Thursday, October 31, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 31 TH

Jakari Jackson anchors the news; special reports by Gigi Ernetta and Jon Bowne. Later, Gigi interviews comedian-activist Tom Mabe (of Mabe in America).

Pro-gun Florida Sheriff found not guilty. China moves spy ship to Hawaiian waters in "retaliation" against the U.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers argues that spying is O.K.. NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google. Texas man arrested and jailed for overdue library book. Entrapment used by Austin police to clear street of the homeless.

No Agenda -- episode 561, "Neuroelasticity" -- 2013 Oct 31 TH

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: Cultural Marxism, Bank$ters, Slave Training, Snowden, CyberWar$, Eugenics, Ministry of Truth, Internet Freedom, Elite$, Vaccine$, EUROLand, Syria, BTC, MIA, The Purge, HealthCareDotGov, War on Drugs, Monsanto ...and much more.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 31 TH

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 31 TH

From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, October 31 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to confront headstrong the lies propping up what many believe to be much scarier than Halloween: Obamacare, also known as "the latest great American wealth transfer swindle."

Alex will also discuss the Texas General Land Office's response to an Infowars report pointing out that the shrine of Texas liberty, the Alamo, was in line to become a United Nations World Heritage site.

Alex also analyzes China's mobilization of a surveillance ship to Hawaiian waters, the fact that investigative journalist Wayne Madsen predicted that the NSA spying on the Pope would be the next big revelation, and the DHS's solicitation of "riot expansion kits" and 240,000 pepper spray projectiles to quell domestic unrest.

On today's show, Alex welcomes political commentator and columnist Derek Khanna to discuss ways to get around the surveillance state.

The Keiser Report No. 517, "Red Queen Syndrome" -- 2013 Oct 31 TH

This time Max and Stacy discuss the Red Queen syndrome of running to stay in the same place - from money printing to fracking, more and more capital and energy are deployed just to stay economically even. In the second half, Max interviews Gregor Macdonald of about fracking, tight oil and the mythical future in which America is an oil giant - especially if oil prices EVER fall below $80 per barrel.

Breaking the Set No. 267 -- 2013 Oct 30 WE

Abby Martin on the UN Vote on Cuba, War Criminal Media Parade, Rubber Stamping Intelligence Committee, and the Face of Drone Warfare.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 30 WE

Lee Ann McAdoo anchors the news. Special reports from GiGi Ernetta, David Knight. Jakari Jackson interviews Sheriff Mack. Season 2 episode 1 of the animated web series, Conrad the Constitution.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 30 WE

Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money -- 2013 Oct 30

When It Comes to Money, Who Owes Whom?

Show highlights:

-”Tragedy and Hope” Carol Quigley and the meaning of
taking the velvet glove off of the iron fist. It is now.
-The Social Security “Trust Fund” that isn’t there; the
American illusion continues.
-Lehman Brothers, five years later that Andrew calls
a “controlled demolition”
-Why it’s OK that doesn’t make money
-Secrecy, security, your money and where it’s going
-The IRS and their interest in healthcare
-U.S.A. Inc. and the balance sheet
-Audio from Alan Greenspan on the beginning of the
Great Recession and Andrew’s commentary
-A bubble is only a problem when the buyers are leveraged
-Derivatives – civilized Las Vegas, is one point four quadrillion. That’s 1,400 thousand trillion dollars
-Andrew’s analysis of gold prices the last couple of years
-Taxing bullion and other things that don’t move
40 Billion USD in help for homeowners from 2008 that hasn’t been spent
-The Rockefeller practice of writing down inflow and outflow
-The pros and cons of paying off the mortgage
-Hear Andrew’s argument for why it is always a good idea to pay your taxes. Always.

Guns and Butter -- 2013 Oct 30 WE

"The Bay Bridge Retrofit and the Federal Reserve" with Scott Paul and Tim Canova.

[this appears to be a rebroadcast of the Guns and Butter show from June 26th of this year]

How not to finance public infrastructure: public-private partnerships; self-liquidating loans to fund infrastructure; analysis of the Federal Reserve System; QE1, QE2, QE3; Operation Twist; outcome of a private central bank; the Fed as a captured agency; nationalizing the Fed; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; alternative paradigm.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 30 WE

From the Infowars web site :: On this Wednesday, October 30 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the rising tide of anger and frustration over the economy killer called Obamacare. Obama's lies are now more exposed than ever as millions of Americans have lost their insurance due to his health law. Seventy percent of poll respondents strongly favor a delay in Obamacare's individual mandate.

Max Keiser joins the broadcast to examine the continuing collapse of the American economy under the weight of Obamacare.

Nuclear expert and screenwriter Dr. Peter Kuznick also joins the show to discuss his collaboration with director Oliver Stone on The Untold History of the United States, a series on Showtime.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 29 TU

Paul Joseph Watson anchors the news. Jakari Jackson interviews Colin Flaherty, author of White Girl Bleed A Lot, which examines the growing epidemic of black-on-white violence in the U.S., and mainstream media bias in covering race issues.

Breaking the Set No. 266 -- 2013 Oct 29 TU

Abby Martin on Unlearned Lessons from Hurricane Sandy, Monsanto's Africa Takeover, The Saudi Arabian Death State, and Guitars for Prisoners.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 29 TU

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 29 TU

From the Infowars web site :: On this Tuesday, October 29 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex takes a look at a warning issued by the CEO of the largest food bank in America that a proposed rollback in the federal government's food stamp program may result in widespread rioting and criminality.

Alex also covers the ongoing fiasco that is Obamacare as hearings commence on the inoperability of the government's enrollment website.

Alex looks at the economy as it continues its long and dismal slide into oblivion as the bankster elite continue their assault on the American people.

On today's show, Alex talks with Jon Corbett, an engineer and activist challenging the constitutionality of the TSA’s body scanners and pat down molestation who received a call from the Department of Justice stating he violated a court order sealing documents that Infowars made public earlier this month.

Alex also talks with ace journalist Wayne Madsen about the persistence of NSA surveillance.

The Keiser Report No. 516, "Bitcoin - Resistance Starts Here!" -- 2013 Oct 29 TU

This time Max and Stacy discuss the revolutionary solution that takes money and power from those who hate and gives it to those who will no longer wait for celebrities and pundits to cogitate, agitate and debate whether or not wristbands and hashtags - oh so quaint - can stop the plunder and pillage by the conmen, hucksters, and banksters backed by the state. Yes, bitcoin. The currency is already creating economic value across Africa, China and the developing world while Brits destroy economic value by moving their money into yet another corrupt bank. In the second half, Max interviews Simon Dixon of about peer to peer lending and the future in which the population can deploy their own capital in more productive ways.

Breaking the Set No. 265 -- 2013 Oct 28 MO

Abby Martin Breaks on Raiding Journalists, Michael Hastings Mysterious Death, JonBenet Distractions, and Dissent over NSA Spying.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 28 MO


Show description as it appears on ::

Monday: The Nightly News. Obama Approved Tapping Angela Merkels Phone 3 Years Ago. Plus, "White Girl Bleed A Lot" Author Colin Flaherty Joins Us For A Look At Race In The Media. [There was no Colin Flaherty interview in tonight's show.]

On The October 28, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight Hosts and We Interview Colin Flaherty, Author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot". [There was no Colin Flaherty interview in tonight's show] News Covered: Spain summons US ambassador over claim NSA tracked 60m calls a month. Report: White House stopped phone tapping of foreign leaders this summer - "He Didn't Know." Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago'. NSA propaganda video among highest downvote percentages in youtube history. Black Boxes in Cars. Fukushima Is Here. Experts: Cellphone Users Are ‘Guinea Pigs’ In Worldwide Test

Monday, October 28, 2013

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 28 MO

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 28 MO

From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, October 28 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex examines how the police state freakout that occurred in a Sacramento suburb on Friday -- in which the Constitution was effectively suspended and a soft form of martial law ensued -- has become the standard template when engaging dangerous suspects.

Alex will also analyze the latest NSA revelations, including how Obama's claims of ignorance represent yet another slap to the face of the international community. He'll also explain why the international spying program, which has been going on for years, is just now getting attention.

On today's show, Alex also goes over the latest financial news as gold continues to climb out of its slump, and developments in the ongoing Obamacare debacle.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 27 SU

Show description from the web site :: On this live Sunday, October 27 transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex showcases the wrath of tyranny now accelerating in America.

A U.S. Army MP recorded a briefing in which his commanding officer discusses their new domestic command structure under FEMA and plans for martial law, including gun confiscations, during a government-declared domestic crisis.

In Texas, state troopers arrested men for legally carrying black powder revolvers - not even considered firearms under Texas law - outside the state capitol in Austin.

American investigative journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs joins Alex in studio to break down all the big news in America.

No Agenda -- episode 560, "Hornet Nest" -- 2013 Oct 27 SU

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: War on Men, Snowden, BRICS, HealthCareDotGov, Ministry of Truth, EUROLand, Agenda 21, War on Toys, Elite$, The Purge, AFRIKA ...and much more.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 Oct 26 SA

The Keiser Report No. 515, "Silent but Violent Emissions" -- 2013 Oct 26 SA

This time Max and Stacy discuss the impossibility of tapering a ponzi scheme, Alan Greenspan's return to the hot airwaves and why QE has failed. In the second half, Max interviews Trond Andresen, a lecturer in control systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, about a digital crisis currency or bitcoin as a solution to a man-made disaster like Greece.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 25 FR

Show description from ::

Friday: The Nightly News. In A Major Reversal Army Halts Program That Labeled Christians Radical Extremists. Plus, We Interview Marc Morano or

On The October 25, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones Hosts and We Interview Marc Morano of . News Covered: Army Halts Program That Labeled Christians Radical Extremists. Exclusive: Feds confiscate investigative reporter’s confidential files during raid. Dept. of Education Builds Up Massive Arsenal Of Firearms. Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers. Miriam Carey 911 Tapes Show Mom Killed In D.C. Chase Thought She Was Being Stalked. exposed as data-gathering honey pot.

Breaking the Set No. 264 -- 2013 Oct 25 FR

Abby Martin and Manuel Rapalo on NSA Long Distance Eavesdropping; "Unmasking" Anonymous and the Culture of Online Freedom Fighting; Impunity for Genocide; Making Time to Reflect

Friday, October 25, 2013

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 25 FR

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 25 FR

From the Infowars web site :: On this Friday, October 25 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the U.S. Army program that labeled Christians as extremists and the continuing mega-disaster that is Obamacare and its remarkably dysfunctional website exposed as yet another government effort to data-mine an unsuspecting public.

Alex also covers efforts by our European allies to put restraints on the NSA as the rogue agency spies on the likes of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and dozens of other world leaders.

Alex welcomes back to the show author, media analyst, and political activist Mark Dice. Mark has produced a number of disturbing yet comical man-on-the-street videos revealing the political ignorance of many Americans. Dice's latest book is The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 24 TH

Show description as it appears on ::

Thursday: The Nightly News. Military Being Taught Christians/Tea Partiers Are Terrorists. Plus, Prozac The Clown and Nurse Death Educate The American Public On Flu Shot Dangers.

On The October 24, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts and We Speak With Prozac The Clown & Nurse Death. News Covered: Fort Hood Soldiers Told Christians, Tea Partiers a Terror Threat. CSPAN Health Law On The Hill Highlights. Hot seat for health care exchange website builders. Report: NSA Spied on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month. NSA spied on 35 world leaders. BRICS Countries Build New Internet to Avoid NSA Spying. The REAL Reason for Saudi Arabia’s Shift Away from U.S. Feds Order School to Ban Packed Lunches Without Doctor’s Note.

Breaking the Set No. 263 -- 2013 Oct 24 TH

Guest host Manuel Rapalo on pepper spray payments, Cindy Sheehan's gubernatorial run, drone double-standards and Libya: on the brink of civil war two years after Gadhafi?

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 24 TH

Russell Brand Gently Educates BBC Newsnight Host (video)

No Agenda -- episode 559, "Tech Surge" -- 2013 Oct 24 TH

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: Snowden/F-Obama TTIP, War on Men, Agenda 21, HealthCare.GOV, Ministry of Truth, Trains-Good-Planes-Bad, Eugenics, Cultural Marxism, EUROLand, BTC/SilkRoad, Vaccine$, Elite$, Drone Nation ...and much more.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 24 TH

From the Infowars web site :: On this Thursday, October 24 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest on Obamacare, which is the spearhead of the economic takeover, and the house of tyranny built upon the national security state. The Obama administration is now trying to shift blame and responsibility onto government contractors for the broken web site, which has 10 times as many lines of code as the bloated Windows Vista operating system.

In yet another mind-staggering statistic, the NSA recorded more than 124 billion phone calls of both Americans and government leaders around the world.

John Perkins, an economist and best-selling author of Hoodwinked, joins the show to reveal the blueprint of the predatory banking elite, who combine geopolitics and corporatism to plunder the wealth of the many for the benefit of the already wealthy few.

The Keiser Report No. 514, "Debtoholics Anonymous" -- 2013 Oct 24 TH

This time Max and Stacy discuss George Osborne in China from where he dissed the jumper class while refusing to come up with more than a 5 day plan for UK command and control economic and monetary policies favoring the bankster class. In the second half, Max interviews Dan Collins of about calls in China for a de-Americanization and a rapidly rising pot of savings.

Breaking the Set No. 263 -- 2013 Oct 23 WE

Deadly Frankenchicken, Justice for Maryville Rape Case, A World Without Sand....

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 23 WE

David Knight anchors the news; Alex and John McAfee go to the Steiner Ranch for some high-caliber "Brothers-in-Arms" fun.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 23 WE

Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money -- 2013 Oct 23

Borrow, Borrow, Borrow or the Whole Thing Collapses, Period

Show highlights:

-Wasting money: Why we value it more when it’s made and not given. Patrick recounts the tumble of a business built on a small business loan compared to a business built on money earned. Andy comments, “If you lose, as long as you don’t lost the lesson, you gain.” Unfortunately the government hasn’t yet figured that one out.
-Fun Fact: The Top 5 positions in the Department of Justice were fundraisers for the President
-The fall of the Roman Empire: Will America repeat history?
-Obama Care, The Hegelian Dialectic and other strange events to kick off the show
-J.P. Morgan now out 19 Billion Dollars in fines
-Fascism – what exactly is it and how did we get here?
-Comparing the USG and The Roman Empire
-Treasury borrows nearly 1/3 Trillion Dollars in one day last week
-Employer Pension Plans and other large shoes to drop someday
-Just how many fiat dollars is the NY Fed creating per month these days?
-The current QE is not to create prosperity it is simply to keep it from imploding
-When you hold the reserve currency status you make the rules. For now.
-Listener asks, “Is my Mom’s money safe in an IRA?” Mr. Gause responds, “It depends”
-What happens if people stop lending money to the States?
-The State Bank of North Dakota. Now there’s an idea worth thinking about.
-European traveler could not cash “Old” Federal Reserve Notes at hotel
-The troubles in Greece have just begun as Tony Soprano pays a visit next week
-Stocks – Is buying and holding an outdated idea?
-Insider trading, the largest hedge fund and Gordon Gekko
-PIMCO on the inside track of information because the buy government debt

Guns and Butter -- 2013 Oct 23 WE

"Dress Rehearsal for Government Privatization" with Michel Chossudovsky.

Privatization of government operating through the process of fiscal collapse; black budgets; war and Wall Street; the Federal Reserve Bank; shock and awe economics; IMF structural adjustment; the Washington consensus; extreme austerity measures; the proxy state; speculative onslaught, regulatory capture; financial warfare against the American public.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 23 WE

From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, October 23 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the riots that would inevitably ensue if food stamp benefits were to be cut, as Fox News host Neil Cavuto has speculated.

He'll also speak to the significance of yesterday's interview with Navy Seal veteran Ben Smith who has confirmed the army's litmus test is whether or not they will fire on American citizens.

Alex will also continue to break down how Americans will be further plunged into poverty once the Obamacare penalties start kicking in.

On today's show, Alex welcomes Jon Corbett, the engineer and blogger who thwarted the TSA's naked body scanners with a piece of metal sewn into his clothing, proving their ultimate ineffectiveness. Corbett is engaged in ongoing litigation with the TSA over the constitutionality of their body scanners and grope downs, which he says is a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Stop Watching Us: The Video

The Schiff Report -- 2013 Oct 23 WE

The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.

Janet Yellen Exposed, Part 2

I realized that I did not emphasize the most foolish of Yellen's statements. In her praise of "innovative" mortgage products, which include such things as subprime, interest only, zero down, negative amortization, and no-doc loans, Yellen specifically identified homeowners using their houses as investments rather than places to live, and leveraging those "investments" using cash-out refis or home equity loans, as evidence that there was no bubble. So according to Yellen, highly leveraged, real estate speculation was evidence that there was no housing bubble! That the very products that helped fuel the housing bubble and exacerbate the financial crisis proved that there was nothing to worry about! Incredible!!! And she is out next Fed chairman!

Breaking the Set No. 261 -- 2013 Oct 22 TU

Zombie Bill CISPA, 500 Innocent People Murdered By Police Per Year, Fifth Estate Flop.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 22 TU

When Alex Jones is part of the show, you know it's not going to fit into the 'approximately 30 minutes format'. Run time tonight -- 51:25.

Show description from ::

DHS Fleeces The American Public of $80 Million To Keep Them From Complaining. Plus, Alex Jones and Anthony Gucciardi Reason With San Antonio's Police Chief At The Alamo.

Paul Joseph Watson anchors the news and "We" Interview John McAfee, Founder of McAfee Anti-Virus Software.

News Covered: Interpol Chief: Arm Citizens Globally to Prevent Terror Attacks. Homeland Security Spends $80 Million On Armed Guards for “Civil Disturbances” EBT Looters to be Shamed Online. Uh Oh: 47 Million Food Stamp Recipients Are Having Their Benefits Cut Back On November 1st. Mysterious phone calls from 865-6696 may install NSA surveillance code on your iPhone. Petition Launched To Get The White House To Open Source Code. Remembering the Alamo - Alex and Anthony Gucciardi confront San Antonio Police Chief.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Scott Horton Show -- 2013 Oct 22 TU

Today's show features Charles Featherstone live in-studio. Featherstone is a seminary student, a contributor at and was a journalist based in New York, Washington D.C. and the Middle East. He shares his insights on Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, Al Qaeda and other topics.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 22 TU

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 22 TU

From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, October 22 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the slow disintegration of the once fabled engine of prosperity in the United States as the federal government moves to sharply cut back the dole for 47 million economic victims of the bankster elite, a gang of international criminals who have managed to sock future generations of Americans into perpetual slavery with a $1,000,000,000,000 debt.

Alex also takes a look at a move by Homeland Security to spend $80 million to beef up security around the bastions of its criminal operations, in particular the IRS, recently assigned to act as enforcers against Americans refusing to participate in the monstrosity known as Obamacare.

On today's show, Alex talks with Benjamin Smith, a former Navy SEAL and Iraq veteran. Smith will address how American veterans were shamelessly exploited during the faux shutdown and the ongoing effort by the government to take advantage of them for political ends.

Breaking the Set No. 260 -- 2013 Oct 21 MO

The RT video was not uploaded to YouTube until about midnight last night.

Government Spies on Depressed Tweeters, Obama's Koch Problem and Radical Environmentalism

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the existence of a new program sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, that scans twitter for people displaying signs of mental illness. Abby then calls out Obama for refusing to make a decision on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, and speaks with author and environmentalist, Derrick Jensen, about the intersection between industry and sustainability and what radical actions must be taken to stop environmental catastrophe. Abby then calls attention to the gross underestimation of Iraq War casualties, and calls out the WHO over a report that blatantly covers up the connection between the use of depleted uranium by occupation forces and congenital birth defects among Iraqis. BTS wraps up the show with a discussion about a few of the most shocking US government conspiracies that turned out to be true.

The Keiser Report No. 513, "Bandits, Bankers & Brokers" -- 2013 Oct 22 TU

This time Max and Stacy discuss the bandits, banksters and brokers who will have taken all that we have got. No dollar, euro, yen or drachma will be left behind. And inflation, deflation and confiscation will take every last nickel and dime. They also discuss Americans turning their bodies into cash machines as they start selling off various organs to make ends meet. In the second half, Max interviews economist and professor, Constantin Gurdgiev, about Bail-Ins, Bail-outs and Troikas. They also discuss 'second-rate' Britain and a de-Americanizing rest of the world.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 21 MO

Show description from ::

Alex Jones Speaks At Historic Open Carry Event On The Steps Of The Alamo.

Jakari Jackson Hosts and We Interview David Knight.

News Covered: No Injuries At Open Carry Gun Rally. PHOTOS: Protest Against Pro-Gun Rally.
Bizarre Mind Control Caught on Camera? Massive Vulnerability Detected In National Power Grids. Families Suspect SEAL Team 6 Crash. running on ‘Hope and Change’.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 21 MO

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 21 MO

From the Infowars web site :: Alex comes to you live on this Monday, October 21 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show.

We the people, the fourth branch of government, are rising up to assert our birthrights as we did this past weekend at the Alamo.

John McAfee, the founder and former CEO of the McAfee anti-virus software company, joins Alex to discuss his latest gadget, the D-Central, which creates decentralized computer networks not connected to the Internet, protecting our Fourth Amendment from the NSA.

New York Times-bestselling author and freelance journalist Greg Palast also joins the show to discuss currency controls and how they would play into the American economic endgame.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 20 SU

Show description from the web site :: On the Sunday, October 20 broadcast of Infowars Live, Alex will look at the aftermath of Saturday's historic armed march at the Alamo, and the mass awakening that's taking place across the country as more people become aware of the imminent threats to gun rights and self defense.

Alex also examines the battles over Obamacare, as the website struggles to stay afloat amid glaring detrimental glitches, and attempts to take down Ted Cruz for daring to stand up to the healthcare-at-gunpoint scam.

No Agenda -- episode 558, "Clouds of Crisis" -- 2013 Oct 20 SU

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: $hadow Puppet Theatre, Showden, BTC, Bank$ters, Agenda 21, War on Dudes, NWO/LNG/PIPES, Slave Training, ShutDown, ClimateGate, Cyber War$, EUROLand, War on Crazy, Eugenics, Healthcare Bonanza, Kenya, Hillary 2016, Bullying, Monsanto, Armageddon, War on Lasers ...and much more.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Truth About Markets: UK with Max and Stacy -- 2013 Oct 19 SA

Stacy Summary: The Truth About Markets episode 1292, airing on 19 October 2013 [The Truth About the Price of Semen].

Some of the headlines covered:

World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 Oct 19 SA

The Keiser Report No. 512, "Post-Kaboom Period" -- 2013 Oct 19 SA

This time Max and Stacy discuss the post-kaboom period of a de-Americanized world where risk is redistributed and financial systems are re-architected away from the daisy chains of credit without collateral. In the second half, Max interviews Leo Johnson, co-author of Turnaround Challenge: Business and the City of the Future about the three possible cities of the future: Petropolis, Cyburbia or Distributed City.

The Schiff Report -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

Janet Yellen Exposed --The Truth Behind the Myth

Friday, October 18, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 18 FR

Description from ::

It's About Time - House Panel Questions Firms Paid Millions For Troubled ObamaCare Website. Plus, We Interview Jon Corbett With Exposing Intel On The TSA.

Gigi Ernetta anchors the news and David Knight interviews Jon Corbett about sensitive TSA documents he uncovered. [Immediately after this interview, Corbet received a letter from the government forbidding him to talk about this.]

News Covered: House panel questions firms paid for troubled ObamaCare website. Obamacare woes widen as insurers get wrong data. Apologist for Assassination of Americans to Be Named as New Homeland Security Chief. Obama’s DHS pick a major Democratic donor, senators question credentials. DHS adviser: Persecuted Christians incited Muslims. UN investigator presses US to publish drone attack data. House Republicans Changed The Rules So A Majority Vote Couldn't Stop The Government Shutdown. New Study: ’2013 ranks as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever’– Many bad weather events at ‘historically low levels'.

Breaking the Set No. 259 -- 2013 Oct 18 FR

6 Things You Need to Know About the Next DHS Head; Whistleblower Dream Team and Etiquette for Idiots.

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out Jeh Johnson, Obama's pick for the next head of the DHS, citing his support for solitary confinement, drones, and slander of MLK's good name. Abby Martin then speaks with John Perkins, best-selling author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman and Hoodwinked, about the corporate takeover of world governments and the need to eradicate the death economy. Abby then speaks with whistleblowers Coleen Rowley and Jesselyn Radack their visit with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in Russia, where they awarded him the Sam Adams Associates Award for Integrity and Intelligence. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with comedian Elizabeth Imus-Zero, discussing her views on the nanny state, the media and her book, Etiquette for Idiots.

TOR Radio No. 78, "TOR Radio Past, Present, and Future (Final Show on RBN)" -- 2013 Oct 18 FR

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by TOR Contributing Editor, Danny Benavides, on the final broadcast of TOR Radio on RBN.  Join us as we take a look back at an amazing year of accomplishments for Traces of Reality and chart our course for the road ahead. We discuss the goals of TOR, the importance of staying true to principles, the challenges within the “alternative media,” and much more.

As for the future of Traces of Reality Radio, as mentioned during the show, there are several options available to us at the moment, all are being considered, and your feedback is very much encouraged.
For the time being, TOR Radio will carry on as a weekly podcast, independently produced and hosted by Guillermo Jimenez, and will continue to be broadcasted through Liberty Express Radio.
Thank you all for your continued support.  Reach out to us by email, Facebook, or Twitter – we look forward to hearing from you!

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 18 FR

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 18 FR

From the Infowars web site :: On this Friday, October 18 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex pulls in all the latest economic news to reveal the controlled implosion of America as private, off-shore mega banks continue to drain the wealth of the middle class.

The U.S. dollar is slipping against the Euro and U.S. Treasury debt prices are at a high. China is promoting the renminbi as a global reserve currency in place of the dollar, which would greatly accelerate America's economic collapse.

Gerald Celente, financial forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins the show to explain Chase Bank's latest regulations, which are the first steps towards the complete destruction of financial privacy and the implementation of a cashless society.

Dr. David Brownstein also joins the broadcast to talk about how Americans can improve their immune systems and avoid major health issues down the road. [Iodine!]

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

Show description from ::

Chase Bank In Full Damage Control As Our Breaking Coverage Makes International Headlines

On The October 17, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo anchors the news and David Knight interview Stephen Kohn of

News Covered: Chase Bank Claims Concerns Are Overrated. LOCK DOWN: Your Cash Is No Longer Your Own: “Everything Is Fine” Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Now Starting To Happen All Over The Globe. Bail In vs Bail Out. Chinese Downgrade Credit Rating. Obama Says Ignore Naysayers. Internal TSA Documents: Body Scanners, Pat Downs Not For Terrorists.

Breaking the Set No. 258 -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

Government Shutdown Sham Delayed, NSA Sponsored Drones, Professor Griff Fights the Power.

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the return of furloughed government employees but reminds us that the fix is only temporary; until the next debt ceiling debate only months away. Abby then cites a new report by the Arizona Republic about the Phoenix International Airport about TSA misconduct, highlighting instances where agents have abused the elderly and the disabled. Abby then calls attention to the CIA's reliance on NSA data mining for its drone strikes, and speaks to David Seaman, host of the David Seaman hour about NSA accountability, Keith Alexander's departure from the agency and Glenn Greenwald's latest journalistic venture. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with former 'Public Enemy' member Professor Griff, discussing the de-evolution and corporatization of mainstream music, and how youth can reject escapism and fight the power.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

Unfortunately, Republic Broadcasting did not publish the podcast file for the second hour of Micheal's show today. Hopefully it will appear in the archive tomorrow.

No Agenda -- episode 557, "Kalemia" -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: ShutDown, Depression, Snowden, Ministry of Truth, Sandy Hook, Vaping, Eugenics/Transhumanism, RNM/ELF/Abilify, Slave Training, Shut Up Slave!, EUROLand, BTC/USD/GOLD, Nukes, Common Core, North Korea, China, War on Drug$ ...and much more.

TOR Radio No. 77, "Mark Thornton on The Debt Ceiling Novela and the Rise of Libertarianism" -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Dr. Mark Thornton, senior resident fellow at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute and Book Review Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.  Guillermo and Mark discuss the anti-climatic conclusion to the latest Washington DC melodrama, the “default/debt ceiling crisis” (Spoiler Alert: No different than the last episode and the dollar dies in the end).

We also discuss the rise of libertarianism and the popularization of ideas like “ending the fed,” the gold standard, nullification, stateless order, and voluntary exchange.  The government, seemingly threatened by the rapid expansion of these ideas and a growing distrust in the state, has taken to naming “anarchists” as the new “terrorist threat.” Also, the economics of prohibition, Ross Ulbricht and the Silk Road, Bitcoin, and much more.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

From the Infowars web site :: On this Thursday edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex looks at banks beginning to limit cash withdrawals and international wire transfers as the economy continues its slow motion death dance.

He also covers the coming food stamp riots and the corporate media celebrated end of the so-called government shutdown.

On today's show, Alex talks with former presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche about the LaRouche Political Committee's Obama-Hitler billboard, the simmering war in Syria, the re-imposition of the Glass-Steagall Act, and other important topics.

Preservation of the Second Amendment takes center stage on today's show ahead of an open carry rally planned for Saturday in San Antonio, Texas. Alex talks with Murdoch Scott of Don't Comply, one of several groups involved in the Second Amendment rally to be held on October 19. Alex will attend to event in Alamo Plaza. Other guests on today's show include Terry Holcombe and C.J. Grisham of Open Carry Texas.

As with Youngevity™ spokesperson Pharmacist Ben Fuchs yesterday, today's in-studio guest -- Chiropractor and Naturopath, Edward Group -- is not mentioned in the official show description. Group is the man behind Alex's apparently hot-selling, super-duper iodine supplement, Survival Shield®. Just be aware that most of the second half of hour one and the first half of hour two is an infomercial.

The Keiser Report No. 511, "WalMart & Wall Street's Sugar Daddy-" -- 2013 Oct 17 TH

This time Max and Stacy discuss the EBT 'free lunch' card chaos at Walmart when an 'unlimited' benefits glitch causes card holders to pile shopping carts high with 'free' goods, while on Wall-Street, the 'free lunch' card of Quantitative Easing has caused a similar misallocation of capital into property and toxic debt instruments. Finally, they discuss the world about to shut off America's 'free lunch' card, otherwise known as the Exorbitant Privilege' of having the world's reserve currency. In the second half, Max interviews Alasdair Macleod of about the $640 million sell order of gold. They also discuss Alasdair's new theory on money supply (FMQ) and his differences with Professor Fekete, a recent guest on the Keiser Report, regarding whether or not there is deflation.

Feeding Us Crap (video, 3:17)

I'm not sure this can be called satire, because it's essentially just plain truth.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TOR Radio -- 2013 Oct 16 WE

No show?

Guns and Butter -- 2013 Oct 16 WE

No show.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 16 WE

In A Momentous Move Chase Bank Limits Cash Withdrawals, Bans International Wire Transfers Paving The Way For An American Bank Holiday.

Show description from :: On the October 16, 2013 broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson anchors the news and interviews Paul Joseph Watson re his leading Chase Bank article. News Covered: Chase Bank Limits Cash Withdrawals. USDA Orders States to Withhold Foodstamps In Month Of November. Adam Kokesh Arrives In Federal Court. Greenwald Exits Guardian To Pursue New Media Venture. Airport Employee Arrested For LAX Dry Ice Explosions.

Breaking the Set No. 257 -- 2013 Oct 16 WE

Nestlé's Wet Greed, Chevron Sues the Rainforest, the EPA's Ethanol Pyramid Scheme

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on a small victory by activists in Ontario, Canada who were able to pressure their government to keep Nestlé from conducting water extractions during times of drought. Abby then speaks with Han Shan, spokesperson for Ecuadorian Victims of Chevron Contamination about the decades-long legal battle between oil giant, Chevron, and indigenous residents of Ecuador's rainforest who suffered from a massive oil contamination. Chevron has not paid a single cent of the $18.5 billion owed to victims of the spill, and is now counter suing the victims. Abby then highlights activist and musician Eleanor Goldfield, front woman of the band Rooftop Revolutionaries, to discuss bridging art and activism, and why modern musicians don't tackle politics. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Erin Ade, host of the new show Boom Bust, discussing the EPA's unregulated creation of ethanol credits and Wall Street's monopolizing pyramid scheme over the industry.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 16 WE

Rachel Maddow P0wned by Infowars (video)

Yes, p0wned!  I want to give credit where credit is due. This piece is simply a dynamite exposé. It may well be the best thing Darrin McBreen has done at Infowars, though I'm sure he didn't due it all singlehandedly. So, kudos to McBreen and everyone else involved with putting this video together.

Here MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is caught red-handed -- misrepresenting, dissembling, outright lying.

MSNBC has been caught airing a deceptively edited video of a rally that took place in Washington D.C. over the weekend, in addition to flagrantly lying to its viewers. Raw footage of the protests outside the gates of the White House showed hyped-up riot police striking and shoving elderly war vets. However, in a segment produced by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, only two-thirds of the footage was shown, making it appear as though veterans initiated the confrontations.

Just as we witnessed during the Trayvon Martin affair, NBC has once again utilized selective editing techniques in attempts to manipulate its target audience, omitting violence on the part of police in order to demonize protesters who dared to defend themselves against the barrage of assaults -- both to their bodies and their liberties. Maddow also played the rally off as a small gathering of fringe Tea Party supporters, in efforts to dismiss legitimate protests through divide and conquer.MSNBC has been caught airing a deceptively edited video of a rally that took place in Washington D.C. over the weekend, in addition to flagrantly lying to its viewers. Raw footage of the protests outside the gates of the White House showed hyped-up riot police striking and shoving elderly war vets.

However, in a segment produced by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, only two-thirds of the footage was shown, making it appear as though veterans initiated the confrontations. Just as we witnessed during the Trayvon Martin affair, NBC has once again utilized selective editing techniques in attempts to manipulate its target audience, omitting violence on the part of police in order to demonize protesters who dared to defend themselves against the barrage of assaults -- both to their bodies and their liberties. Maddow also played the rally off as a small gathering of fringe Tea Party supporters, in efforts to dismiss legitimate protests through divide and conquer.

TOR Radio No. 76, "Kat Murti on U.S. Drug Policy and Returning to Our Senses" -- 2013 Oct 15 TU

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Kat Murti, chair of the Outreach, Recruitment, and Diversity committee and member of the Board of Directors of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP).  Guillermo and Kat discuss the work of SSDP and the various reasons why a “return to our senses” with regard to drug policy is vitally necessary.

We discuss the origins of the drug war, its racist and xenophobic roots, the destruction that it causes, the prison-industrial complex, the profit motive and who stands to benefit, the dangers of a militarized police, the consequences of the Silk Road closure, and much more. We also focus on the many victories and reasons for optimism in putting an end to prohibition and the war on personal freedom.

Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money -- 2013 Oct 16

The Deal Today Assures the Money Printing is Just Getting Started

Show Highlights:
-The deal today assures the dollar will be inflated more
-The deal today will be bullish for all commodities
-20% of everyone’s payroll check goes to D.C. every week.
-There’s enough cash coming in to pay interest on the debt and not default without raising the debt ceiling.
-President Obama was groomed and chosen by the boys to do what he does
-Think about he Lehman moment five years ago, nothing has changed only it is bigger.
-Congress, The Media et all will not talk about the “Trust Funds” with zero dollars, such as Social Security and Medicare.
-2008 was a controlled demolition Andy comments on Jim Rogers talking about China, Russia and the dollar
-Another conversation about Bitcoin comparing to dollar and gold.
-Oh the good ole days with a private Swiss Bank Acccount
-When Goldman says sell good to their customers and Buffet saysBuy stocks. What to do?
-Andrew gives a short course on jurisdiction

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 16 WE

From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, October 16 Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down how the government has deliberately engineered a welfare state dependency on food stamps, ensuring that massive rioting will take place if EBT benefits are denied due to the debt ceiling and government shutdown fiascos.

He'll also examine the USDA's move to withhold Electronic Food Stamps and analyze Chase's decision to limit cash withdrawals, spurring speculation of a looming financial crisis.

As is standard practice, when Alex has as a guest one of the Youngevity™ marketing people, it is not listed in the official show description. Pharmacist Ben Fuchs is on with Alex in the third hour. The second half of hour three and the five minute "overdrive" segment are largely an infomercial.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Breaking the Set No. 257 -- 2013 Oct 15 TU

Breaking the Set airs on RT America at 5:00 p.m. Central Time, and re-airs three hours later.

Each episode is typically uploaded to YouTube between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. Monday's episode was not uploaded last night until after 9:30 p.m. and today's has still not been uploaded (as of 10:10 p.m.).

If you're interested you can periodically check their channel page at

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 15 TU

Paul Joseph Watson anchors the news; David Knight interviews Joel Gilbert about Newark, New Jersey mayor, Cory Booker's candidacy for the US Senate.

From :: US Senate Says Right To Bear Arms Is Debatable. EBT Card Users Threaten Rodney King Style Riots. Hidden Messages In New 100 Dollar Bill. School Girls Threatened With Hate Crime Charges For Complaining About Transgender Bathroom Harassment. Obamacare Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know Health Plan's True Cost.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 15 TU

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 15 TU

From the Infowars web site :: On this Tuesday, October 15 transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex is confronted with news that confirms his fears: the threat of civil unrest is rising. Massive rioting, on the scale of the 1992 Rodney King riots, may occur if the electronic food stamp system crashes again.

Intelligence officer and survivalist author James Wesley Rawles joins the show to assess the rioting threats and how Americans can prepare themselves and their families.

Alex also welcomes back William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot whose recent interview with Fox News, including his revelations on the Benghazi embassy attack, was edited down to mere seconds by the network.

The Keiser Report No. 510, "De-Americanizing-" -- 2013 Oct 15 TU

This time Max and Stacy discuss stop logic and victory vomit in a de-Americanized world. In the second half, Max interviews Rowan Bosworth-Davies, a former fraud squad detective, about crime being what you call it - so let's call it a racket or organized crime as practiced in the City of London.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 14 MO

Show description as it appears on

As The Main Stream Media Plays Catch Up With Our September Report, New Information In The Case Of The Missing Nukes.

On The October 14, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones Hosts and We Interview Ken Webb of Change Da Channel. News Covered: Radio Host Michael Savage Calls For Answers Over Missing Nuke Report. Feds Order Barricades Back Up at WWII Memorial. Malala Confronts Obama, Says Drone Strikes Are Fueling Terrorism. The U.S. Has REPEATEDLY Defaulted. EBT Card Food Stamp Recipients Ransack Wal-Mart Stores. NSA Gets Green Light from Secret Court. Patriot Act Author Prepares Bill To Put NSA Bulk Collection ‘Out Of Business’

Breaking the Set No. 256 -- 2013 Oct 14 MO

Robots Replacing Worlds' Teachers, FEMA Should Learn From India Cyclone, Gitmo on the Ground

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 14 MO

TOR Radio No. 75, "Christian Stork on Cyber War Profiteers and the Nebulous Terrorist Threat" -- 2013 Oct 14 MO

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by staff writer and PolicyMic contributor, Christian Stork.  Guillermo and Christian discuss the ways in which the “cyber security industry is manipulating you,” and the evolution of the military-industrial complex as the battlefield shifts to cyberspace.

We discuss the incestuous relationship between the NSA and private intelligence contractors, the profit motive, recent fear-invoking comments by Keith Alexander regarding the Edward Snowden leaks, internet anonymity, encryption, Tor, Bitcoin, the Silk Road, and much more.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 14 MO

From the Infowars web site :: Today on the Monday, October 14, edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses the hysteria that ensued just hours after a computer glitch brought the government's food stamp system to its knees.

He'll also break down the latest on the veterans' patriotic take back of the DC memorials and top radio show host Michael Savage's call for the media to cover the missing nuclear weapons story.

On today's show Alex interviews Brian Aitken, who was arrested and jailed for possession of handguns legally purchased in Colorado but transferred from one residence to another in New Jersey.

Also on air is Master Sergeant C.J. Grisham who's currently embroiled in a battle to defend his Second Amendment rights after he was arrested in Temple, TX for "rudely displaying" a hunting rifle while on a hike with his 15-year old son.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 13 SU

Show description from the web site :: On this Sunday, October 13 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest momentous developments in the Million Vet March in Washington as outraged veterans tear down "barrycades" and move on the White House, a development that has the government up in arms and deploying snipers and riot police in response.

Alex also takes a look at the EBT welfare snafu as government IT fails stupendously and millions of "beneficiaries" of the state are left high and dry, unable to buy food, a situation blamed on the same sort of computer glitch that has hobbled the Obamacare registration fiasco.

No Agenda -- episode 556, "Vape like a Ninja" -- 2013 Oct 13 SU

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: Cyberwar$, Bank$ters/Meltdown, Snowden, Ministry of Truth, War on Ca$h, EUROLand, Shut Up Slave!, Native Advertising, Russia, War on Drug$, Gas/Nukes, ShutDown, HealthcareDotGov, War on SysAdmins, Internet Freedom, Africa, North Korea, Drone Nation, Obama Nation ...and much more.

The Schiff Report -- 2013 Oct 11 FR

The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.

Debt Ceiling, Gold, and Janet Yellen - Hype vs. Reality

The Truth About Markets: UK with Max and Stacy -- 2013 Oct 12 SA

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Keiser Report No. 509, "Dirty Rotten Profits" -- 2013 Oct 12 SA

This time Max and Stacy discuss David Cameron's claim that profit is not a dirty word; and, yet, profits are whatever an accounting trick (or fraud) says it is, especially when an executive's bonus is tied to this fabricated number. They look at profits as percentage of GDP being at an all time high, while investment is at an all time low; for, instead of investing, businesses are handing cash back to shareholders - a tactic once reserved for executives who had run out of ideas. In the second half, Max interviews Francine McKenna of about the Big Four accounting firms morphing into the Big Four consulting firms and the conflicts of interest that have arisen as a result.

World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 Oct 12 SA

Friday, October 11, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 11 FR

Show description as it appears on

Friday: The Nightly News. Another Top Military Official In Command Of America's Nuclear Arsenal Fired According To Anonymous Sources.

On The October 10, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones Hosts and We Interview Anthony Gucciardi. News Covered: Top Nuke Commanders Terminated Following Missing Nuclear Warheads. TSA Loudspeakers Threaten Travelers With Arrest For Joking About Security. Obamacare Sign-Up Crash: What’s Really Behind It? NBC Poll 60 Percent Say Fire Every Member Of Congress? Google Chrome's Cache Exposes Personal Data. Google Sets Plan to Sell Users’ Endorsements.

Breaking the Set No. 255 -- 2013 Oct 11 FR (abridged)

Debt Ceiling Debate Sham, March Against Monsanto

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the Tampa 10 news for their over-sensationalized coverage of what they call a 'terrorist dry run', using the decades old fear tactic of demonizing brown people. Abby then speaks with Dr. Stephanie Kelton, economics professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, about the real threat of not raising the debt ceiling and the baseless GOP rhetoric against Obamacare . Abby then talks to Nick Bernabe, activist and organizer with 'March Against Monsanto', an international event on October 12 that will draw mass demonstrations against the Monsanto corporation in over 400 cities across 50 countries. Abby feeds some social media trolls.

TOR Radio No. 74, "Marcy Wheeler on NSA Surveillance Reform, Anas Al Liby, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev" -- 2013 Oct 11 FR

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Marcy Wheeler, author and blogger at  Guillermo and Marcy discuss the NSA’s domestic surveillance program, the latest attempts by Congress at so-called “reform,” Rep. John Sensenbrenner’s USA Freedom Act, Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Justin Amash’s comments from the CATO Institute’s conference on surveillance, and the latest on the $2 billion data center in Bluffdale, Utah.

We also touch on the case of Anas Al Liby and the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and what they reveal about the current state of the U.S. justice system.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 11 FR

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 11 FR

From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, October 11 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex gives an in-depth week-in-review of the ongoing debate on Capitol Hill over raising the debt limit and Obamacare, and the accelerated attack on Tea Party conservatives.

Alex also discusses how the families of departed military members were spitefully held for ransom by the Obama administration, and breaks down the ludicrousness of the TSA's authoritarian threat to arrest travelers for simply joking about being groped.

On today's show, Alex welcomes former Congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul to break down the political tug-of-war taking place in Washington and why Janet Yellen, the new fed boss, will be the same as the old boss.

Also, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura talks to Alex about developments in his potential run for presidency and his latest book They Killed Our President.

Chomsky on American Exceptionalism, International Law, Israeli Chemical Weapons and Drone Terrorism (video)

This is a great interview! Chomsky is so soft-spoken it almost obscures the fact that he is delivering world shaking truth. Watch, listen and share, please.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

As of 1:00 a.m. CDT on October 11th, there is no show description posted at

This description is from the Ron Gibson channel on YouTube.

Thursday: The Nightly News. With Unnecessary Park Closures And Veteran Arrests At Memorials Across The Nation, Demonstrators Are Speaking Out In Droves.

On The October 10, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Darrin McBreen Hosts and We Interview Paul Craig Roberts. News Covered: Grand Canyon Park Police Arrest Visitors -- Protestors Rally. Shutdown Defiance: Citizen Mows Lincoln Memorial Lawn. Call to Action: Oath Keepers Urged to Support WWII Veterans at Memorials. Report: Feds Order National Guard to Close I-495 to Derail Trucker Protest. Ex-Treasury Official: Obama Could Use Debt Crisis to Seize Total Power.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Oct 10 TH -- Important CTtM Show News

Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:

Teen boy in a serious condition following 'choking game'

More mental disorders among young Irish, study shows

UN Mental Health Plan--2013-2020

UN marks World Mental Health Day by focusing on well-being of ageing populations

OECD, "We Must Eliminate Fossil Fuels"

Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money -- 2013 Oct 09

If the USG Gets Religion and Spends Less Than They Steal Then Andy is Finished. What are the Odds?

Show Highlights
-President Obama will leave office with U.S. 20 Trillion in debt
-The debt limit- Obama Care tango unfolds. Hear Andy’s full in depth analysis right here
-Puerto Rican Bonds are widely invested in because of tax loophole, and they are in bad, bad shape.
-The fine details of how the 85 Billion Dollar QE works
-We’re shocked ! Shell Oil starting to drill in Iraq
-Libya was as much about water as oil and banking
-Hear the story on the new Fed Chairperson, Janet Yellen
-Why did gold, silver and oil go down Wednesday if Yellen is an inflationist?
-The Battle of Waterloo and how the Rothschild’s made billions
-Proof. When the USG says they want to put people to work, they are fibbing.
-The internet is wild with a story that World Bank whistleblower says Hawaii has 170,000 tons of gold stashed. True?
-What are gross profit margins for spaghetti sauce and Prozac
-The U.S. has exit tax
-Silk Road head is in jail and the FBI can’t get at his 80 million dollars of Bitcoins
-Sue learns how the commercial banks also create money to loan to us
-Lehman five years later
and so much more!

Breaking the Set No. 254 -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

Barack Nixon, Enemy of the Press; Autonomous Killer Robots; Egypt's Fascist Takeover; the Global Energy Collapse.

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about a new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists highlighting a consensus among media that the Obama administration is the absolute worst president on the issues of press freedoms and whistleblower protections. Abby then debunks the rhetoric from CIA director John Brennan suggesting that Obama is scaling back the use of drones by remarking on the push for autonomous killer drones and a return to the Bush-era policy of extraordinary rendition. BTS then speaks with Dina Darweesh Egyptian American activist about the hope for democracy under Egypt's fascist military takeover as well as the impact of US aid partially being cut. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Michael Ruppert, investigative journalist and author of 'Crossing the Rubicon', about destructive energy policies, the global energy crisis and the potential for a collapse of industrial civilization as we know it unless people become more than just passive actors.

TOR Radio No. 73, "Jacob Hornberger on JFK, the National Security State, and the Politics of Fear" -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by the founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, Mr. Jacob Hornberger. Guillermo and Jacob discuss the growth of the national security state over the last half century and take a look back at the last U.S. President to challenge its legitimacy, John F. Kennedy.

We discuss Kennedy’s “war with the national security state,” the coup of November 22, 1963, Operation Northwoods, false flag terror, Eisenhower’s farewell address, the expansion of the military-industrial complex in the modern age, the advent of the “cyber security” industry, and much more.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

No Agenda -- episode 555, "Grays+Monkeys=Humans" -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: TTIP/TTP, Agenda 21, NWO/OECD, Slave Training, Snowden, Gaydar, Silk Road, Shut Up Slave!, October Surprise, ELF/RNM/Binary Drugs, Ministry of Truth, DC Madness, Russia, EUROLand, Transhumanism, War on Lasers, Internet Freedom, Monsanto, Haiti, Vaccine$ ...and much more.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

From the Infowars web site :: On this Thursday, October 10 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex and Infowars Nightly News host David Knight examine the complete failure of Obamacare. The web site, which doesn't even work, cost taxpayers $634 million. The White House knew about the problems but still insisted on the Oct. 1 rollout. Regardless, Obamacare is too expensive for Americans with lower incomes and credit scores.

Everett Stern, a bank whistleblower, joins the show to discuss the allegations that HSBC, an international bank, financed criminals, drug cartels and terrorists. Back in March, Attorney General Eric Holder declined to prosecute HSBC for money laundering, implying that the bank was "too big to jail."

Anthony Gucciardi also joins the show to provide updates on the Fukushima radiation crisis.

Alex participates in the first 30 minutes of the show. David Knight hosts the rest.

The Keiser Report No. 508, "When US-Backed Cartel Controls Meth Trade" -- 2013 Oct 10 TH

This time Max and Stacy discuss the preference for pink slime in economics, finance, education and politics. They look at the booming crystal meth market in America where the 'shake and bake' players are small time compared to the single US backed cartel controlling the trade. And how derivatives are the crystal meth of the financial markets. In the second half, Max interviews Jan Skoyles of The Real Asset Company about the report she co-authored, "Uncovering China's Rush for Gold," about China's Gold Market, the 'real' size of China's reserves and what Janet Yellen at the Fed will do for gold.

Bruce Schneier at Congress on Privacy and Security (video)

Schneier's address at conference in Lausanne, Switzerland on September 30, 2013.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

Show description as it appears on

Obamacare Enrollment Requires Your Credit Info Which Also Affects Rates*, And Any Information Obtained During The Prcoess Can Be Used For Law Enforcement And Audit Activities.

*This appears to be not true. The original article on upon which this claim is based, had added a retraction note by mid-afternoon Wednesday.  The word wrong, placed inside quotation marks seem to perhaps imply that the source's retraction was insincere, but there is no further reporting to substantiate the claim.  The retraction notice should have been more prominent for a story alleging something this significant.

Clarification from the original source of the story can be found here: []

On The October 9, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Interview Journalist WhistleBlower Tosh Plumlee. News Covered: Congress To Probe Govt Attacks On Homeowners Businesses During Shutdown. Obamacare Marketplace: Personal Data Can Be Used For ‘Law Enforcement and Audit Activities. Credit Score Needed For Obamacare And May Effect Rates. People With Cell Phones Didn't Notice Shooter On Train. Google's Eric Schmidt Explains Their Policy Of Innovating Technology That Straddles The "Creepy" Line.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:

Met's Minority Report: They use computer algorithms to predict where crime will happen

Transforming America's Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance

Regulation will be imposed on press as politicians reject self-regulation.

Breaking the Set No. 253 -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

UN Impunity for Killing Haitians, Petreaus Protests, Los Alamos Nuclear Time Bomb

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the UN for refusing to take accountability and pay for damages after overwhelming evidence showed that UN troops were directly responsible for a cholera outbreak that infected 650 thousand Haitians and killed 8 thousand. Abby then features a report by RT correspondent Ramon Galindo, highlighting the ongoing protests across the country against former US military general David Petreaus' teaching roles and mentorships at American universities. Abby then speaks to Greg Mello, executive director of the Los Alamos Study Group, about the deteriorating state of the 50 year old Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the dangers of the facility no longer being able to process its radioactive waste. Abby then calls attention to the superficial PC debate about changing the name of the Washington Redskins, all the while avoiding the real issue of the dire state of Native American communities in the US. Abby cites the casino industrial complex as a contributing factor to the high levels of alcoholism, infant mortality and suicide that plague the remaining 310 reservations in America. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Max Blumenthal, journalist and author of the book Goliath: Fear and Loathing in Greater Israel, about the state-sponsored discrimination against Arabs in Israel, and how America's unflinching support for the Jewish state perpetuates Apartheid.

Guns and Butter -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

It appears that there was no Guns and Butter episode aired today. [Normal time-slot is 1-2:00 Pacific time.]  I will check the web site again tomorrow.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

TOR Radio No. 72, "Silk Road Arrests Update, #T2SDA, and Calls" -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo goes over the latest Silk Road related arrests, the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution” general strike planned for this coming weekend, updates on the NSA data center, and takes calls.

Interruptions and Such

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

From the Infowars web site :: On this Wednesday, October 9 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex delves into aspects of the crumbling economy as Obama proposes establishment insider Janet Yellen to head up the Federal Reserve and oversee the ongoing destruction of the U.S. economy.

He also covers Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's suggestion that martial law be declared to put an end to the supposed government shut down.

On today's show, Alex talks with William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot targeted for posting questions about the government secretly arming Syrian mercenaries in an "off-the-books" covert operation by the CIA.

Alex also talks with Oath Keepers founder and former Ron Paul staffer Stewart Rhodes in-studio. Rhodes will talk about forming "civilization preservation teams" to provide community civil defense, sheriff posses, strengthening volunteer fire, search-and-rescue, reserve deputy systems, and eventually assist in forming and training town and county militias.

ExtraTorrent Update -- 2013 Oct 09 WE

The servers of (in Ukraine) have been unreachable for a couple of days -- an amount of downtime unheard of for this site. This morning I have learned why. Extratorrent.COM is gone. Via TorrentFreak:
The newly founded Intellectual Property Crime Unit of the City of London Police has scored its first victories. Several domain names of major torrent sites have been suspended by their registrars following an urgent request from the unit. SumoTorrent and MisterTorrent lost control over their domains and ExtraTorrent had its .com domain suspended.
So, rest in peace and good morning ExtraTorrent.CC !!

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 08 TU

Show description as it appears on

Tuesday: The Nightly News. Seniors Held At Gunpoint While On Vacation. Plus, "We" Interview Stewart Rhodes Of Oath Keepers.

On The October 8, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones Hosts and "We" Interview Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers. [Actually, Alex interviews Stewart Rhodes.]

News Covered: Feds Treated Senior Citizens Like Terrorists During National Park Shutdown. Vets To Break Barricades At Iwo Jima Monument. 6th Graders Told To Destroy Bill of Rights. Autonomous Drones Will Soon Make Kill Decisions. Warren Buffet Loves A Good Crisis. Selective Enforcement During Shutdown. School Bans Footballs Tag and Cartwheels.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Oct 08 TU

Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:

The National Crime Agency: Does Britain need an FBI?

& More on Above

Elite social-worker course attracts 1,000 graduates, but Frontline will take only the best 100

The recession's biggest winner: Warren Buffet made an astonishing $10BILLION from the financial crisis

DHS, Security Association Sign Agreement on Information Sharing

Greenwald: 'The objective of the NSA is literally the elimination of global privacy'

Breaking the Set No. 252 -- 2013 Oct 08 TU (abridged)

Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Government Shutdown Side Effects, Philadelphia's Fire Bombing, and "Less than Lethal" Weapons

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the absurdity of de-furloughing thousands of military defense contractors because of "national security", all the while leaving thousands of food and safety inspectors out of work due to the government shutdown. Abby then looks back on the tragic incident in 1985 where police firebombed a Philadelphia neighborhood in an attempt to punish members of the MOVE revolutionary political group. To this day, no one has been held accountable for the deaths of 11 people including five children who were burned alive. BTS wraps up the show highlighting a few of the most disturbing crowd control gadgets used by militarized police on protestors across the country.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 08 TU

TOR Radio No. 71, "Kevin Gallagher on the End of Silk Road, the Beginning of Peer to Peer Crypto-Anarchy" -- 2013 Oct 08 TU

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Wireless Fantasy writer and the director of, Kevin Gallagher.  Guillermo and Kevin discuss the Silk Road takedown, detailing the timeline of related events preceding the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the alleged mastermind and site administrator known as "Dread Pirate Roberts."

We discuss the details of the case as well as its broader implications regarding the intersection of the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs,” NSA-DEA parallel construction, internet security and anonymity, the viability and vulnerabilities of Tor and Bitcoin, potential successors to Silk Road, and what the future holds for peer to peer networks and crypto-anarchy.

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 08 TU

From the Infowars web site :: On this Tuesday, October 8, edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex interviews award-winning reporter and journalist for WorldNetDaily, Colin Flaherty, about this new book titled White Girl Bleed a Lot, which focuses on the return of racial violence to America and how the media ignores it.

Alex also interviews radio talk show host Aaron Klein, who is also on staff for WorldNetDaily and authored the book Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama From Office.

Alex will continue to analyze the unwillingness of Congress to come to an agreement on healthcare reform, leaving the country in economic turmoil.

He'll also discuss China's latest warning to the US to resolve the deadlock in Congress before the government is projected to run out of cash on October 17.

The Keiser Report No. 507, "Hierarchy of Price Fixing" -- 2013 Oct 08 TU

This time Max and Stacy discuss the good news for the economy as compensation payments for fraud trickles into the local economy and then they introduce the concept of the People's Price Fix and a Keiser's Hierarchy of Price Fixing. In the second half, Max interviews Professor Antal E. Fekete of about Fed induced hyper-deflation and why the American Austrians were wrong to predict that quantitative easing would cause inflation.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 07 MO

Show description, as it appears on

Monday: The Nightly News. ATF Tries To Block Release Of Whistleblowing Fast and Furious Book, To The Surprise Of No One.

On The October 7, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson Hosts and We Interview Jon Rappoport. News Covered: ATF Tries To Block Whistleblowing Fast & Furious Book. Epic Fail: 99% of Obamacare Applications Can't Be Processed. Americans More Interested in Miley Cyrus Than Obamacare Or Govt. Shutdown. 9-year Old Boy Sneaks Onto Plane Without Bording Pass. Japan Asks International Community To Help Solve Fukushima Crisis. Arrest Warrant Issued For Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Pharmaceutical Firms Paid To Attend Meetings Of Panel That Advises FDA.

TOR Radio No. 70, "Pepe Escobar on American Foreign Policy: Bad Intelligence, Botched Raids, and Obama Pivoting with Himself" -- 2013 Oct 07 MO

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by roving journalist for Asia Times, Pepe Escobar.  Guillermo and Pepe discuss the twin raids executed over the weekend involving the capture of Anas al-Libi in Libya and the botched SEAL Team 6 mission in Somalia.  We discuss Pentagon PR, the destabilization and balkanization of Southwest Asia and Northern Africa, the rejuvenation of the “War on Terror,” and who stands to benefit.

Also on the show – Obama caught “pivoting with himself,Netanyahu’s speech at the UN, the latest on Syria, Breaking Bad as metaphor for the American Empire, and much more.

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Oct 07 MO

Breaking the Set No. 251 -- 2013 Oct 07 MO

TEPCO Destroys the Earth, Ray Kelly Unfit to Lead DHS, What Defines a Terrorist?

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin discusses the ongoing nuclear crisis at Fukushima, Japan, highlighting the most recent leak of highly radioactive water. Abby then speak with Lisa Stampnitsky, author of the book Disciplining Terror about the irony of fighting a war on terror despite the federal government not being able to provide a clear definition for what a 'terrorist' is. Abby then calls out the Obama administration for continuing the Bush-era practice of extraordinary rendition highlighting two recent US special operations raids conducted in Libya and Somalia targeting individuals who posed no immediate threat to the US. Abby then talks about the recent self-immolation on the National Mall in Washington DC by discussing the political relevancy of self-immolations over the years and the corporate media's lack of coverage of these events in America. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with former US Customs inspector Cathy Harris, about her experience blowing the whistle on racial profiling at the US Customs Office and why NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly is unfit to serve in any American law enforcement capacity.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 07 MO

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 07 MO

From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, October 7 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to break down the stalemate in Congress over Obama's refusal to negotiate sections of his namesake healthcare law. We'll also analyze the use of the shutdown as political leverage and as a Republican-demonization tool, and reports regarding the recent capture of an Al Qaeda operative.

On today's show, Alex welcomes Michael Boldin, the founder and Executive Director of the Tenth Amendment Center, to examine the passage of California Assembly Bill 351, which essentially nullifies the NDAA's indefinite detention clause.

Alex also invites tech industry wizard John McAfee to discuss the development of his new NSA-thwarting gadget, as well as the potential security and identity theft risks built-in to Obamacare.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Truth About Markets: UK with Max and Stacy -- 2013 Oct 05 SA

The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 Oct 06 SU

Show description from the web site :: On this live Sunday, October 6 Alex Jones Show, Alex analyzes the current chaos in Washington, D.C. as the people rise against tyranny. Americans fed up with political theater have climbed over "government shutdown" barricades in order to pay their respects to outdoor memorials.

A former NYPD police sergeant has openly criticized the shooting of her unarmed sister on Thursday by D.C. Capitol Police.

Speaker of the House John Boehner continues to stand firm against Obama, stating that House Republicans will not pass bills to "re-open" the government or to increase the debt ceiling unless there are sweeping changes to Obamacare.

Peter Schiff has warned that we are in worse shape economically than we were before the 2008 collapse.

No Agenda -- episode 554, "Slave Bracelet" -- 2013 Oct 06 SU

The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.

Topics: Capitol Shield, Slave Training, Showden, Eugenics, Shut Up Slave!, ShutDown, Al Qaeda, Obama Nation, CyberWar$ ...and much more.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 Oct 05 SA

The Keiser Report No. 506, "Working Class Debt Save" -- 2013 Oct 05 SA

This time Max and Stacy discuss David Cameron as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) which causes the wealth of the nation to drop. They also discuss Continuous Payment Authorities as a metaphor for our financial systems continuously taking toll payments, whether via interest fees or inflation. Max also notes that David Cameron claims 'profits' is not a dirty word; and yet, to every major, successful corporation on Earth "profits' is, indeed, a word to be avoided at all costs. In the second half, Max interviews Dr Michael Hudson of about the global economic policies turning the UK into Greece and the U.S. into Latvia and a world in which only the little companies make profits.

Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 Oct 04 FR

Show description from

An Unarmed Woman Brutally Gunned Down In Front Of Our Nation's Capitol. Plus, Mike Adams On How The Robotic Technology Revolution Will Consume Today's WorkForce.

On The October 4, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Gigi Ernetta Hosts and We Interview Mike Adams Of News Covered: Have Police Explained Why They Shot And Killed An Unarmed Driver At The Capitol Yesterday? Capitol Shooting: Police Car Crash Caught On Camera. Man Killed After Opening Fire On Oregon State Trooper As His Three Kids Sit Inside The Car. The Journal News Sues Putnam County For Pistol Permit Records. WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut. Why The NSA's Attacks On The Internet Must Be Made Public. 8 Things We Know So Far About Adobe’s Customer Data Breach.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 Oct 04 FR

No indications on Alan's web site that he did a new show today.

Breaking the Set No. 250 -- 2013 Oct 04 FR

41 Years in Solitary Confinement, Trigger Happy Corporate Media, Ireland's Direct Democracy

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin remarks on the death of 71 year old Herman Wallace, a former inmate at the Louisiana state penitentiary in Angola, who was recently released from prison after spending 41 years in solitary confinement. Abby then calls out the corporate media for the blatant sensationalizing of the recent Capitol Hill police shooting, citing the lack of coverage on the dozens of other shootings and homicides that occur in Washington DC year round. Abby then talks to Ben Gilroy, leader of the Direct Democracy Party in Ireland, about the goals of his political movement and the reasons he is being persecuted by the Irish media and political establishment. BTS wraps up the show with an interview and musical performance by Occupy Toronto activist and hip hop artist, Cale Sampson, who performs the songs 'Reach Up' and 'The Truth Is'.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 Oct 04 FR

In their infinite wisdom, Republic Broadcasting today decided only to post audio files for hours one and two of today's Rivero show. If they post the third hour later, based on past experience, they will do it Monday and they will forge the date/time stamp to make it appear that the third file was published at precisely the same time the other two were.

TOR Radio No. 69, "Guy Evans on the DC Shooting, False Narratives, and Silk Road’s 'Heisenberg'" -- 2013 Oct 04 FR

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by the host of Smells Like Human Spirit, Guy Evans.  Guillermo and Guy discuss the incident in Washington, DC yesterday that led to police fatally shooting a 34 year-old mother, Mariam Carey.  We discuss how sloppy media reporting, the propagation of false narratives, and confirmation bias causes misinformation to spread so rapidly in the digital age.

Also on the show – the Silk Road takedown, the arrest of the "Heisenberg of the internet," Dread Pirate Roberts, identified as Ross Ulbricht, what it means for Tor, internet anonymity, and the "war on drugs."