Saturday, June 30, 2012
The Keiser Report No. 308 -- 2012 June 30 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss 'big boys' and carding crimes, marmite pots and Olympic has-beens, wash trades and perfect games. In the second half of the show Max talks to former commodities analyst and blogger, Michael Krieger, about the meaning of the escalating and blatant financial crime wave.
The Pirate Bay is Down -- 2012 June 30 SA
As is the norm in such instances, it may be for a few hours or for a few days. I thought that posting this notice would be better than tacking on the end of each upload that I was unable to upload that torrent to TPB.
I found this acknowledgement at the finally-working-once-again support forum at
I found this acknowledgement at the finally-working-once-again support forum at
On the Edge with Max Keiser -- 2012 June 29 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max interviews Catherine Austin Fitts from She talks about the multiple debt plans; bailouts and funding facilities, attempting to hold the Euro zone together. Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report, managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 29 FR
No description for this webcast is posted at
Host: Darrin McBreen
Guest: Leslie Manookian [] re vaccines
Alex announces the male winner of the Infowars reporter contest
Host: Darrin McBreen
Guest: Leslie Manookian [] re vaccines
Alex announces the male winner of the Infowars reporter contest
Friday, June 29, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 29 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
New Zealand and Mental Testing of all Children
Canada, Experts and HIV Scare
God Bless America Movie Trailer--Culture Industry and Weaponization of All that is Base
Another Solar Manufacturer Bites the Dust
New Zealand and Mental Testing of all Children
Canada, Experts and HIV Scare
God Bless America Movie Trailer--Culture Industry and Weaponization of All that is Base
Another Solar Manufacturer Bites the Dust
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 29 FR
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks, gain normalized, tags added, playlist file created
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 29 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, June 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about Obamacare, the betrayal of the Constitution, and calls for nullification by the states in response to the Supreme Court ruling legitimizing the legislation.
Not listed in the web site's description, Alex's guest in 4th hour overDrive is Mayne Madsen with Fast & Furious news.
Guests on today's show: historian and author Webster Tarpley and Frank Serpico.
Tarpley is the author of several books, including Obama: The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History.
Serpico is a retired American New York City Police Department officer who is known for testifying against police corruption in 1971. He is the co-author of Serpico: The Classic Story of the Cop Who Couldn't Be Bought.
Not listed in the web site's description, Alex's guest in 4th hour overDrive is Mayne Madsen with Fast & Furious news.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 28 TH
No description for this webcast available at
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: Joel Gilbert [Dreams of my Real Father]; Joel Wallach [vaccines]
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: Joel Gilbert [Dreams of my Real Father]; Joel Wallach [vaccines]
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 28 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
GM Babies Born
Forced Sterilization Lawsuits Go On inside USA
Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Overhaul
Guilty until Proven Innocent
GM Babies Born
Forced Sterilization Lawsuits Go On inside USA
Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Overhaul
Guilty until Proven Innocent
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 28 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks, gain normalized, tags added, playlist file created
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
No Agenda -- episode 421, "Don't Be Nosey" -- 2012 June 28 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: EURO2012, EUROLand, Bank$trs, Gitmo Nation, Fast & Furious & More, Poppie$tan, War on Weed, Zombies/BathSalts, War on Hookers, Iran, Syria, Egypt, The Brotherhood, Drone Nation, Agenda 21, War on Health, F-Russia, Follow the Pipes, War on Chicken, Vaccine$... and much more.
The Keiser Report No. 307 -- 2012 June 28 TH
This time Max and Stacy demand the big banks prove they are not dead by removing the life support systems, especially cufflinky Jamie Dimon's Too-Big-To-Fail bank. In the second half of the show Max talks to Professor Steve Keen about the wages being negatively related to the level of interest rates and debt.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 28 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, June 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the Supreme Court's Obamacare decision, its implications for the Constitution and the furtherance of tyranny in America.
In addition to the Supreme Court's treason, Alex talks with Lee Hazeldean, a pseudonym for an undercover journalist who has blown the lid off the police state security arrangements put in place for the 2012 Olympics in London.
No Obama Care For Me
I don't do Facebook. Well, I did create a page there a couple of years ago and posted on it once. That it still exists (to the best of my knowledge) is a testament to how difficult Zuckerberg and company make it to delete an account.
I did join the relatively new Infowars social-networking site, on the first day it was out in beta. So far I don't regret it, though I'm not what most would call a "social" person. Part of what I enjoy about it are the "groups." Any member can create a group, based on location, specific interests, or particular issues. The discussions within those groups can be quite good.
A very recent creation was a group named "NO OBAMACARE FOR ME!!!" Its stated purpose is to be: "A place for those who will refuse to be part of that system. And to discuss strategies for working against/around that system."
My most recent post there:
I did join the relatively new Infowars social-networking site, on the first day it was out in beta. So far I don't regret it, though I'm not what most would call a "social" person. Part of what I enjoy about it are the "groups." Any member can create a group, based on location, specific interests, or particular issues. The discussions within those groups can be quite good.
A very recent creation was a group named "NO OBAMACARE FOR ME!!!" Its stated purpose is to be: "A place for those who will refuse to be part of that system. And to discuss strategies for working against/around that system."
My most recent post there:
The sad fact is that even among the huge majority of the populace who oppose this abomination, in the end most will grumble, but go ahead and comply and conform like good little slaves. In the aftermath of today’s SCOTUS announcement, I recalled a line from one of my favorite movies, Serenity — "No more runnin’. I aim to misbehave."If you haven't joined Planet Infowars, please consider doing so if only for this group.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 27 WE
Webcast description from --
On this June 27, 2012 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. Aaron Dykes speaks with Washington Blog's Carl Herman about the Secret Government slush funds hidden in plain view.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 27 WE
Guns and Butter -- 2012 June 27 WE
"At the Crossroads of the Most Serious Economic Crisis in World History," with Michel Chossudovsky.
History of the financial crisis from the early 1980s to the present; economic dimensions of the global crisis; naked short selling; market manipulation; speculative activity; derivatives; solutions to the crisis the cause of further collapse; privatization; government policies; bankruptcies; debt and social breakdown; grassroots organizing; Occupy Wall Street; Ad Busters; CANVAS-OTPOR; Anonymous
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 27 WE
Mike's wife, Claire, visits during the first half of the second hour today.
In the first half of the third hour Mike's guest is Bev Harris of
In the first half of the third hour Mike's guest is Bev Harris of
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 27 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, June 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Leslie Manookian, writer and producer of the award winning film The Greater Good, a documentary that questions government vaccination policies. The film is now available on DVD at the Infowars Store. Manookian was a successful Wall Street business executive who once worked for Goldman Sachs before turning to films.
Alex also runs down the latest news, including an admission by the Pentagon that putting troops on the streets of America is illegal.
He also covers the globalist engineered war against Syria where rebels financed and trained by Western intelligence agencies are now ransacking Christian churches.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 26 TU
Webcast description from --
On this June 26, 2012 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones speaks with Gerald Celente about the impending need for a second American Revolution.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 26 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Fraud Ring Hacking Banks
Million Dollar Fine for Displaying anti-Carbon Tax Poster--Australia
Medication Shortages in UK National Health System Due to Exporting them to Other EU Countries
Maurice Strong Lauds Chinese Communist Governmental Model as the Model State for the World
Fraud Ring Hacking Banks
Million Dollar Fine for Displaying anti-Carbon Tax Poster--Australia
Medication Shortages in UK National Health System Due to Exporting them to Other EU Countries
Maurice Strong Lauds Chinese Communist Governmental Model as the Model State for the World
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 26 TU
From the Infowars web site :: Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan talks with Alex in an explosive taped interview. Corgan and Jones cover a variety of issues, from the police state to GMO and more.
Alex also talks with actor, author, former professional wrestler and the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura. Alex and Ventura talk about TSA whistleblowers, the disintegration of republic and his new book, DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans.
The Keiser Report No. 306 -- 2012 June 26 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss the world looking for people looking for economic salvation in gold, the Eurozone and emerging markets and ask "what kind of stupid people put precious money into messy banks?" In the second half of the show Max talks to former market maker and newsletter writer, Rick Ackerman, about inflation, deflation, the euro and the student loan market.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 25 MO
First webcast after the one week "pit stop." No description of this webcast posted at
Host: Paul Joseph Watson
Guest: Douglas J. Hagmann
Host: Paul Joseph Watson
Guest: Douglas J. Hagmann
"Cyanide Grass" is not GMO
Monday the Infowars media machine was still reporting this story as GMO.
James Corbett sets the record straight.
James Corbett sets the record straight.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 25 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Green Crowd Delusions
RIO Goals Planned Years Ago
RIO Goals
Children, Schools and Photography
Green Crowd Delusions
RIO Goals Planned Years Ago
RIO Goals
Children, Schools and Photography
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 25 MO
Show notes from RBN --
Michael focuses on agriculture and medical industries with some mention of wartime propaganda and strategies. Later he discusses attempts by internet and computing giants to shore up their income and clean up their services, as all economies struggle to squeeze cash flow out of a dwindling supply. He also provides more updates on war technology, space exploration, and Middle Eastern politics.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 25 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, June 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the firestorm that has ensued following the placement of Army troops and combat vehicles on the streets of St. Louis, Missouri. The corporate media is now praising the act as a response to crime and are featuring propaganda of residents who approve of the brazen move that flies in the face of warnings by the founders against standing armies and tyranny.
Alex also talks with anti-Agenda 21 and smart meter opponent activist Deborah Tavares.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 24 SU
The 2 hour Sunday show is typically a review of the past week's news and a look forward to the coming week's events. The Infowars web site describes today's broadcast as follows.
Alex also covers the latest in geo-political news, including the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power in Egypt, the tensions leading towards war in Syria, the rapidly escalating use of drones on the homefront and more.
Today on this LIVE Sunday edition, Alex Jones takes your calls and covers breaking news, including the latest case of mutating GMO crops where Tifton 85 grass 'suddenly mutated', according to reports, and killed dozens of cattle in the Central Texas area by somehow producing cyanide gas. This bizarre and tragic case is only part of the larger GMO attack -- a covert bio-weapon that has been unleashed upon the earth to infiltrate the entire food chain, kill off billions, wreck havoc on natural species and enable the takeover of life by a few.
No Agenda -- episode 420, "The Data Hole" -- 2012 June 24 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: Bank$ters, False Flag, EUROLand, EURO 2012, NWO, Ministry of Truth, War on Weed, War on Hookers, Iran, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Syria/Turkey, Follow the Pipes, Nude Dudes, AFRICOM, Agenda 21, Gitmo Nation, Cultural Marxism, Shut Up Slave!, Drone Nation, Vaccine$, Elite$... and much more.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
The Keiser Report No. 305 -- 2012 June 23 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss smashed watermelon and dead rat collateral and the fraud flow of a less than zero balance sheet. In the second half of the show Max talks to economist, Constantin Gurdgiev, about intergalactic bailout bonds to the rescue and other crazy ideas to solve the global debt catastrophe and the significance of the gold collateral to Germany's idea of a European Redemption Fund.
On the Edge with Max Keiser -- 2012 June 22 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max interviews Greg Hunter from He talks about the European debt crisis and the impact of Euro collapse on US economy. Greg is the producer and creator of Greg Hunter's The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on." The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 22 FR
This is the final episode of the second Infowars Nightly News "pit-stop" this year [the first one was for two weeks in March]. The show is scheduled to return to regular programming on Monday, June 25.
Tonight's show focuses on various movie reviews/deconstructions that Alex has done, including most recently the upcoming new Batman movie.
Tonight's show focuses on various movie reviews/deconstructions that Alex has done, including most recently the upcoming new Batman movie.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 22 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Canada--Canadian Security Intelligence Service Re-Writes Lexicon to Distinguish between Terrorist, Sympathizer, Supporter
Fed's Holdings of U.S. Debt Jumped 452%
Nigel Farage says E.U. Bailouts Scheme is Just One Big Banking Ponzi Scheme
Tracking Got Easier
Canada--Canadian Security Intelligence Service Re-Writes Lexicon to Distinguish between Terrorist, Sympathizer, Supporter
Fed's Holdings of U.S. Debt Jumped 452%
Nigel Farage says E.U. Bailouts Scheme is Just One Big Banking Ponzi Scheme
Tracking Got Easier
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 22 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, June 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Lord Monckton and Marc Morano who are covering the United Nations' Rio+20 earth summit on the globalists' version of sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Morano edits the Climate Deport website and Monckton is a British politician who has spoken out vociferously on the debunked theory of man-made climate change.
Alex also talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama's real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years.
Alex also covers the fact that the EPA long ago developed drone spy planes to surveil American farmers and ranchers. A report posted on was widely panned as bogus by the establishment media.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 21 TH
No description of this webcast is posted at
Friday is the final day of the Nightly News "pit stop." The regular show resumes Monday, June 25th.
Friday is the final day of the Nightly News "pit stop." The regular show resumes Monday, June 25th.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 21 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Moody's Downgrades Major Banks
Shell Applauds Carbon Tax and states His Company will Have to Import Foreign Workers to Stay Competitive--Australia
The Signs and Symptoms of the Fall of the National Health Service
Transgender Activism in UK Schools
Olympic Starter Pistol Banned--Gunfire Might Frighten Children
Moody's Downgrades Major Banks
Shell Applauds Carbon Tax and states His Company will Have to Import Foreign Workers to Stay Competitive--Australia
The Signs and Symptoms of the Fall of the National Health Service
Transgender Activism in UK Schools
Olympic Starter Pistol Banned--Gunfire Might Frighten Children
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 21 TH
In the first 80 percent of the third hour of today's show, Mike talks with Don Wiskin, creator of XtendOvite [one of the sponsors of What Really Happened]. Yes, it was more or less an "infomercial."
No Agenda -- episode 419, "Degrowth" -- 2012 June 21 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: Drone Nation, PedoBear, G20, EUROLand, NWO, Syria, Egypt, Elite$, Agenda 21, AFRICOM, MKULTRA, New Silk Road (Belarus), Nukes, Techno Experts, War on Weed, EURO2012, Gitmo Nation Jewelry, Vaccines... and much more.
The Keiser Report No. 304 -- 2012 June 21 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss economic Jack and the Beanstalk style miracles that look a whole lot like simple ponzi schemes that Lilliputian financial journalists fail to report. In the second half of the show Max talks to Satyajit Das, author of Extreme Money, about the European debt crisis, how much longer Germany can stay solvent and whether German banks would have survived if the Irish taxpayer had not bailed them out in the first place.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 21 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, June 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with David Icke. David is a former BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party. He is the author of 19 books, including Remember Who You Are: Remember 'Where' You Are and Where You 'Come' from, Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More and And the Truth Shall Set You Free: The 21st Century Edition. Alex also runs down Obama's claim of executive privilege for his crony, Eric Holder at the Justice Department, and other important and breaking news, including a racist campaign by the elite to divide and conquer.
Though not mentioned in the web site's description, Marc Morano of Climate Depot is on with Alex from the UN "Earth Summit" in Rio during the last half-hour of the show.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 21 TH
Jack's show dropped from the stream around the mid-point of hour one. I continued recording in case he returned later, as has happened at least once. Instead, if you want to listen you'll hear pieces of various podcasts that the stream administrators used to fill in so that there was not an hour and a half of dead air.
This is my final upload of The Jack Blood Show. Read the blog post below for an explanation of why I am dropping it.
This is my final upload of The Jack Blood Show. Read the blog post below for an explanation of why I am dropping it.
Jack Blood Show - DCMA Takedown
Yesterday, on this blog and on Twitter, I called attention to the fact that The Jack Blood Show was running commercials.
Since beginning his show on the No Agenda Stream, Jack has frequently done product endorsements, most often of EnerFoods. But yesterday it was four full-blown commercials. I don't know if it was done because yesterday's show was a rebroadcast of a show from a week earlier, or if the decision was made to simply start slipping them in now and then. I was curious to see how today's show was going to go, but Jack dropped out of the stream fairly early during the first hour of his time slot.
The reason I made mention of the commercials is that this action seemed to go completely against what No Agenda stands for, and it IS their network/stream. Plus, I have heard Jack remark, "so much for value-for-value," at times when he would be complaining about not receiving enough donations.
But the point of this post is to disclose that today I received notice from that they had been presented with a DCMA take-down notice for the file that is the Jack Blood Show of yesterday.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 20 WE
No description of this webcast posted on
No host.
The show opens with a text message saying the show is doing a "pit stop" this week and that this episode will be some of "Alex's most hard-hitting YouTube videos."
No host.
The show opens with a text message saying the show is doing a "pit stop" this week and that this episode will be some of "Alex's most hard-hitting YouTube videos."
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 20 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Austerity and Latvia Success Story
US and Israel Developed Flame
Doing its Bit for Depopulation and Austerity--UN Sustainability Award--The National Health Service Kills off 130,000 Elderly Patients Every Year
Scotland--Independent but Interdependent--Orwellian, Eh?
Victory in Vaccine Related Autism
Europe to See Retirement Income Plummeting
Austerity and Latvia Success Story
US and Israel Developed Flame
Doing its Bit for Depopulation and Austerity--UN Sustainability Award--The National Health Service Kills off 130,000 Elderly Patients Every Year
Scotland--Independent but Interdependent--Orwellian, Eh?
Victory in Vaccine Related Autism
Europe to See Retirement Income Plummeting
Guns and Butter -- 2012 June 20 WE
"9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out - Final Edition Premiere," with Richard Gage.
Scientific forensic evidence of controlled demolition of both World Trade Center Twin Towers, as well as Building 7, on September 11th, 2001; the broad geopolitical and domestic political implications of this scientific evidence; its significance in terms of the institutions and legal framework that has evolved in its wake; the wars these events have spawned. As well, the psychological impediments to incorporating this evidence into our worldview, and testimony from survivors and families of those who perished.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 20 WE
From the Infowars web site :: Alex talks with Marc Morano of the Climate Depot website on the Wednesday, June 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Morano is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as the man-made climate change secretariats convene under the globalist umbrella of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and Earth Summit 2012.
[NOTE: Marc Morano was scheduled, but did not appear due to communication problems.]
Alex also covers important news stories of the day, including the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, Rubio's vetting by the Bilderbergers as Romney's running mate, and Ron Paul's assertion that he will not support the establishment Republican choice to run against his ideological cousin fronted by the Democrats.
[NOTE: Marc Morano was scheduled, but did not appear due to communication problems.]
Alex also covers important news stories of the day, including the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, Rubio's vetting by the Bilderbergers as Romney's running mate, and Ron Paul's assertion that he will not support the establishment Republican choice to run against his ideological cousin fronted by the Democrats.
Alex also talks with radio host Mancow Muller on today's worldwide transmission.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 20 WE
Today Jack is gone again. This is a replay of his Wednesday, June 13th show. The only difference is that today he ran 4 commercials at the end of the first hour. Commercials begin at 1:02:06. The Jack Blood show is apparently the only show on the No Agenda Stream that is exempt from following Adam and John's "value for value" business model.
Guest: Cindy Sheehan.
Guest: Cindy Sheehan.
Ron Paul vs. US Military Action in Syria -- 2012 June 19 TU
Congressman Paul's speech yesterday on the floor of the House.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 19 TU
No description of this webcast posted on
No host.
The show opens with a text message saying the show is doing a "pit stop" this week and that this episode will be some of "Alex's most hard-hitting YouTube videos."
No host.
The show opens with a text message saying the show is doing a "pit stop" this week and that this episode will be some of "Alex's most hard-hitting YouTube videos."
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 19 TU
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 19 TU
Show notes from RBN ::
JPM[organ] Privately Panicking Over Muni's: Unfunded Pension Liabilities Now $4 TRILLION!; Greek government will be forced to seek third bail-out; Negotiators make last ditch effort to break deadlock in Iran talks; Obama, Putin give off chilly body language in the heat of Mexico's coast; Obama State Department set to cede oil-rich Alaska islands to Russia; McCain urges U.S.-led air war in Syria; Kissinger headlines Romney event; Confronting the American People: Thousands of military drones to be deployed over US mainland; Portland man goes naked during TSA search Protesting Harassment; Five dead in new escalation on Israel - Gaza - egypt border; THE COLOR PURPLE ~~ AGAINST RACISM THEN AND NOW; CIA's Hacktivists May Have Had Access to Flame and Stuxnet; Not Christian Enough? Job Seeker Sues Company for Asking When He Was 'Saved'; Rodney King Dead at 47; 20 Percent of Teens Partake in 'Sexting': Should They Face Charges?; CNN: Alleged Epidemic Of Child Sex Abuse In Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Communities; Planned obsolesence is becoming ubiquitous. Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 19 TU
From the Infowars web site :: On the Tuesday, June 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Russian ex-patriot and Bilderberg researcher and author Daniel Estulin about the last Bilderberg confab in Virginia and the agenda devised in secrecy for humanity by the global elite. Estulin is the author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.
Alex also talks about an 89 year old WWII combat veteran who is being thrown out of his house in Montana. Officialdom is also demanding Warren C. Bodeker exhume his wife's body that is buried on his land.
The Keiser Report No. 303 -- 2012 June 19 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss whether elites are failures and losers or whether they are acting in show trials while wearing Presidential seals of approval. They also review Bloomberg's lawsuit seeking evidence of tacit collusion between the EU and Greece regarding Goldman Sachs' swap deals to hide its debt. In the second half of the show Max talks to economist, professor and Member of Parliament in Tunisia, Moncef Cheikhrouhou, about building real economies so that the next generation will inherit olive trees not debts.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 19 TU
Problems with the stream at the beginning of the fisrt hour and in the middle of the second hour.
Today's guest (hour 2) was Larry Pinkney of
Today's guest (hour 2) was Larry Pinkney of
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 June 18 MO
No description posted for this webcast on
Aaron Dykes introduces this episode by announcing that Infowars Nightly News will be taking another "pit-stop" this week, and invites viewers to enjoy "some vintage Alex Jones reports."
Aaron Dykes introduces this episode by announcing that Infowars Nightly News will be taking another "pit-stop" this week, and invites viewers to enjoy "some vintage Alex Jones reports."
Monday, June 18, 2012
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 18 MO
Mike's show return to its previous time slot as of today, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Central time (ostensibly because of listener unhappiness with the 11-2:00 timeslot].
In the third hour today, Mike talks with Bill Still -- journalist, former newspaper editor and publisher, best-selling author and award-winning documentary filmmaker [The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz].
In the third hour today, Mike talks with Bill Still -- journalist, former newspaper editor and publisher, best-selling author and award-winning documentary filmmaker [The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz].
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 18 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, June 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about Obama's increasingly dictatorial moves to bypass Congress and the American people through executive orders and a bloated federal bureaucracy. He also talks about the Greek elections and the continuing slide of a debt-ridden and bankrupt eurozone into the economic abyss as the globalists take down economies and phase in their world government dictatorship.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 17 SU
The 2 hour Sunday show is typically a review of the past week's news and a look forward to the coming week's events. The Infowars web site describes today's broadcast as follows.
On this Sunday, June 17 Father's Day Special edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Ron Paul's congressional chief of staff, Lew Rockwell, about Rand Paul's endorsement of Mitt Romney. He also talks with the former Governor of Minnesota and host of the TruTV show Conspiracy Theory, Jesse Ventura, about his new book and the move toward war waged against Syria. Alex talks about the nuclear reactor beneath the LBJ Library on the University of Texas campus and nuclear waste that is said to be dumped and sealed in limestone caves located in what was once the outskirts of Austin, according to an inside source. Finally, Alex features his video covering the Global Future 2045 International Congress and the transhumanist singularity agenda.
On this Sunday, June 17 Father's Day Special edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Ron Paul's congressional chief of staff, Lew Rockwell, about Rand Paul's endorsement of Mitt Romney. He also talks with the former Governor of Minnesota and host of the TruTV show Conspiracy Theory, Jesse Ventura, about his new book and the move toward war waged against Syria. Alex talks about the nuclear reactor beneath the LBJ Library on the University of Texas campus and nuclear waste that is said to be dumped and sealed in limestone caves located in what was once the outskirts of Austin, according to an inside source. Finally, Alex features his video covering the Global Future 2045 International Congress and the transhumanist singularity agenda.
Today's broadcast consists of previously aired material with "bumper commentary" recorded by Alex on Friday evening.
No Agenda -- episode 418, "Oryx Burgers!" -- 2012 June 17 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: EUROLand, EURO 2012, Syria, Russia, Denier, Oryx, Aschluss, Agenda 21, Scampaign, Zombies/Cannibals, CyberWars, Bath Salts, Drone Nation, Elite$, Meme PR, Gitmo Jewelry, EQ Machines, Vaccine$... and much more.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Weather -- 2012 June 16 SA
Thunderstorms moving in. I'm shutting the computer down for a little while... hopefully not too long. Maybe we'll get lucky for once and there will not be a power outage this time. *fingers crossed*
Update: Well, we dodged the bullet on that one. Watched some ferocious lightning strikes to the north of us, but thankfully all we received was a little rain.
The Keiser Report No. 302 -- 2012 June 16 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss Libor traders who rigged global interest rate market escaping charges while Iceland sentences bankers to four year prison terms. At the same time, Iceland's central bank is raising interest rates to deal with a growing economy while Western bankster-riddled economies prepare for another round of money printing to deal with all the fraud. In the second half of the show Max talks to Brett Scott about financial activism, a Wikileaks for finance and collaboration with hedge funds.
On the Edge with Max Keiser -- 2012 June 15 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max interviews Nomi Prins from It is the size of a bank holding company's deposits that dictates the extent of the risk it takes, risk 'models' not withstanding: the more deposits, the more risk, the more potential loss. And the more access to other people's money, the greater the gambling incentive. The largest banks hold deposits (people's deposits) hostage in the global game of financial warfare. Related access to capital and bailouts are enabling weaponry in the fight for worldwide institutional supremacy.
Prison Planet Membership
My membership expires Thursday, June 21st, which has somewhat (as we say in the South) "snuck up on me."
If you find value in the work this blog represents, and if you find yourself both willing and able to donate a few dollars in support of this work, it would (as always) be deeply appreciated. Thank you.
If you find value in the work this blog represents, and if you find yourself both willing and able to donate a few dollars in support of this work, it would (as always) be deeply appreciated. Thank you.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 15 FR
There is no description of this webcast posted at
Host: Alex Jones
Guest: James Wesley Rawles []
Host: Alex Jones
Guest: James Wesley Rawles []
Friday, June 15, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 15 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Canadians Threatened with Job Loss for Criticizing Government
China and Forced Abortion--The UN Model State for the World
China--Family Planning Came in and Forced Abortion on Mother
School Lunches--Scotland is Already in Training
Silicone Injections and How Not to Make an Ass of Yourself
Bath Salts Again
Canadians Threatened with Job Loss for Criticizing Government
China and Forced Abortion--The UN Model State for the World
China--Family Planning Came in and Forced Abortion on Mother
School Lunches--Scotland is Already in Training
Silicone Injections and How Not to Make an Ass of Yourself
Bath Salts Again
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 15 FR
From the Infowars web site :: On the Friday, June 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with British politician, former newspaper editor, and ardent critic of the theory of man-made global warming, Lord Christopher Monckton. He has been described by the establishment press as a "euroskeptic" for his opposition to a centralized and bureaucratic European Union.
Alex also talks about the breaking story of the nuclear reactor beneath the LBJ library in Austin and radioactive material stored in nearby limestone caves.
He also covers other important news, including the ongoing Rand Paul Romney endorsement fiasco and new developments in moves toward an attack on Syria.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 15 FR
Show notes from RBN ::
U.S. to stop deporting younger illegal immigrants.
Central banks ready to combat Greek market storm.
The global addiction of central banking stimulus - Contagion spreads to Spain as 10-year edges to 7 percent.
Life in a perpetual quantitative easing world.
Fear of a dollar collapse will make the Chinese the biggest buyers of gold this year. U.S. Revises Comments on Russian Helicopters Going to Syria.
Expelling diplomats undermines Vienna convention, endangers Americans.
Russia Will Confront any US-led Attack on Syria: Webster Tarpley.
Scientists' seek to set world social, economic, tech policy at Rio+20.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 14 TH
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks, gain normalized, tags added, playlist file created
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 13 WE
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks, gain normalized, tags added, playlist file created
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 15 FR
No guests today, some phone problems, but overall a much more glitch-free show than yesterday.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 14 TH
Webcast description posted on --
On this June 14, 2012 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Darrin McBreen speaks with Rosalind Peterson of The Agriculture Defense Coalition about the transformation of our skies by the rising drone presence.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 14 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
CFR and its Mexican Branch which is Hosting the G-20 in Los Lobos on June 18-20th
Ban Ki Moon says "Model of Consumption Dead"--Envisions World of Forced Environmental Labour
World's Biggest Telescope to be Built costing 880 Million Pounds
Vaccine for Compliance and Docility
CFR and its Mexican Branch which is Hosting the G-20 in Los Lobos on June 18-20th
Ban Ki Moon says "Model of Consumption Dead"--Envisions World of Forced Environmental Labour
World's Biggest Telescope to be Built costing 880 Million Pounds
Vaccine for Compliance and Docility
Thursday, June 14, 2012
No Agenda -- episode 417, "Cyber 9/11" -- 2012 June 14 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: Bath Salts, Scampaign, Drone Nation, EURO2012, EUROLand, Ron Paul MIA, Zombies, F-Russia, Syria, War on Sugar, War on Chicken, Bank$ters, CyberWars, Nukes, Agenda 21, AFRICOM, NWO, RFID, Gitmo Jewelry, Vaccine$... and much more.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 14 TH
Jack's shows on Thursdays are typically abbreviated by about 15 minutes, to make room for the No Agenda pre-show. Today, however, the show was much shorter than usual.
The show did not come on the stream until about an hour and 20 minutes into his time slot. According to Jack's remarks at that point, he began the show by playing about 45 minutes of "killer music," followed by a half-hour discussion of UFOs, interrupted by the realization that he was not "on the air."
The show did not come on the stream until about an hour and 20 minutes into his time slot. According to Jack's remarks at that point, he began the show by playing about 45 minutes of "killer music," followed by a half-hour discussion of UFOs, interrupted by the realization that he was not "on the air."
The Keiser Report No. 301 -- 2012 June 14 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss the european short change con in which debt and debt facilities are created and swapped at ever increasing speeds in order to defraud the population. In the second half of the show Max talks to economist Yanis Varoufakis about the ponzi austerity screwing Europeans right down to the ground with more debt.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 14 TH
From the Infowars web site :: Alex talks with Lew Rockwell and Gary Johnson on the Thursday, June 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Lew Rockwell is an anarcho-capitalist, the president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the editor of, and former Ron Paul congressional chief of staff from 1978 to 1982. He is the author of numerous books, including Speaking of Liberty and The Left, The Right and The State. Gary Johnson is a businessman, a former Governor of New Mexico, and the Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election.
Alex continues his exploration of the Rand and Ron Paul firestorm sweeping the patriot movement and also covers other important news stories.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 13 WE
From the Infowars web site :: On the Wednesday, June 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest developments on the engineered implosion of the global economy as the embattled eurozone heads for economic Armageddon with Spain and Italy begging for bankster handouts.
Alex also talks about the betrayal of Rand Paul as the senator from Kentucky attempts to merge the liberty movement with the establishment Republican Party.
Alex confronts multiple aspects of the emerging police state -- from TSA pedophiles gone wild to new surveillance technology....
Blog Misc -- 2012 June 14 TH
I don't know if this even bears mentioning anymore, but we just had another power outage. As such things go, this one was rather minor, lasting for well under an hour. For whatever reason it was not until nearly 15 minutes after the electricity came back on that network access (and cable tv) was restored.
The odd thing is that there's hardly a cloud in the sky and weather radar shows no thunderstorm activity within at least 50 miles of us. Oh well, at least it is all back on now, but will it go again in 5 minutes or 5 hours. I'm pretty certain it will be less than 5 days.
The odd thing is that there's hardly a cloud in the sky and weather radar shows no thunderstorm activity within at least 50 miles of us. Oh well, at least it is all back on now, but will it go again in 5 minutes or 5 hours. I'm pretty certain it will be less than 5 days.
Guns and Butter -- 2012 June 13 WE
"US NATO Humanitarian Intervention In Syria: Toward A Regional War?" with Michel Chossudovsky.
What the destabilization of Syria is really about; the Responsibility To Protect (R2P); the rebels, who they are, who supports and trains them and where; the Free Syrian Army; the role of the United Nations; the Islamization of the Middle East as an intelligence operation; the role of Israel; the effect of sanctions; media disinformation.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 13 WE
No description of this webcast posted on
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: Lloyd Chapman, Chuck Baldwin
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: Lloyd Chapman, Chuck Baldwin
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 13 WE
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Luka Magnotta (Newman) --Murder Video Shown to Students--Teacher Suspended
My, Oh My, Politicos have Just Discovered Society is Perverted by Culture Industry---without Mentioning Culture Industry
Dutch Child Sex Ring
Mobile App. Skout Dating Shut Down after Rape Cases Alleged
US Wants Drones in South America
Luka Magnotta (Newman) --Murder Video Shown to Students--Teacher Suspended
My, Oh My, Politicos have Just Discovered Society is Perverted by Culture Industry---without Mentioning Culture Industry
Dutch Child Sex Ring
Mobile App. Skout Dating Shut Down after Rape Cases Alleged
US Wants Drones in South America
Peter Schiff + Rand Paul
Peter Schiff spends eighteen minutes and eight seconds lobbing softball questions and non-questions to help Rand Paul discuss how important he is, and how the idea that anyone would turn on him for his Romney endorsement "is just ridiculous."
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 12 TU
No description posted for this webcast on
Host: Aaron Dykes
Guest: Adam Kokesh
Host: Aaron Dykes
Guest: Adam Kokesh
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Weather, Again!
We have enjoyed almost 72 hours without a power outage, and that may well be about as much as we are going to get.
I just saw a "breaking news" weather report on a local Houston channel that described a group of storms that are headed toward us: "heavy rain, some quarter-sized hail, wind gusts of up to 60 mph, and an extreme amount of lightning."
Apparently we can expect the leading edge to hit us in 45 minutes to an hour. I will very shortly be shutting down this computer and unplugging devices from the wall. I want to seed the What Really Happened torrent that I just uploaded for as long as I can, but we've "dodged the bullet" a lot of times in the past week and I don't want to take more chances. I will be back online when I can.
Wow, just heard the first rumble of thunder.
I just saw a "breaking news" weather report on a local Houston channel that described a group of storms that are headed toward us: "heavy rain, some quarter-sized hail, wind gusts of up to 60 mph, and an extreme amount of lightning."
Apparently we can expect the leading edge to hit us in 45 minutes to an hour. I will very shortly be shutting down this computer and unplugging devices from the wall. I want to seed the What Really Happened torrent that I just uploaded for as long as I can, but we've "dodged the bullet" a lot of times in the past week and I don't want to take more chances. I will be back online when I can.
Wow, just heard the first rumble of thunder.
UPDATE :: 12:55 p.m., Wednesday 13 June
In northern Arkansas we could count on having an ice storm almost every year, that would have us living without electricity for a day or two (if we were lucky). Houston doesn't have ice storms, but they certainly do have thunderstorms and the power grid in our little suburb is especially vulnerable to them. We have experienced power outages during 5 of the last 7 days!
We lost power most recently at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday afternoon and it wasn't restored until almost 11:00 last night. Once the electricity was back on, I immediately found that I had no internet connection (and no cable TV). Thankfully, both came back just a little while ago as I was eating lunch.
There is a chance for similar storms again, late this afternoon, but I am trying to not think about that right now.
My sincere thanks to those who helped seed when I was unable to do so, and to everyone for your patience.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 12 TU
Micheal's guest in the third hour is John Stadtmiller, founder of Republic Broadcasting Network and host of the M-F show, The National Intel Report.
Show notes from RBN --
Show notes from RBN --
Graduation Misspelled On Nevada High Schools Diplomas. The Spailout Has ALREADY Failed ... Before the Ink Has Even Dried. Gold Deposits Of USD 1 Billion To Be Collected By Turkish Bank. Residency Of 240,000 Palestinians Revoked By Israel Since 1967. U.S. Secret Service buys 26 devices to identify and collect wireless communication data. New York wants to ban online anonymity. US predicts another Houla-style massacre in Syria. Pentagon to deploy pint-sized but lethal Switchblade drones. John Stadtmiller also joins Michael in the third hour to discuss the importance of investing in Gold.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 12 TU
From the Infowars web site :: Jesse Ventura joins Alex on the Tuesday, June 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Ventura’s lawsuit against Navy SEAL Chris Kyle over Kyle’s claims that he punched Ventura in a bar for insulting a dead U.S. soldier has gone to court, with Ventura receiving the backing of several prominent former SEALs who affirm the incident never happened. Jesse is a former SEAL and served as the governor of Minnesota from January 4, 1999, to January 6, 2003. He is the author of several books, including his latest, DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans....
Alex also covers the latest news and continues coverage of Rand Paul's move into the Republican establishment.
The Keiser Report No. 300 -- 2012 June 12 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss hot potatoes, big fish, counterfeit collateral and a stealth British default. In the second half of the show Max talks to Charles Hugh Smith of about austerity death spirals and phantom wealth.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 12 TU
No new show today. Instead, a replay of the show from Thursday of last week (June 7). If you missed that show, the links I posted that day should all still be valid.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 11 MO
No description for this webcast is posted at
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: Jon Rappaport; also Patrick Henningsen talks with William F. Engdahl at the Financial Terrorism conference in London
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: Jon Rappaport; also Patrick Henningsen talks with William F. Engdahl at the Financial Terrorism conference in London
Monday, June 11, 2012
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Crowdsourcing--From Undergraduates as Lab Rats to the "Hive Mind"
Australian Preschoolers to get Mental Health Checks
Preschool Mental Health Checks--Brisbane
Scottish Toddlers to be Tested under Mental Health Scheme
Bioethicist and Eugenicist Peter Singer tops Queen's Honours
Dead Baby--Big Business
Crowdsourcing--From Undergraduates as Lab Rats to the "Hive Mind"
Australian Preschoolers to get Mental Health Checks
Preschool Mental Health Checks--Brisbane
Scottish Toddlers to be Tested under Mental Health Scheme
Bioethicist and Eugenicist Peter Singer tops Queen's Honours
Dead Baby--Big Business
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 11 MO
Show notes from RBN --
The Arrogance and Failure of News Media. House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King (R-NY): Drones `carry out the policies of righteousness and goodness'. Debt crisis: Barack Obama demands action as leaders ponder Spanish bank rescue. Top Customer: Under Obama, Fed's Holdings of U.S. Debt Have Jumped 452%. Labor Department backs off plan forcing reporters to use government-issued computers. Greek anger as Spain is handed 100bn bailout with NO need for austerity measures... and world markets bounce back. $125 Billion Bank Bailout Announcement Sparks Massive Protests In Spain. REPORT: ITALIAN BANK DECLARES `HOLIDAY'. Moody's threatens to downgrade Germany if Greece leaves Euro. Facebook flotation may have cost UBS $350m. Killed Al Qaeda #2 (again) returns alive (again). Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial defaced. Rumored attack on the USS Enterprise - Did Israel just try a repeat of the attack on the USS Liberty? Why Obama Will Free Jonathan Pollard. US suspects Israel hid extent of spying: ex-envoy. Peres in NY before Meetings at Pentagon, White House. Vatican, Israel to sign economic agreement. Prosecutors investigate Vatican Bank mafia link. Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus - report. Warning: Possible NATO-FSA False Flag Attack in Syria. Report: Syrian Rebels Responsible for Houla Massacre. US Has Hired Terrorists To Topple Syria. The IAEA and Parchin: do the claims add up? Apple 'spy planes' to film homes from the air - The Telegraph. Jews Face Special Risks, Napolitano Says. Coalition battle brewing as email monitoring powers to be unveiled this week - The Telegraph. Paper ballots return to Alexandria. Flame and Stuxnet makers 'co-operated' on code. Kyodo: 1,300 people file criminal complaint against Japan gov't officials and Tepco execs -- Haruki Madarame, 32 others accused. Another Bogus "Study" Claims Irradiating TSA Body Scanners Are Safe.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 11 MO
From the Infowars web site :: On the Monday, June 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues coverage of the Rand Paul fiasco. He also covers the latest news, including serious developments as Russia moves out of the way and permits the possibility of an attack launched by the West on the Assad regime in Syria. Obama has told the Navy and Air Force to prepare air strikes on Syria as part of a “no fly zone” that will be enforced with the aid of British and French military power, according to a report. Alex covers other stories, including a new study that claims the TSA's irradiating naked body porno scanners are safe. He also talks about the United Nations' dream of a transhumanist future.
Author and political analyst Webster Tarpley drops in for a report on the Paul imbroglio and the impending attack on Syria.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 11 MO
No guests today; a couple of calls; fair amount of discussion about Ron and Rand Paul.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 10 SU
The 2 hour Sunday show is typically a review of the past week's news and a look forward to the coming week's events. The Infowars web site describes today's broadcast as follows.
Today on this LIVE Sunday, June 10 edition, Alex will open up the phones to your calls and give a special report on the Ron Paul / Rand Paul firestorm that has swelled into controversy. Alex will analyze the coordinated timing between Senator Rand Paul's endorsement of Mitt Romney for president and Congressman Ron Paul's announcement that he is conceding his delegates at the Tampa, Florida RNC convention and asking his supporters to "be respectful" rather than revolt against the party machinery.
No Agenda -- episode 416, "Datapalooza" -- 2012 June 10 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: EURO 2012, Agenda 21, Ron Paul, Ministry of Truth, FnF, War on Sugar, War on Data, Scampaign, Shadow Puppet Theater, CyberWars, Bullies, EARon, Drone Nation, The Kill List, EUROLand, Zombies, Nukes, Follow the Pipes, Vaccine$... and much more.

Saturday, June 9, 2012
The Keiser Report No. 299 -- 2012 June 09 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss 'wash trades,' debt crises and the speculation on JP Morgan's growing debt problem in London. In the second half of the show Max talks to Pierre Jovanovic of about JP Morgan 'firing' the Vatican, whether or not Jamie Dimon will last the year and what the future holds for French bonds.
On the Edge with Max Keiser -- 2012 June 08 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Maxinterviews Warren Pollock from He talks about the global banking crisis and the systemic fraud in the international banking system. Warren Pollock is a former Wall Street executive and a financial blogger.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 08 FR
There is no description for this webcast posted at
Recent unexpected statements/actions by Ron and Rand Paul dominate this night's show.
Recent unexpected statements/actions by Ron and Rand Paul dominate this night's show.
The Schiff Report -- 2012 June 08 FR
Mr. Schiff Returns to Washington
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
Does Washington have the American taxpayers' interests as their top priority? Watch as lobbyists drown out your voice and Peter fights the tide.
Peter shows clips from his recent testimony before a Congressional subcommittee for the Oversight of Federal Housing Administration's Multifamily Insurance Programs. This is some good stuff.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 08 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Porn Industry Hard Hit
Casual Workers in Melbourne Required to Wear Micro-chipped Armbands
Chips for Children
Another Medical Con for "Therapeutic Abortions"
Genetic Screening of Unborn Babies may be Inaccurate
Porn Industry Hard Hit
Casual Workers in Melbourne Required to Wear Micro-chipped Armbands
Chips for Children
Another Medical Con for "Therapeutic Abortions"
Genetic Screening of Unborn Babies may be Inaccurate
Friday, June 8, 2012
Looking for a Steam-Powered Computer
About an hour (so far) tonight. About a half hour last night... well, starting at about 12:40 a.m. Something like three hours the night before. I am very tired of power outages.
We need rain, very much. The drought conditions are not as bad as they were this time last year, but we are going in that direction. And we DID get a decent rain last night. I suppose if I have to sacrifice an hour or two of electricity for an inch or so of rain, that might be a fair trade. What is not fair is occurrences like tonight and night-before-last when we had significant power outages in exchange for a mere trace of rain.
Alright, enough complaining. If the power stays on, I should have Alan Watt's show uploaded before long.
We need rain, very much. The drought conditions are not as bad as they were this time last year, but we are going in that direction. And we DID get a decent rain last night. I suppose if I have to sacrifice an hour or two of electricity for an inch or so of rain, that might be a fair trade. What is not fair is occurrences like tonight and night-before-last when we had significant power outages in exchange for a mere trace of rain.
Alright, enough complaining. If the power stays on, I should have Alan Watt's show uploaded before long.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 08 FR
In the second hour today, Michael has a moving conversation with Phillip Tourney and James Morris about the attack on the USS Liberty 45 years ago today.
files separated at hour and half-hour breaks, gain normalized, tags added, playlist file created
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
source credit: capture and original edit by zapoper
audio: 32 kbps, 22 kHz
Torrent cache links:--
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Netkups link:
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 08 FR
From the Infowars web site :: Special Report Friday, June 8: Alex covers Rand Paul's official endorsement of Mitt Romney. Has Ron Paul officially conceded? Alex will give breaking analysis and take your calls.
Then, Lord Christopher Monckton reports from Hawaii on the latest environmental power grabs and Obama's birth certificate.
Then, Lord Christopher Monckton reports from Hawaii on the latest environmental power grabs and Obama's birth certificate.
Torrent cache links:--
Magnet links:
File host links:
Netkups link:
For traditional torrent download, use or choose the bit torrent option at the Netkups link.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 08 FR
Today is the second of two days focusing on the attack by Israel on the USS Liberty, that happened 45 years ago this week.
In the first hour Jack discusses Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney last night on the Hannity show.
Jack's guest in the second hour is Jeff Gates. He's described on as --
In the first hour Jack discusses Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney last night on the Hannity show.
Jack's guest in the second hour is Jeff Gates. He's described on as --
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 07 TH
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
The Carbon Con and Slick Farm Co2 Measurements
Ontario Canada---Ministry of Natural Resources Outsourcing Canadian Hunter and Fishing Licencing to Private U.S. Company
U.S. Company Issues Canadian Fishing and Hunting Licences
Merkel Urges Complete Political and Financial Union
The Carbon Con and Slick Farm Co2 Measurements
Ontario Canada---Ministry of Natural Resources Outsourcing Canadian Hunter and Fishing Licencing to Private U.S. Company
U.S. Company Issues Canadian Fishing and Hunting Licences
Merkel Urges Complete Political and Financial Union
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 07 TH
No description of this webcast posted at
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: investigative journalist, Patrick Henningsen; Russia Today reporter, Abby Martin
Host: Alex Jones
Guests: investigative journalist, Patrick Henningsen; Russia Today reporter, Abby Martin
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 07 TH
Micheal's guest in the third hour is Ron Kukal, a survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty 45 years ago this week.
No Agenda -- episode 415, "Om the Dome" -- 2012 June 07 TH
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: EUROLand, Elite$, False Flag, Scampaign, Drone Nation, Shut Up Slave!, Psy-Ops, Bullying, F Russian, Syrian Scam, Tasty Gitmo Snacks, Agenda 21, Chemtrails, Cyber Wars, Haiti, Bank$ters, Zombies, Nukes, War on Drugs... and much more.

Thursday, June 7, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 07 TH
From the Infowars web site :: On the Thursday, June 7th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex returns to his studio in Austin, TX after a triumphant trip to Chantilly, Virginia where he helped shed further light on the secretive Bilderberg group during their 2012 conference. He illuminates the inherent euthanasia death cult agenda put forth by elitists and Time magazine's recent cover, illustrating the New World Order's brazen confidence in their own agenda. He touches on the profound impact and damage to the globalist agenda that news coverage from Infowars and other alternative media outlets have helped to accomplish. He also further breaks down the importance of the leaked Bilderberg documents obtained exclusively by Infowars.
The Corbett Report Radio No. 148 - Remembering Bob Chapman -- June 06 WE
Tonight on the broadcast we remember the life, legacy and remarkable career of Bob Chapman, a dear friend of The Corbett Report who touched the lives of people around the world.
Weather Again?
I'm hearing a lot of fairly near-sounding thunder right now. Online radar at Weather Underground shows some strong but relatively small storms in the area. Losing power two nights in a row would just be too much, so I am going to ignore it for the present.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 07 TH
Today is the first of two days focusing on the attack by Israel on the USS Liberty, that happened 45 years ago this week. Jack's guest is Phillip Tourney, a USS Liberty survivor and author of What I Saw That Day.
The Keiser Report No. 298 -- 2012 June 07 TH
This time Max and Stacy discuss shamed, naive and unsustainable ponzis and the UK's Metropolitan Police's Total War on Economic Crime (or at least that committed by the bottom 99%). In the second half of the show Max talks to Mitch Feierstein, hedge fund manager and author of Planet Ponzi, about global ponzi schemes, asymmetric hedging and whether or not hedge funds do any 'good.'
Guns and Butter -- 2012 June 06 WE
"The World Mobilizes Against the Bankers: Wisconsin Recall, Syriza Party in Greece, Michele Ruggiero in Italy," with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 06 WE
No description for this webcast posted at
Host: Darrin McBreen
Guests: musician and Ron Paul supporter, Jordan Page; investigative journalist, Patrick Henningsen
Host: Darrin McBreen
Guests: musician and Ron Paul supporter, Jordan Page; investigative journalist, Patrick Henningsen
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 06 WE
Michael's guest in the third hour is Richard L. "Larry" Weaver, survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, 45 years ago this week.
Show notes from RBN ::
Show notes from RBN ::
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker survives bitterly fought recall election.
Voter-suppressing robo-calls reported in Wisconsin recall.
How Republicans Are Preventing Thousands Of Wisconsin Students From Voting Today.
GAME ON: The Best Fed Source In The World Says QEIII Is Now On The Table.
Moodys Downgrades Six German Bank Groups, And Their Subsidiaries, By Up To Three Notches.
S&P Says 1 in 3 Chance Greece Will Exit Eurozone.
The dark financial clouds engulfing Europe.
Playing Catch-Up
Today is a new day. I have both electricity and air-conditioning! I also have a tremendous amount of catching up to do. Thursday is always my busiest day here, and today doubly so.
So, here we go.
So, here we go.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Power Problems
Our electricity has been on and (mostly) off about a half dozen times in the last few hours. Earlier we had a little thunder and a tiny amount of rain, but there are no storms in the immediate area now. Still, the power has been intermittent. If/when things settle down I will do what I can to finish the day's usual uploads.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 06 WE
From the Infowars web site :: Exclusive Bilderberg Breaking News: Alex Jones and co-host Aaron Dykes cover important Bilderberg leaks on the Wednesday, June 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Alex talks with Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton who received information revealing that Republican presidential selectee Mitt Romney secretly attended the globalist confab last weekend as other past presidential nominees have, including Obama and Bill Clinton. Alex also talks with Jon Corbett of the TSA Out of Our Pants blog about the ongoing criminal activities of the government's grope-and-radiate agency.
Aaron Dykes does a 4th hour overDrive of about 30 minutes.
Aaron Dykes does a 4th hour overDrive of about 30 minutes.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 06 WE
Jack's guest in the second hour today is Wayne Costa, talking about his efforts to bring Achitects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth information to the annual Netroots gathering.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 05 TU
No description for this webcast posted at
Host: Rob Dew
Guest: Mike Adams, on Rawsome Foods' continuing legal battles
The program ends with a tribute to the late Bob Chapman and replaying part of a conversation he had with Alex Jones in April of this year.
Host: Rob Dew
Guest: Mike Adams, on Rawsome Foods' continuing legal battles
The program ends with a tribute to the late Bob Chapman and replaying part of a conversation he had with Alex Jones in April of this year.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 05 TU
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Bill C-38 Canada--Some Portions
Bill C-38 Complete
Blackwater and CIA
Cocaine and Banks
Bill C-38 Canada--Some Portions
Bill C-38 Complete
Blackwater and CIA
Cocaine and Banks
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 05 TU
From the Infowars web site :: Noted radio and television host John B. Wells guest hosts the Alex Jones Show today, Tuesday, June 5. Alex co-hosts today's show from the road via video Skype as he works his way back to Texas from the 2012 Bilderberg confab in Virginia. Wells is heard on radio and television stations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and South America, and is one of the world's most recognized voice artists. He talks with Theresa Dale, Ph.D., about the effects of Fukushima radiation, and Craig B Hulet, an expert on government policy, international relations, and terrorism. Mr. Hulet will talk about the NDAA.
An Update on Bob Chapman's Status
This is John Stadtmiller speaking yesterday on The National Intel Report (RBN), a radio show on which Bob has been a regular guest.
The news is not good.
UPDATE. Bob Chapman has died. Read his obituary here.
The news is not good.
UPDATE. Bob Chapman has died. Read his obituary here.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 05 TU
No guests today, but Jack takes calls for the first time (on this new show), including one from "Mr. Oil" of Oil's Crude Show which is also on the No Agenda network.
Keeping Warm
Well, about an hour or so ago our air-conditioner died, again. It is currently 94 outside and the mid-afternoon high will be a degree or two above that.
No idea whether anyone will be out to work on it today. Getting sticky.
No idea whether anyone will be out to work on it today. Getting sticky.
The Keiser Report No. 297 -- 2012 June 05 TU
This time Max and Stacy discuss all hell breaking loose as an electronics chain store stockpiles security shutters, capital flees Greece (and Spain) and Max proposes a love market. In the second half of the show Max talks to Detlev Schlichter, author of Paper Money Collapse, about the euro, the drachma, the dollar and gold.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 04 MO
No description for this webcast posted on
Host: Paul Joseph Watson
Top stories and a Bilderberg retrospective.
Host: Paul Joseph Watson
Top stories and a Bilderberg retrospective.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 04 MO
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
Australia---Remove Toxic Teeth to Save the Planet
Magnotta Arrested in Berlin
Name-Change Tricks of Newman/Magnotta
Psychopath Eric Clinton Newman/Luka Rocco Magnotta's Candid Boastful Interview
Australia---Remove Toxic Teeth to Save the Planet
Magnotta Arrested in Berlin
Name-Change Tricks of Newman/Magnotta
Psychopath Eric Clinton Newman/Luka Rocco Magnotta's Candid Boastful Interview
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 04 MO
This was Mike's first day in his new time slot. His guest in the third hour was Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, Ret., a candidate for Congress in Virgina.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 04 MO
From the Infowars web site :: Alex co-hosts with a breakdown of events and important developments at the Bilderberg confab over the weekend while Mike Adams mans the mike in Austin.
Mike talks with author Jim Marrs and James Yeager, the CEO of Tactical Response and Tactical Response Gear.
The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 04 MO
No guests today. Jack critiques the weekend's Bilderberg protests and sheds some light on the Clinton Global Initiative.
The Schiff Report -- 2012 June 01 FR
The latest entry in Peter Schiff's video blog.
Reality Bites - A Look Behind the Dismal Economic Data
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 03 SU
The 2 hour Sunday show is typically a review of the past week's news and a look forward to the coming week's events. The Infowars web site describes today's broadcast as follows.
On this Sunday, June 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex files a report from Chantilly, Virginia, where the Bilderberg meeting is wrapping up. This year's event drew a large number of activists and protesters opposed to the global agenda promulgated by the elite, including carbon taxes, the continued crash of the world economy, and endless wars of bankster conquest. Alex provides a run-down of events and what we can expect from the global elite now that they have concluded another confab held in America prior to an election.
No Agenda -- episode 414, "Thingamajig" -- 2012 June 03 SU
The usual eclectic mix of politics and culture, news and commentary. Topics: PR, Cyber War$, ITU, Arab $pring, Follow The Pipes, Nukes, Syria, Scampaign, Pedo Bear, LOST, War on Sugar, Elite$, MIC, Shadow Puppet Theater, Zombies, Drone Nation, Gay Gate, Vaccine$... and much more.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The Keiser Report No. 296 -- 2012 June 02 SA
This time Max and Stacy discuss the plankton of accounting fraud welcoming Jamie Dimon to the club. In the second half of the show Max talks to Simon Rose of about the price of money and the central planning of the Bank of England
On the Edge with Max Keiser -- 2012 June 01 FR
In this edition of On the Edge, Max interviews Dan Collins from Dan talks about the US-China financial relations and draws a sharp contrast between the two economic systems. Dan is the Founder/Editor of He is an MBA graduate of Rutgers University. He got his BA degree in economics from Michigan State University and was an exchange student at Tsinghua University in Beijing in the 1990's. Dan is also a contributing author to publications such as Financial Sense and The China Business Herald. He is a frequent guest on financial television programs such as The Keiser Report as well as radio shows like the Schiff Report.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 Jume 01 FR
No description for this webcast posted at
Hosts: Darrin McBreen and Rob Dew
Guest: From Virginia, Alex talks with IRS whistleblower and activist Joe Banister
Hosts: Darrin McBreen and Rob Dew
Guest: From Virginia, Alex talks with IRS whistleblower and activist Joe Banister
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt -- 2012 June 01 FR
Alan's links to stories discussed in this show:
DCDC Strategic Trends 2007-2036 report
Australia to Become Chinese Empire's Food Bowl
Truth about Bilderbergers--How Elite Manage Their Planet
DCDC Strategic Trends 2007-2036 report
Australia to Become Chinese Empire's Food Bowl
Truth about Bilderbergers--How Elite Manage Their Planet
Friday, June 1, 2012
Uploading Breakthrough -- 2012 June 01 FR
It required installing and using the Opera web browser [I've been perfectly happy with Pale Moon for over two years], but it appears that I can upload to Demonoid once again for the first time in about five days!
I just successfully uploaded today's Mike Rivero show there.
I just successfully uploaded today's Mike Rivero show there.
What Really Happened with Michael Rivero -- 2012 June 01 FR
Show notes from RBN ::
Swedish 'summer' kicks off with June snow;
Jon Stewart puts on his Sayan hat and urges war with Syria;
First interview with an eyewitness of the Houla massacre;
Dow, Nasdaq Worst Month In Two Years;
The 86 million invisible unemployed;The Jack Blood Show -- 2012 June 01 FR
I did not record this morning's Jack Blood show, and it appears that my main go-to (zapoper) did not either. Since it will be sometime tomorrow at best before a recording shows up in the archives at Jack's web site [], I have searched for some version that I could share today.
I found this at the conspiracy-oriented torrent tracker Its uploader warned that there is about a 4 minute gap beginning about 6 minutes into the show. I have not edited anything out, so that it may remain as intact as possible.
Audio quality is 32 kbps, 22 Hz. Run time is 1:55:42.
I found this at the conspiracy-oriented torrent tracker Its uploader warned that there is about a 4 minute gap beginning about 6 minutes into the show. I have not edited anything out, so that it may remain as intact as possible.
Audio quality is 32 kbps, 22 Hz. Run time is 1:55:42.
The Alex Jones Show -- 2012 June 01 FR
From the Infowars web site :: June 1: On the second day of the Bilderberg confab, Alex and the Infowars crew continue their coverage of the global elite plotting our future from behind closed doors in Chantilly, Virginia. Alex covers a raft of breaking and important news, including a Bilderberger death wish for Ron Paul, the arrest of activists for the unpardonable crime of exercising the First Amendment in public by photographing participants as they arrived in limos, and the debate underway if the next hand-picked presidential selectee will be Obama or his supposed rival Mitt Romney.
Infowars Nightly News -- 2012 May 31 TH
No description of this webcast posted at
Host: Mike Adams
Guest: Don Tolman, "the whole food medicine cowboy" []
Host: Mike Adams
Guest: Don Tolman, "the whole food medicine cowboy" []
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