Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Agenda 21 and ICLEI
Boston Bombing Suspects
Did FBI Execute my Boy?
Father of man FBI shot claims his son was executed
Friday, May 31, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 174 -- 2013 May 31 FR
No indication of why there was no show yesterday.
Power of Spoken Word Poetry, and Millions Strong Against Monsanto
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin showcases two spoken word poets; Omar Musa, Australian-Malaysian poet, who incorporates hip hop and poetry to present a piece called 'My Generation', Remi Kanazi, Palestinian-American poet and activist, who uses his educational art to perform the poems 'Normalize This' and 'Refuse'. Abby also features two exclusive interviews with both artists. BTS also features a look at the worldwide resistance against GMOs and the bio-chemical giant, Monsanto.
Power of Spoken Word Poetry, and Millions Strong Against Monsanto
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin showcases two spoken word poets; Omar Musa, Australian-Malaysian poet, who incorporates hip hop and poetry to present a piece called 'My Generation', Remi Kanazi, Palestinian-American poet and activist, who uses his educational art to perform the poems 'Normalize This' and 'Refuse'. Abby also features two exclusive interviews with both artists. BTS also features a look at the worldwide resistance against GMOs and the bio-chemical giant, Monsanto.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 May 31 FR
Hour two of today's broadcast has not been posted on the Republic Broadcasting web site. If past actions are a guide, it will show up there probably late morning Monday.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 31 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, May 31 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex takes a close look at the build up to a Syrian civil war, where western funded Al-Qaeda-affiliated Syrian opposition groups are becoming increasingly extremist and dominated by foreign jihadists, as Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad vows retaliation against future air strikes emboldened by fresh Russian arms shipment.
Alex also breaks down what he expects during his upcoming trip to Watford, UK, the site of the Bilderberg group 2013 meeting. Various police state measures have emerged in anticipation of “unruly” protests and Watford Borough Council is now refusing to honor permit applications to hold a Bilderberg Fringe Festival where Alex Jones and David Icke were scheduled to speak.
Alex also breaks down what he expects during his upcoming trip to Watford, UK, the site of the Bilderberg group 2013 meeting. Various police state measures have emerged in anticipation of “unruly” protests and Watford Borough Council is now refusing to honor permit applications to hold a Bilderberg Fringe Festival where Alex Jones and David Icke were scheduled to speak.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 30 TH
Show description from :: On the May 30, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. News Covered: 25 Tea Party groups sue the IRS. GMO genetic pollution alert: Genetically engineered wheat escapes experimental fields planted across 16 states. DOJ monitored "thousands and thousands" of AP phone calls. Top IRS official visited White House 175 times; even more than Geithner or Napolitano! 75% of Americans want a special prosecutor to investigate IRS scandal. Special IRS Prosecutor Favored as Obama Support Drops. New Coronavirus a "threat to the entire world" says WHO. Arsenic being intentionally added to conventional chicken. Hungary torches 500 hectares of GM corn to eradicate GMOs from food supply. Facebook bans vowels to curb hate speech. [sic]
In the last half of the show, Mike Adams interviews in-studio Andrea Lalama of who had photos of her children holding anti-GMO signs at a protest against Monsanto deleted by Facebook.
In the last half of the show, Mike Adams interviews in-studio Andrea Lalama of who had photos of her children holding anti-GMO signs at a protest against Monsanto deleted by Facebook.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 30 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
UK Faces EU Court over Benefits for EU Nationals
Confessions of a Climate Change Believer
Tesco Supermarket Selling Records of Your Eating Habits
Foreclosures and Suicides in Spain
Spain's Bankia Decimates Savers
Potatoes Too Expensive for School Dinners
UK Faces EU Court over Benefits for EU Nationals
Confessions of a Climate Change Believer
Tesco Supermarket Selling Records of Your Eating Habits
Foreclosures and Suicides in Spain
Spain's Bankia Decimates Savers
Potatoes Too Expensive for School Dinners
New Rule: Don't Make Eye Contact with Cops
From Miami New Times yesterday. Tip o' the hat to Dvorak.
Fourteen-year-old Tremaine McMillian didn't threaten police. He didn't attack them. He wasn't armed. All the black teenager did was appear threatening by shooting Miami-Dade police officers a few "dehumanizing stares," and that was apparently enough for the officers to decide to slam him against the ground and put him in a chokehold.
During Memorial Day weekend, McMillian was rough-housing with another teenager on the sand. Police approached the teen on an ATV and told him that wasn't acceptable behavior. They asked him where his parents were, but MicMillian attempted to walk away. The officer jumped off the ATV, and tried to physically restrain the teen. According to CBS Miami, police say the 14-year-old kid gave them "'dehumanizing stares,' clenched his fists and appeared threatening."
McMillian says he was carrying a six-week old puppy at the time and couldn't have been clenching his fists because he was feeding the dog with a bottle. He claims that during the confrontation the dog's front left paw was injured while officer forcibly separated him from the dog.
The officer then forced McMillian to the ground and put him in a choke hold.
No Agenda -- episode 517, "Chubby Hitler" -- 2013 May 30 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Boston, Obama Nation, NWO, Ministry of Truth, Holder-Gate, Slave Training, Elite$, Monsanto, Newtown, Science!, Cyber Wars, Syria, EUROLand, Drone Nation, War on Naked, Shut Up Slave!, War on Men, War on Crazy, Canada, War on Weed, War on Printers, Follow the Pipes... and much more.
Topics: Boston, Obama Nation, NWO, Ministry of Truth, Holder-Gate, Slave Training, Elite$, Monsanto, Newtown, Science!, Cyber Wars, Syria, EUROLand, Drone Nation, War on Naked, Shut Up Slave!, War on Men, War on Crazy, Canada, War on Weed, War on Printers, Follow the Pipes... and much more.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 30 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On this Thursday, May 30 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the latest on Obama's scandals, Bill O'Reilly's hate speech rant, and out of control GMO crops.
He talks with Andrea Lalama, the mother of two autistic children who had photos of her kids holding up anti-GMO signs at the Monsanto march yanked by Facebook. Ms. Lalama will be in-studio today. She is the founder of the Reversing Autism Foundation.
Alex also talks with Ashley Jessica, an activist who led the Infowars Opt Out and Film the TSA campaign last Thanksgiving. Jessica recounts her experience at the hands of the TSA when an agent fondled her vagina.
He talks with Andrea Lalama, the mother of two autistic children who had photos of her kids holding up anti-GMO signs at the Monsanto march yanked by Facebook. Ms. Lalama will be in-studio today. She is the founder of the Reversing Autism Foundation.
Alex also talks with Ashley Jessica, an activist who led the Infowars Opt Out and Film the TSA campaign last Thanksgiving. Jessica recounts her experience at the hands of the TSA when an agent fondled her vagina.
The Keiser Report No. 451, "Love, Trade, Recession" -- 2013 May 30 TH
This time Max and Stacy observe that spankings are trading at an all time high in London while on international markets, the enduring love for gold sees record volumes of physical metal trading hands. In the second half, Max talks to Mitch Feierstein, author of Planet Ponzi, about VIX volumes surging as old dummies are replaced with new dummies in the global central bank operated ponzi scheme. They discuss the optimism bias that provides a ripe environment into which UK chancellor, George Osborne, can introduce the biggest ponzi of them all with his "Help to Buy" scheme.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 29 WE
Wednesday: The Nightly News. Grow Your Own Food For Freedom. Plus,Our Dying Dollar Gasps as Foreign Currency is Becoming the New Global Reserve
Show description from the web site :: On The May 29, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Elizabeth Rich she is a Wisconsin attorney who has practiced in the areas of environmental, land use and regulatory law for 25 years. She works for clients who challenge the government. She has lived on a 40-acre farm since 1995 and raises goats for dairy products and chickens for meat and eggs. Over the years she's kept dairy cows, pigs, ducks, turkeys, guineas, rabbits and geese in addition to a large garden and fruit production. Elizabeth’s goal is to produce as much of her own food as possible, as her 25 years of experience with the governmental agencies charged with protection of our food supply has led her to the conclusion that she is not protected.
Police Wary of Provocateurs at Bilderberg 2013. Kissinger: U.S. and China to Collaborate on Globalist “World Order”. Chinese-US Pentagon: The Chinese stole our newest weapons. Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies. FINANCIAL CRISIS The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To Spin Wildly Out Of Control. Is the Dollar Dying? Why US Currency Is in Danger. The Dying Dollar and the Rise of a New Currency Order. Dios Mío! Pentagon’s Latest Weapon in Colombian Drug War? Soap Operas. [sic]
Show description from the web site :: On The May 29, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Elizabeth Rich she is a Wisconsin attorney who has practiced in the areas of environmental, land use and regulatory law for 25 years. She works for clients who challenge the government. She has lived on a 40-acre farm since 1995 and raises goats for dairy products and chickens for meat and eggs. Over the years she's kept dairy cows, pigs, ducks, turkeys, guineas, rabbits and geese in addition to a large garden and fruit production. Elizabeth’s goal is to produce as much of her own food as possible, as her 25 years of experience with the governmental agencies charged with protection of our food supply has led her to the conclusion that she is not protected.
Police Wary of Provocateurs at Bilderberg 2013. Kissinger: U.S. and China to Collaborate on Globalist “World Order”. Chinese-US Pentagon: The Chinese stole our newest weapons. Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies. FINANCIAL CRISIS The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To Spin Wildly Out Of Control. Is the Dollar Dying? Why US Currency Is in Danger. The Dying Dollar and the Rise of a New Currency Order. Dios Mío! Pentagon’s Latest Weapon in Colombian Drug War? Soap Operas. [sic]
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 29 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
China's Shuanghui to buy Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion
Pork and Beef Industry
US Canada and Peace Bridge
To the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling is Here
New Xbox is a Monitoring Device
US---Teacher Disciplined for Reminding Students of Constitutional Rights
China's Shuanghui to buy Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion
Pork and Beef Industry
US Canada and Peace Bridge
To the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling is Here
New Xbox is a Monitoring Device
US---Teacher Disciplined for Reminding Students of Constitutional Rights
Breaking the Set No. 173 -- 2013 May 29 WE
Manslaughter for Miscarriage, Rohingya Population Control, Cure for Capitalism
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Farah Diaz-Tello, Staff Attorney with National Advocates for Pregnant Women, about the case of 33 year old Nina Buckhalter, who is standing trial over a miscarriage that prosecutors claim was caused by illegal drug use, and what precedent it could set for pregnant women. Breaking the Set producer, Ameera David, then highlights two stories being overlooked by the corporate media including Burmese authorities enforcing a two child limit for Rohingya Muslim minorities, as well as the latest drone strike in Pakistan that killed more innocent civilians. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Richard Wolff, Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, and author of Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism, about the recent school closures in Chicago, and how it reflects a systemic problem within the current capitalist model.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Farah Diaz-Tello, Staff Attorney with National Advocates for Pregnant Women, about the case of 33 year old Nina Buckhalter, who is standing trial over a miscarriage that prosecutors claim was caused by illegal drug use, and what precedent it could set for pregnant women. Breaking the Set producer, Ameera David, then highlights two stories being overlooked by the corporate media including Burmese authorities enforcing a two child limit for Rohingya Muslim minorities, as well as the latest drone strike in Pakistan that killed more innocent civilians. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Richard Wolff, Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, and author of Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism, about the recent school closures in Chicago, and how it reflects a systemic problem within the current capitalist model.
Guns and Butter -- 2013 May 29 WE
"Public Banking 2013" with Marc Armstrong, Executive Director of the Public Banking Institute.
Key benefits of public banking; state and county banks; common misconceptions; commercial, wholesale and investment banking; Trans Pacific Partnership; Fast Track; Cyprus banking crisis; Dodd Frank; 2005 Bankruptcy Law; derivatives a threat to depositors; FDIC/BOE document; Public Banking Institute; Public Banking 2013 Funding the New Economy Conference
Key benefits of public banking; state and county banks; common misconceptions; commercial, wholesale and investment banking; Trans Pacific Partnership; Fast Track; Cyprus banking crisis; Dodd Frank; 2005 Bankruptcy Law; derivatives a threat to depositors; FDIC/BOE document; Public Banking Institute; Public Banking 2013 Funding the New Economy Conference
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 29 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, May 29 transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down globalist operative and frequent Bilderberg attendee Henry Kissinger's grotesque list of war crimes, as noted in We Are Change reporter Luke Rudkowski's on-camera confrontation with the Rockefeller protégé.
Alex also continues hitting on Obama's array of scandals, while his administration tries to find ways to continue funding and arming Al-Qaeda in Syria.
On today's show, political activist, radio talk show host and former marine Adam Kokesh joins Alex to discuss last week's arrest at a Philadelphia marijuana legalization rally and how it could affect his planned armed, but peaceful, march on Washington D.C. on July 4th.
Also today, Alex welcomes author and activist Mark Dice to talk about his undercover videos exposing America's walking zombie-like mentality and utter state of apathy with anything political.
Alex also continues hitting on Obama's array of scandals, while his administration tries to find ways to continue funding and arming Al-Qaeda in Syria.
On today's show, political activist, radio talk show host and former marine Adam Kokesh joins Alex to discuss last week's arrest at a Philadelphia marijuana legalization rally and how it could affect his planned armed, but peaceful, march on Washington D.C. on July 4th.
Also today, Alex welcomes author and activist Mark Dice to talk about his undercover videos exposing America's walking zombie-like mentality and utter state of apathy with anything political.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 28 TU
Show description from
Major Whistleblower Interview with Former World Bank Attorney Karen Hudes. Plus, The Global Monsanto March that Wasn't. Then, $800,000 Luxury Chinese Beds make more sense to the IRS than Good Ol' American Gibson Guitars.
On The May 28, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Karen Hudes who worked for 20 years in the World Bank’s legal department. Ms. Hudes is a whistleblower involved in a laundry list of corruption that has begun to rear its shadowy cranium in The World Bank.
Plus, Jakari Jackson speaks with Co-Founder, Editor, Investigative Journalist Anthony Gucciardi about the media blackout of the Massive Monsanto Protest over the 2013 Memorial Day Weekend. 436 Cities and 52 Countries held protests to make the world aware of the imminent threat Monsanto poses to our global food supply. Ignored by the Bought and Sold Media Hyenas, but brought to you in its entirety on The Infowars Nightly News.
News Covered: Send John McCain to Guantanamo Bay. Media Coverage Blackout Over Anti-Monsanto Protests. Illinois Teacher in Hot Water After Informing Students of Fifth Amendment Rights. Scotland: Every Child to Have “State Guardian” From Birth. Pressure Cooker Discovered At Dearborn Hotel. Man Who Died in Sacramento Police Custody Identified. Police chief vows revenge after officer gunned down for no obvious reason. [sic]
Major Whistleblower Interview with Former World Bank Attorney Karen Hudes. Plus, The Global Monsanto March that Wasn't. Then, $800,000 Luxury Chinese Beds make more sense to the IRS than Good Ol' American Gibson Guitars.
On The May 28, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Karen Hudes who worked for 20 years in the World Bank’s legal department. Ms. Hudes is a whistleblower involved in a laundry list of corruption that has begun to rear its shadowy cranium in The World Bank.
Plus, Jakari Jackson speaks with Co-Founder, Editor, Investigative Journalist Anthony Gucciardi about the media blackout of the Massive Monsanto Protest over the 2013 Memorial Day Weekend. 436 Cities and 52 Countries held protests to make the world aware of the imminent threat Monsanto poses to our global food supply. Ignored by the Bought and Sold Media Hyenas, but brought to you in its entirety on The Infowars Nightly News.
News Covered: Send John McCain to Guantanamo Bay. Media Coverage Blackout Over Anti-Monsanto Protests. Illinois Teacher in Hot Water After Informing Students of Fifth Amendment Rights. Scotland: Every Child to Have “State Guardian” From Birth. Pressure Cooker Discovered At Dearborn Hotel. Man Who Died in Sacramento Police Custody Identified. Police chief vows revenge after officer gunned down for no obvious reason. [sic]
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 172 -- 2013 May 28 TU
Breaking the Set is finally back, with a great episode! Now if they could upload their videos to YouTube a little more promptly.
Obama's Drone Hit List, Dishonoring Veterans, Prosecuting Hactivists
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Marjorie Cohn, professor of Human Rights at Thomas Jefferson School of Law about Obama's pre-conditions for drone use, his Orwellian counter-terrorism speech, and the most recent updates on Gitmo. Abby then goes over the importance of the Memorial Day holiday, and highlights how US military families are among the most affected by the federal budget cuts known as the 'sequester'. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Abi Hassen, mass defense coordinator for the National Lawyers Guild, about the case of Jeremy Hammond, his plea deal, and its larger implications on freedom of information and online activism.
Obama's Drone Hit List, Dishonoring Veterans, Prosecuting Hactivists
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Marjorie Cohn, professor of Human Rights at Thomas Jefferson School of Law about Obama's pre-conditions for drone use, his Orwellian counter-terrorism speech, and the most recent updates on Gitmo. Abby then goes over the importance of the Memorial Day holiday, and highlights how US military families are among the most affected by the federal budget cuts known as the 'sequester'. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Abi Hassen, mass defense coordinator for the National Lawyers Guild, about the case of Jeremy Hammond, his plea deal, and its larger implications on freedom of information and online activism.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 28 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
MI5 and Woolwich Suspect
Woolwich Attackers had Been Under Observation by MI5
Woolwich Killing sparks Calls for More Internet Monitoring
Former MI5 Boss Calls for Everyone to Spy on Everyone Else
MI5 and Woolwich Suspect
Woolwich Attackers had Been Under Observation by MI5
Woolwich Killing sparks Calls for More Internet Monitoring
Former MI5 Boss Calls for Everyone to Spy on Everyone Else
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 28 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, May 28 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the increasing furor over Obama's multiple scandals and the corporate media blackout over the massive anti-Monsanto protests on the weekend. Alex also takes a look at John McCain's surprise visit to the CIA's al-Qaeda mercenaries who are attempting to overthrow the al-Assad regime. He also confronts the refusal of the establishment media to cover the upcoming Bilderberg meeting. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex confronts to globalist cabal as it cranks up the heat on the world economy and exploits the war on terror to increase the police state at home.
Near the end of the third hour and through a half hour of "ovedrive," Alex talks with World Bank whistle-blower Karen Hudes.
Near the end of the third hour and through a half hour of "ovedrive," Alex talks with World Bank whistle-blower Karen Hudes.
The Keiser Report No. 450, "Debt Crack Banker Babies" -- 2013 May 28 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss crack babies and debt crack banker babies. In the second half, Max talks to James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency, about the US central bank pushing debt crack on an unemployed and under-educated population and a media high on frack crack - a high which makes the user see the oil wealth of Saudi Arabia in America.
The US Government Has Fallen to a Fascist Coup
“A clique of U.S. industrialist is hell bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime.” – William Dodd, U.S. ambassador to Germany, in a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936.
The U.S. government was the target of a Bankster Coup in the 1930s. Led by Prescott Bush, father to former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, the fascist coup would have succeeded were it not for whistle blower General Smedley Butler. But what failed then has since succeeded. It is now provable that the coup which failed in the 1930s was carefully reorganized and implemented in the decades since, with the final steps cemented on 9/11 2001 under the direction of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush. The Pentagon and the Banksters comprise ‘The Secret Government’ which now runs the United States of America and anyone who tells you differently is lying to you. Here’s the PROOF.
The U.S. government was the target of a Bankster Coup in the 1930s. Led by Prescott Bush, father to former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, the fascist coup would have succeeded were it not for whistle blower General Smedley Butler. But what failed then has since succeeded. It is now provable that the coup which failed in the 1930s was carefully reorganized and implemented in the decades since, with the final steps cemented on 9/11 2001 under the direction of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush. The Pentagon and the Banksters comprise ‘The Secret Government’ which now runs the United States of America and anyone who tells you differently is lying to you. Here’s the PROOF.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 27 MO
No news coverage tonight due to most of the staff being on holiday. Instead, an approximately 35 minute long interview with Shooter Jennings by Rob Dew.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 27 MO
Breaking the Set -- 2013 May 27 MO
Breaking the Set apparently took Memorial Day off today. There was no broadcast, not even a re-airing of an old one as they did on the 24th.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 27 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the special Memorial Day edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones speaks with former presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, co-author of Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission and To Keep Or Not To Keep and pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana Chuck Baldwin about preacher's rights to political opinions under the First Amendment.
We'll also air our interview with senior editor of The New American William F. Jasper where we examined the John Birch Society's origins, and broke down their incredible foresight in exposing the American Communist takeover.
And special guest host Gerald Celente, American trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal, takes over for the final hour providing his unique perspective on the spectacle that is the White House Correspondent's Dinner, the war drums beating in Syria and a host of other news items.
We'll also air our interview with senior editor of The New American William F. Jasper where we examined the John Birch Society's origins, and broke down their incredible foresight in exposing the American Communist takeover.
And special guest host Gerald Celente, American trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal, takes over for the final hour providing his unique perspective on the spectacle that is the White House Correspondent's Dinner, the war drums beating in Syria and a host of other news items.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 26 SU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Sunday edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers a wide range of topics with animator, director, screenwriter, actor, and musician Mike Judge. The man behind Beavis & Butt-Head and King of the Hill talks about his 2006 movie Idiocracy and sounds off on a number of different issues including gun control and Hollywood.
Alex airs Infowars Nightly News reporter Lee Ann McAdoo's special report covering Saturday's March Against Monsanto. McAdoo interviews author Jeffrey Smith about the health effects of GMO. She also talks with the Center for Peace and Justice about GMO labeling and Food Is Free Project about food sovereignty and aquaponics.
Alex and Coast to Coast talk show host John B. Wells examine the massive scandals engulfing the White House and the accelerating panic by the government to demonize all opposing voices.
Alex airs Infowars Nightly News reporter Lee Ann McAdoo's special report covering Saturday's March Against Monsanto. McAdoo interviews author Jeffrey Smith about the health effects of GMO. She also talks with the Center for Peace and Justice about GMO labeling and Food Is Free Project about food sovereignty and aquaponics.
Alex and Coast to Coast talk show host John B. Wells examine the massive scandals engulfing the White House and the accelerating panic by the government to demonize all opposing voices.
No Agenda -- episode 516, "9/11 Generation" -- 2013 May 26 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Obama Nation, Drone Nation, EUROLand, Elite$, Bank$ters, Agenda 21, Shut Up Slave!, War on Crazy, Monsanto, Mali, Follow the Pipes, IRSgate, Vaccine$, Space Wars, War on Printers... and much more.
Topics: Obama Nation, Drone Nation, EUROLand, Elite$, Bank$ters, Agenda 21, Shut Up Slave!, War on Crazy, Monsanto, Mali, Follow the Pipes, IRSgate, Vaccine$, Space Wars, War on Printers... and much more.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
A Mom's Wake-Up Call to the Dangers of GMOs
Robyn O'Brien at TEDxAustin, 2011. Video run time 18:27.
World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 May 25 SA
Recorded yesterday in Washington, D.C.; broadcast today on the Genesis Communication Network.
The Keiser Report No. 449, "Drowning in the Central Banking Abyss" -- 2013 May 25 SA
This time Max and Stacy in the second part of a two part currency war special focus on George Osborne hoping a rising stock market will convince voters his economic policies are working and the new front in the South Pacific as New Zealand launches defensive measures against global currency devaluations. In the second half, Max talks to Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, for the second half of their interview focusing on currency wars and hot wars.
Breaking the Set -- 2013 May 24 FR [re-run]
I was able to go on RT America Online this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. CDT to see the early broadcast of today's Breaking the Set. The broadcast looked VERY familiar, and eventually I was able to determine that it was a re-airing of episode 154 from April 29, 2013, in its entirety. This episode consists of an good interview with Jeremy Scahill.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 24 FR
Show description from :: On The May 24,2013 Broadcast of Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: Adam Kokesh Released. Obamacare Loophole Provides Incentive For Employers To Hire Illegal Aliens Over US Citizens. ON TRIAL: Raw Milk Farmer Vernon Hershberger Faces 30 Months In Jail. IT’S AIRBORNE: Human Transmission of Deadly H7N9 Virus Now Confirmed. China Incinerates 3 US Shipments of Genetically Modified Corn. Top 10 reasons to join the March Against Monsanto tomorrow!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Blog Misc -- 2013 May 24 FR, a file host that I have relied upon greatly since March of 2011, today changed their rules about the amount of disc space a free account can use. When I was first checking them out, I searched diligently for any restrictions in that regard and found none. The only limiting factor for me with this site was that they had a maximum file size of 100 MB.
I learned today that since March of 2011 I had uploaded over 81 GB of files there. Their new cap on disc space for free account users is 2 GB. I am unable to upload there again until I have deleted enough files to be below the 2 GB threshold.
File deletion is a tedious, time-consuming process. I spent much of the afternoon and most of the evening working on that, and I have been able to reduce my usage from 81 GB to 32 GB. My right hand and wrist are in a good deal of pain, and I am probably finished with this for tonight. I will work on it more tomorrow. is a good file host from which to download, so I don't want to give up on using them, but I will have to see how much of a problem keeping my "balance" below 2 GB will be.
I learned today that since March of 2011 I had uploaded over 81 GB of files there. Their new cap on disc space for free account users is 2 GB. I am unable to upload there again until I have deleted enough files to be below the 2 GB threshold.
File deletion is a tedious, time-consuming process. I spent much of the afternoon and most of the evening working on that, and I have been able to reduce my usage from 81 GB to 32 GB. My right hand and wrist are in a good deal of pain, and I am probably finished with this for tonight. I will work on it more tomorrow. is a good file host from which to download, so I don't want to give up on using them, but I will have to see how much of a problem keeping my "balance" below 2 GB will be.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 24 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption Inside Federal Reserve
MEPs vote to protect small bank depositors
ECB's Draghi: 'Imperative' to Set up New Bank Body
EU risks "too big to cooperate" bank supervision
Europe needs a more European UK, says ECB president
World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption Inside Federal Reserve
MEPs vote to protect small bank depositors
ECB's Draghi: 'Imperative' to Set up New Bank Body
EU risks "too big to cooperate" bank supervision
Europe needs a more European UK, says ECB president
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 24 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, May 24 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the IRS effort to attack the establishment's political opposition, Obama's Attorney General signing off on seizing reporter emails, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt's prediction that the company will be capable of developing artificial intelligence for its programs that will be indistinguishable from a human being within 5-10 years.
Breaking the Set No. 171 -- 2013 May 23 TH [unabridged]
Obama's Orwellian Rhetoric, Congo War Crimes, Jail for Silence, DOJ FOX Assault
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin goes over the Orwellian rhetoric in Obama's latest foreign policy speech with political commentator, Sam Sacks. Abby then highlights a recent UN investigation brining to light crimes against humanity committed by a US-trained Congolese battalion. BTS then speaks to RT correspondent Anastasia Churkina, about the case of Jerry Koch, an anarchist activist who is being held in contempt of court for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury, 5 years after the Times Square bicycle bombing. Abby wraps up the show with an interview with journalist, David Seaman, about the Department of Justice's investigation into a hack involving FOX News reporter James Rosen.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin goes over the Orwellian rhetoric in Obama's latest foreign policy speech with political commentator, Sam Sacks. Abby then highlights a recent UN investigation brining to light crimes against humanity committed by a US-trained Congolese battalion. BTS then speaks to RT correspondent Anastasia Churkina, about the case of Jerry Koch, an anarchist activist who is being held in contempt of court for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury, 5 years after the Times Square bicycle bombing. Abby wraps up the show with an interview with journalist, David Seaman, about the Department of Justice's investigation into a hack involving FOX News reporter James Rosen.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 23 TH
Show description from :: On The May 23, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones speaks with former presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, co-author of Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission and To Keep Or Not To Keep and pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana Chuck Baldwin. News Covered: FBI: Agents died in fall from helicopter off Va. coast. State of Connecticut Crafts “Special Act” to Hide Sandy Hook Evidence. British Ministers Call For Mass Government Snooping In Wake Of Woolwich Attack. U.S. Stocks Temper Global Market Rout. Obama, in a Shift, to Limit Targets of Drone Strikes. [sic]
Breaking the Set No. 171 -- 2013 May 23 TH [missing]
Episode 171 of Breaking the Set apparently did air today. A video purporting to be of that episode was uploaded to their YouTube channel around 8:00 p.m. my time. Strangely, though, this video was only 7:13 long, whereas most of their YouTube episode videos run more than 26 minutes. I watched the abbreviated video streaming and it ended quite abruptly, in mid-sentence. Less than 15 minutes later, the video had been taken down, which I interpreted as a good sign -- hoping that a proper video would be soon uploaded. Unfortunately, hours later that still has not happened. Perhaps it will happen tomorrow. If it appears online, I will share it here.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 23 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
EU expenses: MEPs in Brussels earn up to 740% more than average citizen
EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride
EU expenses: MEPs in Brussels earn up to 740% more than average citizen
EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride
No Agenda -- episode 515, "Wantonly Podcasting" -- 2013 May 23 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Boston, War on Crazy, Fast and Furious, Bullying, Shut Up Slave!, EUROLand, IRSgate, Monsanto, Sandy Hook - Nothing to See Here!, Bengahzi, Twisters, NWO, Atlas Shrugged, War on Printers, Gestapo, Agenda 21, Follow the Pipes... and much more.
Topics: Boston, War on Crazy, Fast and Furious, Bullying, Shut Up Slave!, EUROLand, IRSgate, Monsanto, Sandy Hook - Nothing to See Here!, Bengahzi, Twisters, NWO, Atlas Shrugged, War on Printers, Gestapo, Agenda 21, Follow the Pipes... and much more.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 23 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, May 23 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the UK's latest "terror attack" on the streets of London and its role in propping up the perpetual War on Terror, as US and UK governments work in concert to support Al-Qaeda-affiliated 'rebels' in Syria.
Alex also continues breaking down the influx of scandals hitting the Obama Administration, and discusses new details surrounding radio host Adam Kokesh's detainment.
On today's show, Alex speaks with former presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, co-author of Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission and the founder and former pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Florida, Chuck Baldwin. Today, we'll also air our groundbreaking exclusive interview with film and animation pop culture icon Mike Judge.
Alex also continues breaking down the influx of scandals hitting the Obama Administration, and discusses new details surrounding radio host Adam Kokesh's detainment.
On today's show, Alex speaks with former presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, co-author of Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission and the founder and former pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Florida, Chuck Baldwin. Today, we'll also air our groundbreaking exclusive interview with film and animation pop culture icon Mike Judge.
The Keiser Report No. 448, "Narcissists' Rally" -- 2013 May 23 TH
This time Max and Stacy have a look at the narcissists' rally as we drown in central banking their currency wars and their quantitative easing without wealth creation. In the second half, Max talks to Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, about why we don't need to worry about a recession - because we're in a depression! They discuss US Federal Chairman, Ben Bernanke's, plan to not Beggar Thy Neighbor, but Enrich They Neighbor by jumping out of the printing plane together with simultaneous devaluations. And, in terms of gold, Keiser and Rickards suggest maybe it's the Chinese manipulating the price of gold... and not the US Federal Reserve.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 22 WE
Show description from :: On The May 22, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: Reality Check Exclusive: Cincinnati agent giving orders in IRS scandal? House bill would mandate guns with 007-style smart tech. Syria Rebels Threaten to Wipe Out Shiite, Alawite Towns. FBI Kills Tamerlan Tsarnaev Acquaintance. Landmark immigration bill heads to full Senate. Cops Being Trained That Cell Phones Could Be Guns. Miami Beach Businesses “Off” During Urban Beach Week. [sic]
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 22 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
EU budget fraud may be more than £4BILLION which is 12 times higher than previous figure
Iceland Shelves Accession Plans to EU
Oil Pipelines to Drive Canadian Economy
Tamiflu Drug Bill--Shocking Waste of Taxpayers' Money
Merkley Pushes 'Monsanto Protection Act' Repeal
EU budget fraud may be more than £4BILLION which is 12 times higher than previous figure
Iceland Shelves Accession Plans to EU
Oil Pipelines to Drive Canadian Economy
Tamiflu Drug Bill--Shocking Waste of Taxpayers' Money
Merkley Pushes 'Monsanto Protection Act' Repeal
Guns and Butter -- 2013 May 22 WE
"Public Banking - The Antidote to Our Private Corrupt and Unsustainable System" with Ellen Brown
[pledge-drive in progress]
[pledge-drive in progress]
Breaking the Set No. 170 -- 2013 May 22 WE
Patenting the Human Body, Clash of Civilizations and Endless War
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin cuts through the corporate media's coverage of Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy, and highlights the Supreme Court case at the heart of the debate over whether or not human genes can be patented. Abby then talks to Sandra Park, staff attorney with the ACLU and representative for the plaintiffs in Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics, Inc, about the larger implications of the case. Abby then talks to Dr. John Trumpbour, research director at Harvard Law School's labor and work life program, about the theory of the clash of civilizations, the idea that a culture or war is inevitable and inherent in the relationship between the East and West; Hollywood's homogenization of US culture and Harvard's perpetuation of the ruling class.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin cuts through the corporate media's coverage of Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy, and highlights the Supreme Court case at the heart of the debate over whether or not human genes can be patented. Abby then talks to Sandra Park, staff attorney with the ACLU and representative for the plaintiffs in Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics, Inc, about the larger implications of the case. Abby then talks to Dr. John Trumpbour, research director at Harvard Law School's labor and work life program, about the theory of the clash of civilizations, the idea that a culture or war is inevitable and inherent in the relationship between the East and West; Hollywood's homogenization of US culture and Harvard's perpetuation of the ruling class.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 22 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On this Wednesday, May 22 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the ongoing scandals plaguing the Obama administration. He takes a look at the use of Homeland Security police to protect IRS offices from Americans expressing their outrage at the taxation agency's brazen intimidation tactics against patriot and Tea Party groups.
Alex also covers the continuing sovietization of the U.S. economy and new psychiatric guidelines for the over-medication of America's children.
Alex also covers the continuing sovietization of the U.S. economy and new psychiatric guidelines for the over-medication of America's children.
New Blog Gadget
If you've visited this blog in the past week, you may have noticed a new feature in the right column, a "visitor globe." I installed this some time after midnight in the early morning of Wednesday, May 15th.
I have really enjoyed seeing how wide-spread around the planet the visits to this blog have been in the past seven days.
I have really enjoyed seeing how wide-spread around the planet the visits to this blog have been in the past seven days.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 21 TU
Show description from :: On the May 21,2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with's Kris Cantu about the live stream applications for the upcoming Bilderberg Meeting in the UK.
News Covered: NBC: Obama Scandals “Take a Pause” Because of Tornado. The White House’s shifting IRS account. Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? Don’t Throw the IRS Under the Bus. White House: Obama Kept in Dark About IRS. IRS SCANDAL: ARMED POLICE 'ESCORT' REPORTERS THROUGH CINCINNATI OFFICE. PJM EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers with Info Devastating to Clinton and Obama. Texas curriculum dropped after complaints from lawmakers. Police Use Tasers Against Foreclosure Activists Outside Dept. of Justice. N Korea testing missiles again. UK Independence Party Draws Attention To Bilderberg 2013. [sic]
News Covered: NBC: Obama Scandals “Take a Pause” Because of Tornado. The White House’s shifting IRS account. Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? Don’t Throw the IRS Under the Bus. White House: Obama Kept in Dark About IRS. IRS SCANDAL: ARMED POLICE 'ESCORT' REPORTERS THROUGH CINCINNATI OFFICE. PJM EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers with Info Devastating to Clinton and Obama. Texas curriculum dropped after complaints from lawmakers. Police Use Tasers Against Foreclosure Activists Outside Dept. of Justice. N Korea testing missiles again. UK Independence Party Draws Attention To Bilderberg 2013. [sic]
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 169 -- 2013 May 21 TU
Dr. Noam Chomsky Breaks the Set on War, Imperialism, and Propaganda
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Dr. Noam Chomsky, philosopher, linguist, professor, political critic, and author of over 100 books, about the Boston bombings, US terror inflicted abroad, drones, Obama's rebranding of Bush administration policies, the National Defense Authorization Act and Holder v. Humanitarian Law, conventional wisdom, the evolution of media propaganda, and education as a form of elite indoctrination.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Dr. Noam Chomsky, philosopher, linguist, professor, political critic, and author of over 100 books, about the Boston bombings, US terror inflicted abroad, drones, Obama's rebranding of Bush administration policies, the National Defense Authorization Act and Holder v. Humanitarian Law, conventional wisdom, the evolution of media propaganda, and education as a form of elite indoctrination.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 21 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, May 21 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex gives his analysis of radio host and political prisoner Adam Kokesh's incarceration, relaying key intel regarding the charges leveled against him.
Alex continues to break down the scandals impacting the White House that have left Obama with nearly half of Americans wanting him impeached, according to some polls, and also touches on the tragedy in Oklahoma after devastating tornadoes touched down leaving dozens dead in its wake.
On today's show, Alex welcomes author of The Octopus Deception: A Novel and veteran Bilderberg investigative reporter Daniel Estulin to fill us in on the latest details he has received from inside sources at the secretive globalist confab set to take place June 6-9.
Alex continues to break down the scandals impacting the White House that have left Obama with nearly half of Americans wanting him impeached, according to some polls, and also touches on the tragedy in Oklahoma after devastating tornadoes touched down leaving dozens dead in its wake.
On today's show, Alex welcomes author of The Octopus Deception: A Novel and veteran Bilderberg investigative reporter Daniel Estulin to fill us in on the latest details he has received from inside sources at the secretive globalist confab set to take place June 6-9.
The Schiff Report -- 2013 May 20 MO
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
Stocks rise as recovery fantasy fades, oil breaks out, potential bottom in gold and silver.
Stocks rise as recovery fantasy fades, oil breaks out, potential bottom in gold and silver.
The Keiser Report No. 447, "Down is New Up, Up is New Down" -- 2013 May 21 TU
This time Max and Stacy examine whether the markets are soaring or crashing but find it impossible to determine as long standing data patterns have broken down. They discuss feeding the ducks while they're quacking and bitcoin vigilantes fighting the Fed. In the second half, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly of about the imminent extinction of the price of gold as well as the permanent backwardation in both gold and silver markets.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 20 MO
From :: On the May 20, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones speaks with disaster preparedness expert Joel Skousen about the threat of Nuclear War. News Covered: Feds want to lower limits and criminalize alcohol consumption. Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes. Activists rally to free Adam Kokesh. NYPD Cops arrest woman recording them,apparently stealing wrong memory card. Denver Cops arrest Italian Shotgun Manufacturer as a terrorist.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 20 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
As Designed---Breast Cancer Charity Calls for Uniform Tests after Jolie Admission
U.K. program targets 'Jewish' cancer gene with DNA analysis
Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics
Global Warming Could be Slower than Thought
US--Dept. of Defense Grants Itself Powers to Operate with Domestic Law Agencies
& More on Above
War on "Terror" is Permanent
As Designed---Breast Cancer Charity Calls for Uniform Tests after Jolie Admission
U.K. program targets 'Jewish' cancer gene with DNA analysis
Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics
Global Warming Could be Slower than Thought
US--Dept. of Defense Grants Itself Powers to Operate with Domestic Law Agencies
& More on Above
War on "Terror" is Permanent
Breaking the Set No. 168 -- 2013 May 20 MO
Apparently there was no Friday broadcast of Breaking the Set since today's show was published online as Episode 168.
Malcolm X Remembered, Boston: Privacy vs. Security, Preview to Noam Chomsky
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin highlights the legacy of civil rights activist, Malcolm X, and breaks through some of the misconceptions surrounding his political philosophy. Abby then showcases coverage of BTS producer, Ameera David, reporting on a call for more security and surveillance in the wake of the Boston tragedy. Abby then breaks down the immediate days after the Boston bombing, which included a lockdown of the city, and an overwhelming police presence. She gages public sentiment from Bostonians about whether the police presence was warranted. BTS wraps up the show with a preview to an exclusive interview with MIT professor, author, and activist, Dr. Noam Chomsky.
Malcolm X Remembered, Boston: Privacy vs. Security, Preview to Noam Chomsky
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin highlights the legacy of civil rights activist, Malcolm X, and breaks through some of the misconceptions surrounding his political philosophy. Abby then showcases coverage of BTS producer, Ameera David, reporting on a call for more security and surveillance in the wake of the Boston tragedy. Abby then breaks down the immediate days after the Boston bombing, which included a lockdown of the city, and an overwhelming police presence. She gages public sentiment from Bostonians about whether the police presence was warranted. BTS wraps up the show with a preview to an exclusive interview with MIT professor, author, and activist, Dr. Noam Chomsky.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 20 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On this Monday, May 20 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest developments on the abduction of activist and prominent alternative media figure Adam Kokesh over the weekend. The arrest comes after Kokesh announced he plans an open carry march in Washington, D.C. on July 4th. Alex talks with Lucas Jewell, Kokesh's business manager, about the arrest and its political implications.
Alex also talks with Kristen Meghan, a whistleblower and former industrial hygienist and environmental specialist who worked for the Veterans Administration. Meghan covers the rights of veterans, geoengineering and chemtrails with Alex.
Joel Skousen, author, consultant and editor of World Affairs Brief, will be in-studio on today's broadcast.
Alex also talks with Kristen Meghan, a whistleblower and former industrial hygienist and environmental specialist who worked for the Veterans Administration. Meghan covers the rights of veterans, geoengineering and chemtrails with Alex.
Joel Skousen, author, consultant and editor of World Affairs Brief, will be in-studio on today's broadcast.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 19 SU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Sunday, May 19 transmission of Infowars Live, Alex probes the calamitous state of affairs in Washington, asking if America will act in the face of flagrant criminal activity, or succumb to the will of tyrants, who have made an art out of skirting accountability.
As the administration spins its wheels in damage control mode, its socialist cheerleader Michael Moore twists logic on the Bill Maher Show, saying, "conservatives and right-wingers" who profess to love their country, actually hate it - because they don't unquestionably worship the government.
Alex also breaks down Friday's IRS hearings with reporter David Knight and takes a look at the situation in Syria.
As the administration spins its wheels in damage control mode, its socialist cheerleader Michael Moore twists logic on the Bill Maher Show, saying, "conservatives and right-wingers" who profess to love their country, actually hate it - because they don't unquestionably worship the government.
Alex also breaks down Friday's IRS hearings with reporter David Knight and takes a look at the situation in Syria.
No Agenda -- episode 514, "Patriotic Printer" -- 2013 May 19 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Shut Up Slave!, War on Printers, Lucifer and the Elite$, War on Crazy, Syria, Follow the Pipes, Russia, EUROLand, War on Salt, Strategy of Tension, Mali, Benghazi, Iraq, Vaccine$, NWO, ... and much more.
Topics: Shut Up Slave!, War on Printers, Lucifer and the Elite$, War on Crazy, Syria, Follow the Pipes, Russia, EUROLand, War on Salt, Strategy of Tension, Mali, Benghazi, Iraq, Vaccine$, NWO, ... and much more.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Keiser Report No. 446, "Whimsical Price Tyranny" -- 2013 May 18 SA
This time Max and Stacy examine stories about those who, using spoof trades, bogus securities and fictitious capital, steal real wealth and income. They discuss how it is that every benchmark index is rigged and introduce the concept of the 'bonus benchmark.' In the second half, Max talks to Dr. Michael Hudson, author of The Bubble and Beyond, about debt and wage deflation and about the intersection of interest rates and wages going back to David Ricardo when wages were measured against the price of bread to today when they are measured against the price of debt.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 17 FR
Show description from :: On the May 17, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson speaks with Chemtrail Whistleblower Kristen Meghan. News Covered: Military Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances”. Ways and Means Committee Chairman: U.S. Tax System “Rotten at the Core”. Second Top IRS Official Resigns Over Scandal – One Month Before Scheduled To Retire. Private Security Force To Subject Bilderberg Protesters To Pat-Downs. Second 'house of horrors' abortion clinic where doctor 'twisted heads off fetus'. Robbers Shove Homeowner In Closet, Where He Kept His Guns. [sic]
Friday, May 17, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 17 FR
Breaking the Set No. 168 -- 2013 May 17 FR [missing]
Breaking the Set airs Monday through Friday at 5:00 p.m. CDT on RT:America. Typically video of each day's broadcast is uploaded to the Breaking the Set YouTube channel by 8-9 p.m. CDT. Today's show (which would have been episode 168) does not show up on their channel or in a general YouTube search. These episodes are also available on Hulu, but currently yesterday's show is the most recent available there.
I will keep looking and will pass along information as I get it.
I will keep looking and will pass along information as I get it.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 17 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, May 17 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues waging a full-frontal assault on the lies of the Obama administration, with new information regarding the IRS's targeting of conservative groups showing the IRS withheld knowledge of the scandal until after the 2012 elections.
Alex also breaks down the erosion of posse comitatus as the Department of Defense issues new instructions allowing the military to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances. We'll also cover pro-Second Amendment news mainstream outlets conveniently neglect to report.
On today's show Alex welcomes the Saturday host of Coast to Coast AM, John B. Wells to examine the massive scandals engulfing the White House and the accelerating panic to demonize all opposing voices.
Alex also breaks down the erosion of posse comitatus as the Department of Defense issues new instructions allowing the military to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances. We'll also cover pro-Second Amendment news mainstream outlets conveniently neglect to report.
On today's show Alex welcomes the Saturday host of Coast to Coast AM, John B. Wells to examine the massive scandals engulfing the White House and the accelerating panic to demonize all opposing voices.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 16 TH
Show description from the web site :: On the May 16,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News News Covered: REPORT: IRS Targeted Local News Anchor After Obama Interview. Eric Bolling: I Was Audited After Criticizing Obama. Hear Ye, Future Deep Throats: This Is How to Leak to the Press. US Department of Homeland Security issues court order against Mt Gox. Video: California Police Break into Private Residence, Taze Person Filming. Obama-Backed Rebels Carry Out Public Executions. Police Department Forced To Borrow Ammo From Local Resident. D.C. Moves to Force Gun Owners to Buy Prohibitive Liability Insurance. In wake of scandal, Obama ousts IRS chief — who was leaving anyway. [sic]
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 16 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
You Could Imagine Putting Pathogens in A Cloud
HMRC Tax Deal with Goldman Sachs "Not Unlawful"
Three Mass Graves Found in Iraq---1,000 People Executed by US Troops
UK's top companies condemned for prolific use of tax havens – 30 in Malta
New cables 'expose' US govt lobbies worldwide for Monsanto, other GMO corps
You Could Imagine Putting Pathogens in A Cloud
HMRC Tax Deal with Goldman Sachs "Not Unlawful"
Three Mass Graves Found in Iraq---1,000 People Executed by US Troops
UK's top companies condemned for prolific use of tax havens – 30 in Malta
New cables 'expose' US govt lobbies worldwide for Monsanto, other GMO corps
Breaking the Set No. 167 -- 2013 May 16 TH
Assisting Death, Pakistan Elections, Justice for Abu Ghraib Torture Victims
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin reports on a bill passed by Vermont lawmakers which legalizes doctor assisted death, and talks to George Eighmey of the Death with Dignity National Center about the misconceptions many Americans have about assisted death. Abby then talks to RT correspondent, Lucy Kafanov, about public sentiment over Pakistan's elections, and what it means for Pakistan/US relations. Abby then goes over the horrors of the torture that occurred at the US run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, from sexual humiliation to physical abuse, and highlights how the real criminals who implemented these policies are walking free. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Abed Ayoub, Legal Director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, about a petition for the DHS to have three Abu Ghraib Torture survivors testify on US soil against the defense contractor CACI Premier Technology, who played a role in their torture.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin reports on a bill passed by Vermont lawmakers which legalizes doctor assisted death, and talks to George Eighmey of the Death with Dignity National Center about the misconceptions many Americans have about assisted death. Abby then talks to RT correspondent, Lucy Kafanov, about public sentiment over Pakistan's elections, and what it means for Pakistan/US relations. Abby then goes over the horrors of the torture that occurred at the US run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, from sexual humiliation to physical abuse, and highlights how the real criminals who implemented these policies are walking free. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Abed Ayoub, Legal Director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, about a petition for the DHS to have three Abu Ghraib Torture survivors testify on US soil against the defense contractor CACI Premier Technology, who played a role in their torture.
No Agenda -- episode 512, "Pre-Dead" -- 2013 May 12 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Benghazi, Science, IRS Gate, AP Spygate, Google Gestapo, Slave Training, Mali, Syria, EUROLand, War on Printers, Beanie Babies, Paki$tan, Ministry of Truth, Gold, Russia, Monsanto, Big Blue, Demon Drink, Drone Nation, War on Patriots (and flags), Shut Up Slave!, Vaccine$, Obama Nation... and much more.
Topics: Benghazi, Science, IRS Gate, AP Spygate, Google Gestapo, Slave Training, Mali, Syria, EUROLand, War on Printers, Beanie Babies, Paki$tan, Ministry of Truth, Gold, Russia, Monsanto, Big Blue, Demon Drink, Drone Nation, War on Patriots (and flags), Shut Up Slave!, Vaccine$, Obama Nation... and much more.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 16 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, May 16 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the Obama administration's attempt to exclude and intimidate the establishment’s political opposition as scandals burgeon and Obama's handlers scurry around in damage control mode.
He talks with writer and political columnist for The Washington Times, Joseph Curl, about Obama's cornucopia of scandal.
Alex also takes a look at the Benghazi emails and the government's brazen surveillance of journalists.
On today's broadcast, Alex welcomes filmmaker Kevin Booth to the show. Kevin talks about his latest film, American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny.
Also on today' show, Alex talks with veteran political organizer, speaker, and writer Larry Pinkney in-studio. Mr. Pinkney is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, and a former political prisoner.
He talks with writer and political columnist for The Washington Times, Joseph Curl, about Obama's cornucopia of scandal.
Alex also takes a look at the Benghazi emails and the government's brazen surveillance of journalists.
On today's broadcast, Alex welcomes filmmaker Kevin Booth to the show. Kevin talks about his latest film, American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny.
Also on today' show, Alex talks with veteran political organizer, speaker, and writer Larry Pinkney in-studio. Mr. Pinkney is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, and a former political prisoner.
The Keiser Report No. 445, "Sacred Dow" -- 2013 May 16 TH
This time Max and Stacy behold the Sacred Dow, worshiped by economists and analysts around the world and to which whole economies and jobs have been sacrificed to keep it rising. They compare the Japanese bond market to Fukushima. Markets have become so distorted by manipulation, they argue that like godzilla, one day the market will go where it needs to go and it will smash down buildings and economies with it. In the second half, Max talks to John Butler of Amphora about confusing price signals caused by market manipulating central bankers and the misallocation of capital this encourages. They also talk about Japan's economy, Krugman's bond allegations and Mrs. Watanabe's gold shopping spree.
Anniversaries -- 2013 May 16 TH
This has nothing to do with current events, only with personal milestones. Wednesday, May 8, 2013, was the 9th anniversary of the day Mrs. S and I first met. Today, Thursday, May 16, 2013, is the 9th anniversary of our "first date," a trip to a Renaissance Fair in Muskogee, Oklahoma... and at the end of that day our first hug. It was right about that time that I realized that this woman was my soul-mate, and I have never doubted it since then.
Another significant anniversary is coming soon. Monday, May 20, 2013, will be the two year anniversary of our arrival in Texas to stay. I suppose that by some definitions we are Texans now. Mrs. S has a Texas drivers license and I carry a Texas state ID (no DL for me because of my eyesight). I don't have any cowboy boots yet, nor a cowboy hat, but it is beginning to feel like home here.
Another significant anniversary is coming soon. Monday, May 20, 2013, will be the two year anniversary of our arrival in Texas to stay. I suppose that by some definitions we are Texans now. Mrs. S has a Texas drivers license and I carry a Texas state ID (no DL for me because of my eyesight). I don't have any cowboy boots yet, nor a cowboy hat, but it is beginning to feel like home here.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 15 WE
Congress Demands to See the Cards the Obama Administration is Holding.
From the Ron Gibson channel on YouTube :: David Knight interviews Dan Sullivan on an Audit from the IRS.
GiGi Erneta Nightly News Alert on IRS "targeting" scandal
On the May 15, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: House Bill Calls for IRS Hiring Freeze. Bipartisan Congressional Demand: Provide All Communications Between IRS and White House. Senate Dems Have as Much to Explain as the IRS. Eric Holder points finger at his DEPUTY. Obama 'firm believer' in press freedom. UN says: why not eat more insects?
From the Ron Gibson channel on YouTube :: David Knight interviews Dan Sullivan on an Audit from the IRS.
GiGi Erneta Nightly News Alert on IRS "targeting" scandal
On the May 15, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: House Bill Calls for IRS Hiring Freeze. Bipartisan Congressional Demand: Provide All Communications Between IRS and White House. Senate Dems Have as Much to Explain as the IRS. Eric Holder points finger at his DEPUTY. Obama 'firm believer' in press freedom. UN says: why not eat more insects?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 15 WE
Breaking the Set No. 166 -- 2013 May 15 WE
Documenting Police Brutality, Pure Food, Genocide Convictions, Hacking AP Journalists
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin looks over a few recent cases of police brutality, including the case of seven Kern County sheriff's deputies beating an unarmed man to death and confiscating footage of the beating from witnesses, as well as the case of California police breaking into a house while being filmed by the homeowners, and highlighting the importance of documenting police abuse and misconduct. Abby then talks to wife of former US Rep. Dennis Kucinich and director of the Center for Food Safety, Elizabeth Kucinich, about the US Senate's farm bill, the pure food movement, and the need to adopt better agricultural policies that will benefit American citizens. Abby then calls out the corporate press for their coverage of AP hacking scandal, pointing out how the US government routinely conducts this type of surveillance without the same type of media outcry.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin looks over a few recent cases of police brutality, including the case of seven Kern County sheriff's deputies beating an unarmed man to death and confiscating footage of the beating from witnesses, as well as the case of California police breaking into a house while being filmed by the homeowners, and highlighting the importance of documenting police abuse and misconduct. Abby then talks to wife of former US Rep. Dennis Kucinich and director of the Center for Food Safety, Elizabeth Kucinich, about the US Senate's farm bill, the pure food movement, and the need to adopt better agricultural policies that will benefit American citizens. Abby then calls out the corporate press for their coverage of AP hacking scandal, pointing out how the US government routinely conducts this type of surveillance without the same type of media outcry.
Guns and Butter -- 2013 May 15 WE
"Mobilize Now for Elizabeth Warren's Bill to Cut Student Loan Rates to 0.75%" with Webster Griffin Tarpley
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 15 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, May 15 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, Alex takes a closer look at the controversies engulfing the White House as details concerning the Benghazi attack, the IRS' targeting of Conservative groups and the Justice Department's AP phone tapping scandal begin to surface.
On today's show, Alex will detail the various crimes of the Obama administration, and his staff's bumbling attempts to cover them up by claiming ignorance. Alex also breaks down the emerging police state, as witnessed in a viral video shot in California, and why events like this will be the new normal in the Soviet States of America.
On today's show, Alex will detail the various crimes of the Obama administration, and his staff's bumbling attempts to cover them up by claiming ignorance. Alex also breaks down the emerging police state, as witnessed in a viral video shot in California, and why events like this will be the new normal in the Soviet States of America.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 14 TU
From :: On the May 14,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: The White House Says It Had No Idea The DOJ Seized The AP’s Phone Records. DRUDGE: Assume all communications being monitored. 'CIA agent intercepted' in Moscow by FSB. Exclusive: Shootings by Philly police soar as violent crime plummets. CIA Cannibal Eats Dead Syrian Soldier’s Heart. Women Deliver 2013 Conference Registration. Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Guilty of Murder in Late-Term Procedures. [sic]
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Beginning of the End of Bitcoin??
Surely this will be discussed in depth on tomorrow's Alex Jones Show, What Really Happened, et al..
From Mother Jones:
From Mother Jones:
And So It Begins: The Feds Target Bitcoin Transactions
In what may be the first move toward a federal shutdown of the wildly popular online currency known as Bitcoin, the Department of Homeland Security today issued an order that has restricted the transfer of funds in and out of Mt. Gox, the Bitcoin exchange that handles some 60 percent of the transactions.
A creation of bank-fearing techies, Bitcoins are now worth more than $1 billion, and consumer interest has been skyrocketing. For more background, read our Bitcoin explainer.
The DHS is focusing on Dwolla, an online payment system (sort of like PayPal) that has become a popular way for Bitcoin users to transfer money to and from Mt. Gox. A Dwolla spokesman confirmed to BetaBeat that DHS and the US District Court for the District of Maryland have issued a "seizure warrant" for funds associated with the company's Mt. Gox account, which is known as Mutum Sigillum.
"In light of the court order," Dwolla told BetaBeat, "...Dwolla has ceased all account services associated with Mutum Sigillum."
Breaking the Set No. 165 -- 2013 May 14 TU
Benghazi Hidden Truths, Israel's Narrative of Control, Pakistan Elections
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin breaks through the corporate fixation over Obama's rhetoric on Benghazi whilst ignoring the real scandal of the CIA's role in supporting al-Qaeda terrorists. Abby then talks to Noor Mir, anti-drone campaign coordinator for CODEPINK, about the Pakistan's elections, the future of the country, and the growing international opposition to US drone wars. Abby then calls out Washington DC's press museum the 'Newseum' for caving to pressure from Israeli groups, and recanting it's commemoration for two fallen Gazan journalists. BTS wraps up the show with in interview with Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, about Boston fusion centers dropping the ball on the Tsarnaev case, all the while focusing on the systematic spying of Occupy Wall Street protestors.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin breaks through the corporate fixation over Obama's rhetoric on Benghazi whilst ignoring the real scandal of the CIA's role in supporting al-Qaeda terrorists. Abby then talks to Noor Mir, anti-drone campaign coordinator for CODEPINK, about the Pakistan's elections, the future of the country, and the growing international opposition to US drone wars. Abby then calls out Washington DC's press museum the 'Newseum' for caving to pressure from Israeli groups, and recanting it's commemoration for two fallen Gazan journalists. BTS wraps up the show with in interview with Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, about Boston fusion centers dropping the ball on the Tsarnaev case, all the while focusing on the systematic spying of Occupy Wall Street protestors.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 14 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, May 14 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers Matt Drudge's warning about the Obama administration's "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into the practice of journalism in the United States.
Alex covers the unraveling of the Benghazi op and the IRS' attempt to intimidate Obama's political opposition, behavior that has led Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to declare that Obama is "drunk on power."
On today's broadcast, Alex talks with Jeffrey M. Smith, author of Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, an informative book available at the Infowars Store. Smith is also the author of Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating.
Alex covers the unraveling of the Benghazi op and the IRS' attempt to intimidate Obama's political opposition, behavior that has led Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to declare that Obama is "drunk on power."
On today's broadcast, Alex talks with Jeffrey M. Smith, author of Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, an informative book available at the Infowars Store. Smith is also the author of Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating.
The Keiser Report No. 444, "Decapitated Consumers" -- 2013 May 14 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss the brainless food of the future that is the consumer of today. From shopping for clothes to buying equities, consumers and investors ask not where the profits or discounts come from. In the second half, Max talks to Mark Campanale and Luke Sussams of about unburnable carbon, wasted capital and stranded assets.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 13 MO
From the web site :: On the May 13, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, News Covered: IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says. “political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement.,” IRS kept shifting targets in tax-exempt groups scrutiny: report. "Issues" criteria were also used, TIGTA found. Scrutiny was being given to references to "Government spending, Government debt, or taxes; Education of the public via advocacy/lobbying to 'make America a better place to live;' and Statements in the case file (that) criticize how the country is being run." Under these early criteria, more than 100 tax-exempt applications had been identified, according to TIGTA. Enemies List 2.0. Obama joked about auditing enemies in 2009 and was called on it by WSJ. Tax Audits Are No Laughing Matter A president shouldn't even joke about abusing IRS power. Issa: Hillary not a Target. Google-Berg: Global Elite Transforms Itself For Technocratic Revolution. Billionaires descend on Kiawah. Abolishing the 22nd Amend. Supreme Court sides with Monsanto in major patent case. March against Monsanto.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 13 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts
Petition to Stop GIRFEC in Scotland
US National ID system comes a step closer to reality
Gangsterism in Montreal
Creeping Ice Destroys Homes in Manitoba
Ice Sheet Creeps Ashore in Minnesota
Gore's Fear-Mongering is Very Profitable
MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts
Petition to Stop GIRFEC in Scotland
US National ID system comes a step closer to reality
Gangsterism in Montreal
Creeping Ice Destroys Homes in Manitoba
Ice Sheet Creeps Ashore in Minnesota
Gore's Fear-Mongering is Very Profitable
Breaking the Set No. 164 -- 2013 May 13 MO
Immanent Fiscal Abyss, Whitewashing History, Gitmo Torture Report
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Ellen Brown, president of the Public Banking Institute and author of Web of Debt, about the need for banking reform in the US and the dangers associated with adopting the Cyprus 'bail-in' model internationally. On the anniversary of the Mexican American War, Abby looks into the current immigration debate in the US, highlighting the fact that the entire south west of the United States was Mexico only 167 years ago. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, about the most recent findings regarding force-feeding prisoners at Gitmo, and the need to close down the detention facility.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Ellen Brown, president of the Public Banking Institute and author of Web of Debt, about the need for banking reform in the US and the dangers associated with adopting the Cyprus 'bail-in' model internationally. On the anniversary of the Mexican American War, Abby looks into the current immigration debate in the US, highlighting the fact that the entire south west of the United States was Mexico only 167 years ago. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, about the most recent findings regarding force-feeding prisoners at Gitmo, and the need to close down the detention facility.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 13 MO
From the Infowars web site :: The Monday, May 13 edition of The Alex Jones Show is a jam-packed Bilderberg exclusive with Prison editor Paul Joseph Watson reporting his latest findings and revelations following his trip to The Grove Hotel situated in Watford, Hertfordshire, UK. Paul relays key intel regarding the globalist confab's merger with Google, the ultimate Big Brother that makes George Orwell’s 1984 look like a children’s fairy tale.
On today's transmission, Alex welcomes digital privacy advocate and talk radio host Dr. Katherine Albrecht to explain Google's eerie role in erecting a massive spy network against the people.
Alex also invites comedian, actor and author of Hit List, Richard Belzer to examine the government's latest staged events, the Benghazi debacle and why another false flag terror event is likely in store for the near future.
On today's transmission, Alex welcomes digital privacy advocate and talk radio host Dr. Katherine Albrecht to explain Google's eerie role in erecting a massive spy network against the people.
Alex also invites comedian, actor and author of Hit List, Richard Belzer to examine the government's latest staged events, the Benghazi debacle and why another false flag terror event is likely in store for the near future.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Warm Up for Bilderberg Meeting at Island off South Carolina?
Word is that the 2013 meeting of the Bilderberg Group will be happening early next month at the Grove Hotel in Hertfordshire, near Watford, England.
But was a private meeting of various heavy-hitters this weekend in South Carolina part of a lead up to the big event in June?
From the WBTW CBS affiliate in Myrtle Beach, SC web site.
But was a private meeting of various heavy-hitters this weekend in South Carolina part of a lead up to the big event in June?
From the WBTW CBS affiliate in Myrtle Beach, SC web site.
WCBD confirmed ... American business magnate [Bill Gates] is at the Sanctuary on Kiawah Island.
Suspicion was raised when nearly 20 very expensive jets were seen lined up at the Charleston International Airport on Johns Island.
Officials with the Beach Company confirmed to WCBD that other big names such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, TV host Oprah Winfrey and Billionaire Warren Buffet flew into the Charleston Executive airport on Johns Island Wednesday night.
Other prominent people said to also be staying there this weekend are Jeb Bush and Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers.
The famous guests were attending a two day long conference led by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Officials say the meeting was about the foundation Gates and his wife Linda run.
The meeting rented out the entire Sanctuary Hotel on the gated island. Security has been high throughout the entire week, keeping the public away from the hotel.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 12 SU
From the Infowars web site :: On this Sunday, May 12 live transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the global crime syndicate's activities as growing numbers of people respond to brazen moves to impose a high-tech tyranny on humanity.
Alex looks at the far ranging implications of Benghazigate and what it portends for Obama, the politically motivated attempt by the Internal Revue Service to undermine the patriot movement, and the militarized police state reaction to homeschoolers and others deciding not to participate in the establishment's indoctrination prison system passing as public education.
Alex looks at the far ranging implications of Benghazigate and what it portends for Obama, the politically motivated attempt by the Internal Revue Service to undermine the patriot movement, and the militarized police state reaction to homeschoolers and others deciding not to participate in the establishment's indoctrination prison system passing as public education.
No Agenda -- episode 512, "Club Sub" -- 2013 May 12 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Obama Nation, 3D Printers, Benghazi, Agenda 21, Boston, Chemtrails, Shut Up Slave!, Cyber Wars, Drone Nation, Ministry of Truth, War on Crazy, EUROLand, Elite$, Syria, EQ Machine, Vaccine$... and much more.
Topics: Obama Nation, 3D Printers, Benghazi, Agenda 21, Boston, Chemtrails, Shut Up Slave!, Cyber Wars, Drone Nation, Ministry of Truth, War on Crazy, EUROLand, Elite$, Syria, EQ Machine, Vaccine$... and much more.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
The Keiser Report No. 443, "Virgin Bitcoin vs Old Hag Pound" -- 2013 May 11 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss the currency of an independent Scotland. Max argues that bitcoin will force the banking system to reinvent itself or die, for what can be more of an invisible hand but a cryptologically guarded, invisible currency. In the second half, Max talks to Glaswegian comedian, Frankie Boyle, about Scottish independence, Boris Johnson, the mainstream media, being semi-banned from the BBC and about George Osborne's Help to Buy housing scheme being like eating toilet tissue while trapped in a loveless marriage caused by negative equity.
World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley -- 2013 May 11 SA
Recorded yesterday; broadcast on GCN today.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 10 FR
Show description from
Friday: Nightly News.The Benghazi Con Examined. Status of GMO's in Our Food. Who Profits When They Take our Children?
On the May 10, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News,Lee Ann Mcadoo Interviews Jeffrey Smith on the Dangers of GMO and his documentary on GMO "Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives." News Covered: Top Ten Benghazi False Flag Facts Articles: Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order Top Ten Benghazi False Flag Facts Jon Bowne Special Report on Benghazi Government — Incompetent or Criminal? America's Roads Have Been Turned Into a Revenue Generating Surveillance Grid IRS Admits Harassing Patriot Groups Captive Michelle Knight was removed from the missing persons database 15 months after abduction Robert Steele on the business of child abduction Desc: From highway robbery and surveillance on our roads and selective harassment by the IRS of political groups to the failure to find 3 abducted girls for over a decade, the question becomes is government criminal or just incompetent. Media Watchdogs Don't Bark About Bank Fraud Article: ICAP - the Biggest Price Fixing Scandal Ever Desc: Like the dog that didn't bark in Sherlock Holmes' case, the media has remained strangely silent on the largest financial scam of all time — ICAP. It involves $379 Trillion worth of fraud, 100 times the size of the entire Federal government, yet mainstream media has given it virtually no coverage.
Friday: Nightly News.The Benghazi Con Examined. Status of GMO's in Our Food. Who Profits When They Take our Children?
On the May 10, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News,Lee Ann Mcadoo Interviews Jeffrey Smith on the Dangers of GMO and his documentary on GMO "Genetic Roulette: the Gamble of Our Lives." News Covered: Top Ten Benghazi False Flag Facts Articles: Congresswoman: Obama Gave Benghazi Stand Down Order Top Ten Benghazi False Flag Facts Jon Bowne Special Report on Benghazi Government — Incompetent or Criminal? America's Roads Have Been Turned Into a Revenue Generating Surveillance Grid IRS Admits Harassing Patriot Groups Captive Michelle Knight was removed from the missing persons database 15 months after abduction Robert Steele on the business of child abduction Desc: From highway robbery and surveillance on our roads and selective harassment by the IRS of political groups to the failure to find 3 abducted girls for over a decade, the question becomes is government criminal or just incompetent. Media Watchdogs Don't Bark About Bank Fraud Article: ICAP - the Biggest Price Fixing Scandal Ever Desc: Like the dog that didn't bark in Sherlock Holmes' case, the media has remained strangely silent on the largest financial scam of all time — ICAP. It involves $379 Trillion worth of fraud, 100 times the size of the entire Federal government, yet mainstream media has given it virtually no coverage.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 10 FR
Friday, May 10, 2013
Breaking the Set No. 163 -- 2013 May 10 FR
Syria Hypocrisy and Colonialist Wars, FBI Professional Cat Burglars, Golden State Rocks Out
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Eric Margolis, award-winning columnist and author, about the US's role in Afghanistan post 2014, hypocrisy over the war in Syria, and the US militaries evolution into colonialist wars. Abby then breaks down the nearly unbelievable tactics used by the FBI to bug homes, including sedating your pets, and staging traffic accidents, and putting up a giant replica of your home as a tarp. BTS wraps up the show with a brand new segment, 'Breaking the Stage', highlighting musical guest James Grundler of Golden State, who plays two featured songs, Bombs and Triumphant Return. [please watch music video below]
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Eric Margolis, award-winning columnist and author, about the US's role in Afghanistan post 2014, hypocrisy over the war in Syria, and the US militaries evolution into colonialist wars. Abby then breaks down the nearly unbelievable tactics used by the FBI to bug homes, including sedating your pets, and staging traffic accidents, and putting up a giant replica of your home as a tarp. BTS wraps up the show with a brand new segment, 'Breaking the Stage', highlighting musical guest James Grundler of Golden State, who plays two featured songs, Bombs and Triumphant Return. [please watch music video below]
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 10 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On this Friday, May 10 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the latest information and provides cutting edge analysis on the fast-moving and explosive Benghazigate story that threatens to take down the Obama administration. Alex examines what the cover-up will look like and what stunt Obama will pull to divert attention away from the criminal activity and murderous complicity of the government.
On today's show, Alex talks about Benghazi, false flags and other relevant topics with Holland Vandennieuwenhof, the writer and producer for A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995, a full-length documentary examining the Oklahoma City bombing.
I don't know why the show was described in this way. Holland was hosting the show throughout. Alex called in for about 17 minutes in the second hour.
On today's show, Alex talks about Benghazi, false flags and other relevant topics with Holland Vandennieuwenhof, the writer and producer for A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995, a full-length documentary examining the Oklahoma City bombing.
I don't know why the show was described in this way. Holland was hosting the show throughout. Alex called in for about 17 minutes in the second hour.
New World Next Week -- 2013 May 09 TH
Welcome back to - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
Syria Bombed, Hill Jailed, Zero Dark CIA
Syria Bombed, Hill Jailed, Zero Dark CIA
3d-Printable Gun Web Site Censored by Feds
From ::
On the Thursday, May 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, 3D printing guru Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed announced that the US Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance, Enforcement Division (DTCC/END) had sent him a letter requesting the group remove all data supposedly in violation of the Arms Export Control Act from public access immediately.But you can still get the files....
The letter, issued by the US Department of State, says:
“DTCC/END is conducting a review of technical data made publicly available by Defense Distributed through its 3D printing website,, the majority of which appear to be related to items in Category I of the USML. Defense Distributed may have released ITAR-controlled technical data without required prior authorization from the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), a violation of the ITAR.”USML stands for United States Munitions List, and ITAR stands for the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
According to the letter, “Pursuant to § 127.1 of the ITAR it is unlawful to export any defense article or technical data for which a license or written approval is required without first obtaining the required authorization from the DTCC. Please note that disclosing (including oral or visual disclosure) or transferring technical data to a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad, is considered an export under § 120.17 of the ITAR.”
Further in the letter, it lists the 3D printable gun files available through that the DTCC says violate the ITAR.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 09 TH
Show description from
Printable Gun Shut Down By Government
On the May 9,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson speaks with printable gun pioneer Cody Wilson about the State Departments demand that he cease operations immediately. News Covered: BREAKING: 3D printable gun ordered to shut down by government. Benghazi whistleblower: ‘I’ve been demoted’ for challenging Susan Rice’s claims. Melt Guns. Australian CCTV defeated. CNN anchors unsuccessfully try to pretend they are not in the same parking lot. Farmer Faces Jail for Feeding Community. Police Beat Wheelchair Man. David Knight report on Washington Police chief. Man Arrested for shooting toy guns with kids.
Printable Gun Shut Down By Government
On the May 9,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Jakari Jackson speaks with printable gun pioneer Cody Wilson about the State Departments demand that he cease operations immediately. News Covered: BREAKING: 3D printable gun ordered to shut down by government. Benghazi whistleblower: ‘I’ve been demoted’ for challenging Susan Rice’s claims. Melt Guns. Australian CCTV defeated. CNN anchors unsuccessfully try to pretend they are not in the same parking lot. Farmer Faces Jail for Feeding Community. Police Beat Wheelchair Man. David Knight report on Washington Police chief. Man Arrested for shooting toy guns with kids.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 09 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Queen's Speech Contains European Union Propaganda
The gravy train is low on gravy---Elon Musk's SolarCity Sues Government for More Subsidies
Britain faces Energy Crisis unless Ministers Abandon Green Policies
In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
Abolish the BBC
Queen's Speech Contains European Union Propaganda
The gravy train is low on gravy---Elon Musk's SolarCity Sues Government for More Subsidies
Britain faces Energy Crisis unless Ministers Abandon Green Policies
In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
Abolish the BBC
Breaking the Set No. 162 -- 2013 May 09 TH
Computer Age Philosophy, Supreme Court Kings and Queens, Green Friends and Foes
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jaron Lanier, computer scientist and author of the book 'Who Owns the Future?', about the future of automation and it's effects on society, along with what room is left for the human element in an information economy. Abby then highlights the people of Dryden, New York, as the day's heroes for their efforts to ban fracking in their town, siting the adverse effects on peoples' health and the environment, and calls out North Carolina republican state senator Bill Rabon, for consciously ignoring opposition to a bill that would gut the state's environmental standards, and pushing the bill through committee without counting votes. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the interests driving the decisions of US Supreme Court Justices, as well as profiling some of the most controversial members of the court. Abby then talks to BTS producer, Manuel Rapalo, about the current court and what landmark cases are coming up in 2013.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jaron Lanier, computer scientist and author of the book 'Who Owns the Future?', about the future of automation and it's effects on society, along with what room is left for the human element in an information economy. Abby then highlights the people of Dryden, New York, as the day's heroes for their efforts to ban fracking in their town, siting the adverse effects on peoples' health and the environment, and calls out North Carolina republican state senator Bill Rabon, for consciously ignoring opposition to a bill that would gut the state's environmental standards, and pushing the bill through committee without counting votes. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the interests driving the decisions of US Supreme Court Justices, as well as profiling some of the most controversial members of the court. Abby then talks to BTS producer, Manuel Rapalo, about the current court and what landmark cases are coming up in 2013.
No Agenda -- episode 511, "Warming Up to Iceland" -- 2013 May 09 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary.
Topics: Cyber Wars, War on Crazy, Benghazi, Obama Nation, Agenda 21, Shut Up Slave!, Slave Training, Wag the Dog, Syria, Elite$, Google Gestapo, Bank$ters, Mill-Indl-Cmpx, IED, Boston, Distraction of the Week, Gold, Vaccine$... and much more.
Topics: Cyber Wars, War on Crazy, Benghazi, Obama Nation, Agenda 21, Shut Up Slave!, Slave Training, Wag the Dog, Syria, Elite$, Google Gestapo, Bank$ters, Mill-Indl-Cmpx, IED, Boston, Distraction of the Week, Gold, Vaccine$... and much more.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 09 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, May 9 transmission of The Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to seek the truth behind the Benghazi debacle that left four Americans dead in Libya Sept 11, 2012, which the White House falsely claimed was fallout stemmed from an anti-Islamic YouTube video.
Accompanied by guests Lord Christopher Monckton and author and psychological warfare expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Alex also analyzes Israel's and the US' increased efforts to invade Syria by funding, aiding and arming so-called rebels, many of which are affiliated with the al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra.
Alex also welcomes Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Godfrey William Bloom to discuss the party's strong showing in the local elections.
Defense Distributed's Cody Wilson also pops in to speak about his group's development of the first fully 3D printed gun, the Liberator.
Accompanied by guests Lord Christopher Monckton and author and psychological warfare expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Alex also analyzes Israel's and the US' increased efforts to invade Syria by funding, aiding and arming so-called rebels, many of which are affiliated with the al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra.
Alex also welcomes Member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire and the Humber for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Godfrey William Bloom to discuss the party's strong showing in the local elections.
Defense Distributed's Cody Wilson also pops in to speak about his group's development of the first fully 3D printed gun, the Liberator.
The Keiser Report No. 442, "Strip Poker Charity, For Markets' Sake" -- 2013 May 09 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss the girl band cheering for quantitative easing and the former Bank of England economists charging George Osborne with deploying a 'reckless' Help to Buy housing scheme designed, they say, "to guarantee maximum damage to the UK's long-term growth prospects and its fragile credit rating." In the second half, Max talks to Pierre Jovanovic, the author of Blythe Masters, about the latest market manipulation scandal to hit JP Morgan and what it means for the future of Blythe Masters, the Head of Commodities at the bank.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 08 WE
From the web site :: On the May 8,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew speaks with Greg Von Haesler, a witness and victim of The Watertown Martial Law Drill. News Covered: Benghazi Testimony Highlights. Americans Convinced Gun Homicides Soar Despite Actual Plunge In Gun Crimes. Judge Orders Conspiracy Re-Education For Lauryn Hill. Texas House Blocks Federal Gun Control 102-31. Sen. Manchin: Background Checks “Expand Second Amendment”.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 08 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
App Taps "Well-being"
Newsman Turns Newswoman--"Mother Fed Him Female Hormones"
U.S. to give $100 million more for Syrian humanitarian aid
Chris Matthews and MSNBC: The Toilet Bowl of Broadcast Journalism
App Taps "Well-being"
Newsman Turns Newswoman--"Mother Fed Him Female Hormones"
U.S. to give $100 million more for Syrian humanitarian aid
Chris Matthews and MSNBC: The Toilet Bowl of Broadcast Journalism
Stefan Molyneux -- Iraq: A Decade of Hell
Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, presents a collection of information detailing the foundational lies, fraudulent claims, unaccountability, failure, environmental, economic and human costs of the decade long Iraq War.
As discussed on the most recent episode of RT's Breaking the Set.
As discussed on the most recent episode of RT's Breaking the Set.
Breaking the Set No. 161 -- 2013 May 08 WE
Iraq's Decade of Hell, State Death Distraction, CIA: Blank Check
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Stefan Molyneux, host of Free Domain Radio, about overlooked statistics regarding the Iraq war, citing his online presentation titled 'Iraq: A Decade of Hell'. Abby then calls out the corporate media for their disproportionate coverage of the case of three kidnapped girls in Cleveland, and the Benghazi hearings, while avoiding the case of a Mississippi man who is facing execution while the state refuses to see DNA evidence that could exonerate him. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Mark Mazzetti, author and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, about CIA has evolved into taking on the role of targeted assassinations and shadow wars.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Stefan Molyneux, host of Free Domain Radio, about overlooked statistics regarding the Iraq war, citing his online presentation titled 'Iraq: A Decade of Hell'. Abby then calls out the corporate media for their disproportionate coverage of the case of three kidnapped girls in Cleveland, and the Benghazi hearings, while avoiding the case of a Mississippi man who is facing execution while the state refuses to see DNA evidence that could exonerate him. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Mark Mazzetti, author and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, about CIA has evolved into taking on the role of targeted assassinations and shadow wars.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2013 May 08 WE
Sorry for the delay in getting this posted.
Guns and Butter -- 2013 May 08 WE
There is no evidence to be found on KPFA's web site that an episode of Guns and Butter aired today. Occasionally there will be a broadcast, but the site is not updated until the next day, so I will check back.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 08 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, May 8 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the prospect of the United States military intervening in Syria by the end of summer. He also covers the latest efforts in Congress to reanimate gun legislation.
On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex covers Google's effort to scare visitors away from and Drudge with GCN talk show host Katherine Albrecht. She is coauthor of Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move.
Also on today's broadcast, Jeffrey M. Smith talks about new research on Roundup and the latest news on the scourge of GMO. Jeffrey is the author of Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating, available at the Infowars Store. He has produced the DVD presentation Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, also available at the Infowars Store.
Jeffrey Smith did not appear. No mention was made of his absence that I heard.
On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex covers Google's effort to scare visitors away from and Drudge with GCN talk show host Katherine Albrecht. She is coauthor of Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move.
Also on today's broadcast, Jeffrey M. Smith talks about new research on Roundup and the latest news on the scourge of GMO. Jeffrey is the author of Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating, available at the Infowars Store. He has produced the DVD presentation Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, also available at the Infowars Store.
Jeffrey Smith did not appear. No mention was made of his absence that I heard.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2013 May 07 TU
Show description from :: On the May 7,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Infowars sat down with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Professor Griff, Minister of Information for Public Enemy. He discusses a wide range of topics including Obama, Lamestream Media, and where we are heading as the elite continue their agenda towards world domination. News Covered: Danger! Google Warns Drudge Report and are Malware. Drudge Report accused of serving malware, again. Did Google Get Off Easy With $7 Million ‘Wi-Spy’ Settlement? Court Rules NSA Doesn't Have To Reveal Its Semi-Secret Relationship With Google. Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA. Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google. Eyewitnesses: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Did Not Shoot Boston Cop. Report: Legalizing illegal immigrants to cost $6.3 trillion. Police Confirm Bilderberg 2013 to Take Place in Watford, UK.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2013 May 07 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
CIA Selects New Head of Clandestine Service
Soros At It Again---Speculation Causes Dollar Slide
China Buying Up Australian Property
CIA Selects New Head of Clandestine Service
Soros At It Again---Speculation Causes Dollar Slide
China Buying Up Australian Property
Breaking the Set No. 160 -- 2013 May 07 TU
BP: Criminality Immunity, Iraq's Unstable Future, Comic Journalism, NYPD International Crusade
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about BP's license to pollute, highlighting irresponsible practices that have led to massive oil spill and resulted in only minor penalties against the company. All the while, BP receives new government contracts and is reporting record profits. Abby then talks to Edmund Gahreeb, author and American University professor, about the recent wave of deadly attacks in Iraq in the wake of provincial elections, and what the hardening of sectarian lines might mean for the future of the country. Abby then talks to 'Comic Journalist', Dan Archer, about what it means to blend art and journalism to raise awareness of human rights issues in Nepal and elsewhere. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the NYPD's overstepping of their jurisdiction, where police are given the authority to pursue criminals internationally, like in the case of the NYPD operating in the Philippines.
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about BP's license to pollute, highlighting irresponsible practices that have led to massive oil spill and resulted in only minor penalties against the company. All the while, BP receives new government contracts and is reporting record profits. Abby then talks to Edmund Gahreeb, author and American University professor, about the recent wave of deadly attacks in Iraq in the wake of provincial elections, and what the hardening of sectarian lines might mean for the future of the country. Abby then talks to 'Comic Journalist', Dan Archer, about what it means to blend art and journalism to raise awareness of human rights issues in Nepal and elsewhere. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the NYPD's overstepping of their jurisdiction, where police are given the authority to pursue criminals internationally, like in the case of the NYPD operating in the Philippines.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2013 May 07 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, May 7 broadcast of The Alex Jones Show, Alex takes a closer look at why Google Chrome is labeling Infowars and malware, and breaks down why it is more likely that Western backed rebels, not the Syrian government, are deploying chemical weapons.
Alex continues analyzing a proposed armed march on Washington D.C. and the implications it could have, and examines eyewitness reports regarding the Boston bombings stating police may have shot their own in a friendly fire incident.
On today's show, Alex welcomes William Gheen of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC to discuss why it's vital to the globalist agenda to erode national borders.
Alex continues analyzing a proposed armed march on Washington D.C. and the implications it could have, and examines eyewitness reports regarding the Boston bombings stating police may have shot their own in a friendly fire incident.
On today's show, Alex welcomes William Gheen of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC to discuss why it's vital to the globalist agenda to erode national borders.
The Keiser Report No. 441, "Suicide Sacrifice to God of Market" -- 2013 May 07 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss that feeling you get when you've blown your life savings on a carnival game and all you have to show for it is a stuffed banana with dreadlocks and how the entire global financial system is not too dissimilar. They also note that those blowing their life savings on a rigged game, or stock market, always seem to turn to doubling down in a vain attempt to win back all that they lost. In the second half, Max talks to the author of Paper Money Collapse, Detlev Schlichter of, about ECB policy, the gold battle between Chinese housewives and Wall Street.
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