hour of my time? No, it doesn't take an hour every day, but I can say that uploading at TPB takes longer than at any of the other sites I use 95 percent of the time. And there are many days when the time that TPB consumes is probably equal to or greater than the time I spend at those other sites combined.
Can you tell that I'm a little irritated?
As he announced last week, Mike's Monday show was a re-run -- of Monday, June 7th this time.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- July 05 MO link: link:
Magnet link: HERE
Well, when it rains, it pours (so to speak).
Uploading problems at TPB were the bane of my existence this afternoon, but when I was ready to upload this Rivero show torrent there this evening, everything went perfectly. Success on the first try.
Ukrainian-based has been becoming one of my favorite places to upload. I've never had any difficulties of any kind -- any kind -- in the over seven months I've been uploading there. But this evening, I cannot login. I've tried everything I can imagine, even different browsers. No luck. It's probably not a major fix, and they'll probably be back in business tomorrow. But right now it's a problem.
It doesn't seem right to end the day on a negative note, so let me leave you with a peek at a fairly light-hearted moment from tomorrow's Keiser Report.
screw TPB?
You have better things to do.
1 Public tracker
1 Private tracker
is more than we should/can expect.
Thanks you all your hard work keeping Use all informed
MJ13 (Coleman supplier)
Cool nickname, MJ13.
I have to admit that my thoughts are running along similar lines. I'm going to be watching Pirate Bay's performance with a definitely critical eye in coming days.
If I do decide to drop them, I'll announce it in advance here.
I was pretty much going to say (except for some reason trying to leave a comment here yesterday was giving me an error message... oh the irony) I don't even bother with TBP for these shows now, I just get the links from here.
It's good to maximize exposure, but if you can just let people know they can grab the links elsewhere when TPB isn't cooperating, it shouldn't hurt much.
It's not like TBP force feeds the show into people's heads, if they want it, they'll get it provided they know where to go.
That's my 2 cents. Or should I say two specks of gold dust? hehe
TBP? TPB. I've heard of computer viruses, but TPB seems to have given me dyslexia!
The comments about TPB [and TBP!] are on target. Still, I would hate to turn my back on the old place altogether. I have a bit of a sense of "tradition" there. For one thing, it's the place where I downloaded my very first Jones torrents, about 3 years ago.
BUT, spending the better part of an hour trying to get a single torrent uploaded there is a waste of my finite time, and an un-needed stress on my cardiovascular system.
What I need to do is set a standard, a limit on the amount of time I will devote to uploading a torrent there. Five minutes, even ten minutes, and then go on to other things.
I upload these torrents, try to distribute this information because I think it's important that as many people as possible are exposed to it.
I created this blog to facilitate that effort. One day, this blog or somthing like it may become more of a central engine of information propogation, but right now it's barely more than two months old. I like to think it's gradually becoming more known and more used. For the time being, however, I'm going to continue to rely on a set of [probably excessively] redundant torrent index sites, like the good ol' Pirate Bay.
I am not, though, going to let any one of them spoil my day.
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